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129668642211406250_21Zhang Wei was ordinary employees of a State-owned real estate company in Beijing. His circle of friends, is the real estate sector Beijing, including the total Group, bbmg Corporation and Beijing urban construction group. A chance meeting at the end of last month, Zhang Wei heard this year ahead of the year-end prize. "At first, I do not believe it, I will do a dozen years, every year is the time to a week before the Spring Festival on the money to the account. ”However, the news quickly recognized. "Last reached out diablo 3 gold, all State-owned enterprises of Beijing municipality, also has districts and counties of the State-owned enterprises this year bonuses must be made in advance diablo 3 gold, it was all, some said to be the first mover 80% than ever before to more than two months in advance, really good.  "Zhang Wei says. According to a Beijing State-owned enterprise senior said, this is the Beijing Government's behest, requiring BeijingAll municipal districts and counties of State-owned enterprises and State-owned enterprises to year-end for early release in 2011. "And time is pressing, now require companies to report on the progress each week, report the progress to SASAC, SASAC to further escalation, in principle, require the end of November. "The person said. "Beijing's goal this year is 2011 increase in per capita disposable income for7%, but now only after preliminary accounts more than 6%, so the Government would come up with a trick, is ahead of year-end, how much is how much. "According to friend Zhang Wei," the Beijing Municipal Government also held a meeting on this issue early this month called ' increasing revenue, lowering prices ' workshop, we all have to attend. "Source: Shun network-Jinan daily

