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129822607970625000_105Child stars Jiang Zhenyu was the debut of the very "confession" Leng Ruomeng sudden tears. NetEase entertainment on May 23, Jiangsu Province new form of TV Game Show of the very small Child star Leng Ruomeng made her debut tonight as young as 12 years old challenge, extremely intelligent and articulate, very Meng Fei (micro-blogging) and Guo degang's favorite. Young has adopted on the great wisdom of her presence, more is the ultimate impact Award launched, Super amazingHouse of people. Jiang Zhenyu encounter beauty contestant's soulful "confession" embarrassing, to avoid arousing suspicion "for mercy" is very cute. In tonight's many identities, "spend $ 70,000 when one day the King" and "unarmed catch jumping girl" something strange happening such as Lesson Who's who at the contestants ' time. Secret little Child star Leng Ruomeng-aura-talent round covered12 years old Leng Ruomeng from Guangzhou, performing, singing, celebrating everything mastered, but also piano, dancing, modeling, and so on are all very good at, talent round. 5 and a half time, Leng Ruomeng began at the Guangzhou children's television host program. At the same time, also frequently play the leading role in the children's drama. In addition, she also won the children's language arts competitions of the Asian Games in GuangzhouAwards, was elected reporter of the Asian Games, the Asian Games small pioneer. In addition, Leng Ruomeng is used to get the "Mayor of Guangzhou small" award, like a little adult activity center in Nansha development base opening, Hong Kong visits. So far, she has also photographed many famous advertising works, is a small Child star of the letter. Extremely intelligent articulate "my sister than NorthSmart "puncture of the cauda equina, looks like a sweet little cute after staging, Meng Fei, Guo degang to her love. Meng Fei loved road, "see you I think of my daughter, son, later remember to pick your experience, understand, easy to judge asked. "One side of the old Guo is also nice to not encourage. Never thought, sharp-tongued little cute blurted outSay, "don't look at my age, I may be smarter than North's sister, you may not take the enemy lightly Oh! "Subsequently, the small cute is her actions proved their strength. Pass through all the way, kill into the ultimate straight off. Audience as she was dumbfounded when Super surprise, one step short of the prize away little cute presence up suddenly tears.Small cute why the tears? She could become the youngest since the program began broadcasting a clearance Player do? "Shen ginger" is beautiful "confession" awkward �C Shen live on the stage of a good husband Jiang Zhenyu self-response experts in gentle, wise's image on the very stage debut, "Shen Jiang" will be the image of the audience's affection and praise. MoreThere are many female viewers, female players to their big love feelings, on the Web, live confessions. Aware that Jiang Zhenyu has long been known, after the father, are lost. It is understood that Jiang Zhenyu was not only the work of a good scholar, teacher, life is personally well known good husbands. Side lift the Jiang Zhenyu was praised by friends, colleagues,"Ginger and teachers in both teaching and research work is extremely precise SWTOR Power Leveling, detailed charge, but sharp pain in my wife, centered, absolutely good man. "Beautiful player made her debut" confessions "Jiang Zhenyu" for mercy "tonight, there is a beauty contestant from Shenyang Pine Cone, is a graduate of the school of music. Due to look handsome, tall, occasionally also do plane modelSpecial. Cone-scream in the appearance field of more than, but she has a special liking for Jiang Zhenyu Zhong, "Ginger teacher since seeing it on television, I particularly like him, especially handsome, particularly attractive. If I get a ten-country tour of Europe, it is important to teacher in hand and ginger. "Jiang Zhenyu this surprise, busy for mercy road SWTOR CD-key," I really Don ' t deserve this, I really Don ' t deserve this. Girl, such a joke notAh. "Guo degang hastened out to smooth things over," the girl, why, in person, you first get your award. "In the end, pine cone to break a few more close it? Something strange happening the first--to spend 70,000 beauty can become a King? In addition, in the capacity as many guests tonight is something strange happening constantly. One guy from Qingdao, claimed to spend 70,000 usKing Yuan a day. According to his description, in Switzerland and Chile between Liechtenstein's small countries. Area of only 160 square kilometers, population of more than 30,000, but per capita GDP was up to 60,000 euros. In this country, there is a very special "national rental programmes", anyone who paid $ 70,000, you can rent the country, when one day the King. In addition toPossession of wine King tasting start, sitting outside the four-wheeled wagons, eating dinner, while organizing parades, print a new currency, decorating streets and named as you please, but only during the rental period. Young man says he spent three years of savings, experience the feeling of when King. A handover ceremony was held for him at that time, by the King, key handed him the Crown. WhiteDays when the Queen would accompany him to tour around. Young man excitedly recalls, "the Queen is so beautiful, looks noble, smile like the Mona Lisa. "The reality of such a bizarre thing really on? Close catch jumping girl 18 years old?! A man who claimed to be from the Wuhan Police Academy, catch was a cousin and two of them literally jump from the upper floorsSuicide girls 18 years old. According to his description, were cousins and the two are playing badminton in hospital, when I heard someone shout "help". Looked up, only ten meters away with a girl hanging in the window on the third floor is to commit suicide, one side of the family is to drag her to get help. Both quickly throw the bat ran past, because there is no rescue equipment, under the two men ran to the girl isReaching out be prepared for any contingency. When the two young men reached out with both hands Diablo 3 power leveling, girls suddenly came down from upstairs to fall. Wear and on the second floor of a building on successive hit after a rain awning, girl was lucky to fall on the two large hands. Buffered, girl feet-first, only slightly injured. After the young man described, players, show traces of the observation mission that he is too heavy, but when results announcedAll out. He is true or false? Announcement for you tonight! "Special note": the new form of TV Game Show May 23 the very exciting to play so stay tuned! Others:

