
because Libya Interpol under the Libya Office of the Attorney General's command

129668731782343750_209According to a Xinhua electrical Tunisia ruling of the Court of appeals the night of 25th, agreeing to Libya Mahmoudi, former Prime Minister extradited to Libya the current regime, and previously rejected the request on the postponed trial Mahmoudi case. Mahmoudi Defense Committee Coordinator Khursheed subsequently issued a statement on Tunisia the decision of the Court of appeal was "disappointed" swtor power leveling, and highlighted the dayTrial was conducted in the absence of the accused and defence counsel. He said Mahmoudi detention in Tunisia "itself is illegal", now that made the decision to extradite, "according to law should be waiting for Tunisia on behalf of the President before extradition immediately restore the defendant's freedom". It is learnt that the Mahmoudi Defence Committee has already requested Tunisia on behalf of the President not toSigned the extradition order.   Earlier in the day, Mahmoudi in prison wrote to Tunisia Court of appeals that he appear in "may have been some Libya people's attack", known for his "personal safety no protection" by asking the Court to postpone the trial, but Tunisia Court of appeals rejected his request. Mahmoudi and his two companions the night of September 21 in TunisiaBorder were arrested when they tried to Tunisia to Algeria, and "they hold passports were not entered Tunisia legitimate visa". Tunisia Douzel District Court made a decision the next day, with "crimes of illegal immigration" sentenced Mahmoudi 6 months with immediate effect. A few days later, Douzel Court of first instance on 28th suddenly decide to Mahmoudi from prosecutionBut was temporarily detained in Tunisia within. Tunisia subsequently made the Ministry of Justice explained that Mahmoudi was still being detained in Tunisia territory star wars the old republic power leveling, because Libya Interpol under the Libya Office of the Attorney General's command, to Tunisia the judiciary has made requests for mutual legal assistance and hope and her two companions Mahmoudi extradition back home. Ma HamaoDi Defence Committee that "the present Libya cannot guarantee that the course of Justice" and opposed to extradite him to return home. ()

