
swtor credits Abroad was how to define the maternity leave LNW

129667837416396642_281Global maternity leave over Sweden playing also you were laid off 16 months wife closing costs State buried with Dan Ying Prime Minister can also enjoy the "maternity leave" the 21st, the State Council Legislative Affairs Office announced the female employee special labour protection regulations (draft for soliciting opinions) diablo 3 gold, intends to extend maternity leave to 14 weeks. Then,Abroad was how to define the maternity leave? Reporters found that national treatment is a far cry from maternity leave, even in some places "dads" role is more important than expectant mothers. For example, Norway women in addition to holding a 100% salary, maternity leave of up to 56 weeks. Sweden paid maternity leave is 16 months. By contrast, many United States maternal because no paid maternity leave, a few days postpartumWill have to continue to work.   What causes the difference then? Sweden's longest playing 16 months enough employees laid off from the maternity leave Act guarantees against Sweden in terms of maternity leave was the most generous countries. Sweden law provides that all working parents every birth of a child is entitled to 16 months (480 days) of paid maternity leave at the expense of the StateAnd employers share. Among them, 77.6% 390 days ' salary for the original wages before, 90 days after the fixed salaries (grants 180 kroner a day, approximately 162 Yuan).   Sweden law also stipulates that the two months must be to the father in 16 months. Sweden existing parents act on maternity leave, pregnant women are entitled to prenatal and post-natal paid maternity leave7 weeks, also entitled to leave breastfeeding child.   These most basic rights are not subject to other restrictions, so no matter when did they join the profession, can enjoy the right to at least 14 weeks ' leave. The parents of the maternity leave Act introduced reduced Sweden workplace inequality between men and women, this changes the traditionally children means women to give up career, 90% of women at the end of maternity leave would go back to the original post. Norway men couples break fees countries pay in Norway on maternity leave, you can have two choices: first, 47 weeks parental leave for married couples, get full wage and, second, to 57 weeks, took the original salary of 80%.   All these costs would be borne by the State. NoahWei population of 5 million, was for several years in "GDP per capita in the world ranking" ranked second on swtor credits, its social welfare system for all to this extraordinary. Norway Statistics bulangbaoge said of the Department of social and demographic research, a pregnant woman who worked in the past 10 months as long as 6 months, you can enjoy "the maternity leave with full pay", this right can be up to 6 times. BulangbaogeSaid that he had a friend just because 3 children were born one after another at home, in 5 years total had nearly 3 years ' "paternity", and are fully paid off.

