
swtor power leveling one-child families more than one person - TPI

129667837399990392_239Henan is the national policy of this last province yesterday, the province following the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee session adopted by vote on amending the decision of the population and family planning in Henan province Ordinance, revised regulations come into force from the date of promulgation. Recommended reading absolute let Qin Hailu cousin worth billions of people on Earth15 face collapse [photo] hit super model underwear advertisement film scene [photo] counting the world's top too wide [photo] Japan legends of ten most beautiful women in history [photos] United Kingdom temperament of men like make-up woman [PIC] counting charitable wealthy home [photos] [figure] according to the amendments, Henan province stipulates that couples are the onlyChildren requiring birth approved can birth a second child if both husband and wife for rural residents, bearing a girls-only husband and wife, request birth approved can birth a second child. Prior to that, from the national point of view, Shandong, Sichuan, and 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the last century has been implementing the "two-independence" couple second child policies, Hubei Diablo 3 Gold, GansuAnd Inner Mongolia in 2002 since the implementation of this policy, in Henan province has become the country's only provinces not pursuing this policy. The population and family planning in Henan province Ordinance (bold to modify section) article 17th meeting one of the conditions requires growth, approved by family planning second child: (a) by the County family planning medicineIdentification of organizational identification and reported to the provincial government family planning medical assessment body confirmed the first child is a hereditary disability, cannot grow into a normal labour, (ii) identification of the risk of infertility, pregnancy after legally adopt a child, (c) the spouses of returned overseas Chinese or back to settle in the province of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, and only one child (IV) Or one of the spouses for more than six disabled servicemen only children of martyrs, (v) one of the spouses engaged in mining area underground mining work for more than five years in a row, there is only one girl, and continue to engage in underground mining operations, (vi) remarried husband and wife, remarried the former party only to birth a child, the other party is not birth, (VII) couples are the only children. ����[Relax] peasant couples only one girl can also yesterday, the second child, save session 24th meeting of the Standing Committee on amending the decision of the population and family planning in Henan province Ordinance vote. The vote was: 60 votes in favour, 4 against, with 4 abstentions. On the modification of the population and family planning in Henan provinceLaws (hereinafter the regulation) decided to adopt, shall enter into force as from the day of publication. Before modifying, wishing to birth the second child of the family, the regulations of the original article 17th: one of the six conditions. The amendments added a seventh condition: the couples only child. The fourth criterion is changed to one of the spouses for band six(The original regulation in two category b above) soldiers or the martyr's one-child with a disability. The Ordinance before the amendment article 18th: If both husband and wife for rural residents, in addition to the application of article 17th provided, one of the following conditions require birth, approved a second child or as a family planning: (a) bearing a girls-only husband and wife,Family difficulties and (ii) married men and to women without family settled in and maintenance of parents (if sister number one swtor power leveling, just one person), and (iii) in the mountains to settle in the village of more than five years, and continued to settle in (iv) the couple for ethnic minority. ����Modifications, in the first paragraph of article 18th "families are having difficulty" sentence removed. [Encourage]Awards supporting policies on the one-child families has increased despite the release the double single family second child provided in Henan province, but still initiate and encourage the birth of a child in Henan province. ����The rules article 19th, meet the required birth the second child, the woman should be given more than four years having birth intervals of time, but except in cases of more than 28 years of age. The regulations will be in Henan province currentCarding and incorporated into the Fu policy. Before compared to the provisions of the modified article 38th new added lots of content. Receiving of the one-child parents honor certificate, than ever before, voucher to enjoy the following benefits: spontaneous syndrome month to children 18 years of age (reduced from 14 years of age), award fee of $ 20 per person per month to one-child parents rewards (the original regulation for tenYuan) per cent. ����Distribution according to one urban resettlement, relocation and resettlement, placement, construction of new rural collective economic income, when collective welfare and compensation for land expropriation, one-child families more than one person (not previously provided). At the same time, an article is added as article 39th above 60 years old, comply with the national family planning home rewards support condition of husband and wife Diablo 3 Power Leveling, In accordance with the relevant provisions of the national and provincial Awards support. Awards supporting standards should be with the economic and social development and gradually improve, growth mechanism and the establishment of interest, specific measures formulated by the province people's Government.

