
diablo 3 gold the dollar index has risen sharply in theUp to 79. 24th overnight JOM

129667864473584142_411-Eastern Chen Donghai international financial companies because the United States Thanksgiving holiday, a rare 24th market transactions Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the euro rose close to 1.34. 24th overnight, many messages for adverse risk currencies such as euros. Greece's Central Bank said the expected 2011 Greece's GDP may shrink by 5.5% or more in 2012, GDP will shrink by 2.8%, a new round of EU aid may be the last opportunity for Greece debt is no longer sustainable; Greece faces downside risks threatened; Greece are at risk of exiting the eurozone. Ireland's Finance Minister also said that Ireland ever out of the eurozone, but this is highly unlikely. Under the influence of messages, three stocks fell in Europe, United States the three major stock indexes fell, the dollar index has risen sharply in theUp to 79. 24th overnight, Germany auction of 10-year Treasury bonds, the subscription ratio is only 1.07, and finally just auction the 3.6 billion euros, compared with the planned auction amount is EUR 6 billion. Treasury unsatisfactory auction results, show Germany bond market view is no longer a risk-free investment assets. The bad news sending the euro lead risk currenciesRapid decline in the euro itself fall to 1.33. 24th, Japan Economic Affairs, Finance Minister guchuanyuanjiu said the Japan Government called on to prepare impact may come from the European, Japan Government will maintain close cooperation with foreign central banks on the European situation. The International Monetary Fund said that if Japan government bond yields rose, Japan public debt could soonUnsustainable, Japan public debt on the development of domestic and global stability risks, Japan government bond yields rose could face upward pressure on other sovereign bond yields. Rating agencies p claims that "close to downgrade Japan credit rating may be right".����Due to market thin 77 line narrow fluctuations in the yen against the dollar. 24th European three major stock indexes openedRising insurance costs increased slightly but Europe defaults, bond yields inched higher in some countries. Finland Finance Minister said the eurozone bonds would increase the European debt crisis, Germany economic Minister says Euro bond proposal is harmful.����As the United States Thanksgiving holiday, a scarce market trading diablo 3 gold, the euro rose close to 1.34. Recently, the EuropeanDebt crisis from peripheral countries gradually spread to the major economies in the euro zone, and then spread to the core countries of France, even approaching Germany, and the IMF warned Japan's debt levels. And recently published by the European and global economies in manufacturing and service sector purchasing managers ' index is less than ideal, global economic prospects are somewhat pessimistic, so great fundamentals of the euro is still veryNegative. But the last month of the euro to decline more sharply face technical correction trend of requirements euro short could expand the limited rebound, high interest rate currencies have correct movement requirements.

