
2011 on the line. Anyone can by region SWTOR Credits 2011 on the line. Anyone can by region - ALYV

129810431496250000_47Thrown out of the window the founder: I just want to give history a cross section "Throw it out the window" Network Home is a "food safety situation in China." "What do you drink? "" Mineral water. "Wu Heng has absolutely no thought process, hurried away from the ear phones, shouting. Connected to "Oh, I'm sorry, my side there is another interview. "Tale seat in the restaurant, waiter praised menu. He pushed with humility. "The sizzling beefAnd how? ”“呃…… I this site was because of this dish it was sth "his site---" thrown out of the window ", a collection of more than 2000 more than negative news about China's food security, are explosive red online these days. Because the traffic is too frequently paralysed, he himself is not. Before doing this, his favorite drink a brand of milk quality beverages, FavoritesEat fried rice with beef covered in-situ. Now they have become taboo. Throwing it out the window since admitted to graduate students of the historical and geographical centre of Fudan University, arrived in Shanghai, Wu Heng was born in 1985 in Hubei boys gradually falls in love with a small shop. This store location well, he lived from Fudan University in North Campus come out straight and turn right at the back door only dozens of meters; cost is very high, a fried rice with beef on sale for 10 dollars, many customers hearts of beef myself, almost feel they take advantage of the hotel. Until April 2011, he saw a news, instant as if by lightning bolts: aeration with beef extract as much of the counterfeit beef eating more cancer. Even though "beef paste" how much harm has not yet, but he is full of sense. Internet search, moreToxic food a lot: the milk, and bean sprouts, waste oil sth He come to find, he had been surrounded, life is at stake. "I'm not that smart, think of breaking iron House, but at least I try to wake up those sleeping or sleep person, because I want to, if you wake up more people, maybe they can be clever to figure out. "Wu Heng decided: a special light foodProduct safety network platform to raise public awareness of preventive supervision. The network's name, "throw it out the window", from a piece he had ever seen: in 1906, the then United States's 26th President Theodore Roosevelt is to breakfast while reading a novel, suddenly "a yell, jump up, has not finished chewing food and spitting to mouth,Left in a section of sausage rolls out the window ". Roosevelt thrown out of the window because of sausages, is he read the novel. In the book has the following description: "ham return back from Europe, has long white mold, the company cut it, fill sausage; store warehouse storage of butter has turned sour for a long time, company recycling it, melted again. Through the process, and returning customersTable; in the sausage shop, for uniform groups of mice, placed around the toxic bait made bread, poisoned mice and raw meat is mixed into the meat grinder. Workers in a oil-rubbed his hands in the sink, and the water used to configure the spices added to sausages, people walked earlier has been used on raw meat, or even used to spit on them. "This novel isEn: Upton Sinclair, famous writer based in Chicago for a meat processing plant experience documentary literature written in the slaughterhouse. He "I wanted to hit the public heart, only to hit their stomach"; Lenin said he was "feeling without the theory accomplishment of the Socialist". After President Roosevelt threw the sausage out of the window, has been specially interviewed him. In June of that year, United StatesPassage of the pure food and Drug Act and the Act on the supervision of meat products, also approved the establishment of FDA (United States Food Administration of drugs) prototype. Today, on the official website of the FDA still hangs in a word: protecting and improving your health. "Dung-eating" fast, Wu Heng collected 33 volunteers. Some of them are his friends and students, more of a pigment do notMeet strangers. Within a month, they collected more than 2000 articles related to food safety news. He also spent 600 qianzu a network space, "throw it out the window" (www.zzcw.info) on June 17, 2011 on the line. Anyone can by region, type of food, or a keyword, found they care about foodWhat are the dangers in the area; or free additional related content. According to GoogleAnalytics statistics, within the last three days, visit Trojan 1.53 million, mainly from China. The top five cities are: Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan. The results, and "throw it out the window," according to the ranking of query in basically the same. GuangdongSince 2005, is a high risk area. But it was confused by Wu Heng: report of a toxic food, what is that security in the region, is also not safe? This confusion also runs through his personal life. Last year, he was asked this question by acquaintances of strangers: what to eat, what to eat? He laugh or cry-Hello, my graduate thesis topicsIs the establishment of the Shanghai international settlement since the modern police station and distribution! This site gives him a job: the invitation made by the detection of a food company in Shenzhen. He refused: I do not have any professional quality in food safety, and does not intend to and interest in the future. On Twitter, strangers of netizens sent him to praise, he smiled,Saying "thank you". Some people invited him to join a "professional fake QQ Group" window at the invitation of he politely turned off. At the same time, his spiritual sequel was exceptionally heavy. Website in that time, his conditioning as food and each linked to the corresponding news, "eat to live". Even the most simple of instant noodles are notEat, "come on, problem is not too much of a good instant noodles? "Original love to drink a milk beverage brand, now he only drink mineral water. The sizzling beef soup rice, of course, is not anymore, although he cannot prove that the beef is fake. The sequel, the volunteers also cannot avoid. Graduate students in his class Chen Zhu is also eaten the sizzling beef soup riceAnd join the volunteer team. She found about 200 report within a month, "a strong stimulus". So far, she only eat in the school cafeteria, is desperate to believe that doing so would probably be a little nicer. According to this more than 2000 papers reported that Wu Heng has written an article on the feces-eating: Chinese food safety investigation, labeled "throw it out the window." He wanted to expressSuch a meaning: we deceive each other, eventually no one could escape from toxic food n, the outcome is bound to be a collective defeat and extinction. "Is actually equal to waste everyone switched to eating". He was King of Zheng yuanjie's fairy tales from childhood, it feels like living in a fairy-tale world of believe it: when the nation on its hands, there are soImagination. "Throw it out the window" appears in the background, in the current IP addresses have access, 92% is accessed for the first time. Wu Heng is know why so high: more than 2000 articles reporting of toxic food is eat enough to make people sick, come back next time you won't find stimulating. But he is very happy, because that's what he expected: this Web site is a ladle boiling water,Hot wake up those who are reluctant to open their eyes of frogs. Is it fair? Refused to commercial factors---the Wu Heng to his own set of rules. He only put on the food security of negative news, and whether they do not go looking "heart" of the message. He feels that there is suspicion of advertising. Perhaps because of this, a year without an enterprise posted by his door.A friend suggested, to add a "search by company name or product brand" features him think twice, did not adopt. He is afraid of black by enterprises looking for a hacker, also fear that the crackdown is too large, lack of information on enterprises is not fair. Last year, he was the national school of administration, held a seminar on food security invite, as "consumer representatives" attending. Join orOver more than 30 quality Secretary from around the country. He was impressed, some of them said "really serious, we must redouble our efforts," when the others insisted: "food security crisis is media speculation". But he is not going to be exposed for the enterprise "sentence", due that is removed the negative news. He said: these enterprises "frontSection "publication, is a reminder for consumers, they must be subjected to punishment by the fake. He even advocates: toxic food production enterprises to impose punitive fines, completely deprived of their fraud proceeds. Legal risks still exist, however. Deputy Secretary General of the intellectual property Committee of the all-China Lawyers Association, Shanghai lawyer siweijiang evaluation: "throw it out the window" actually dress upSpeech is the role of the media, although only reprint Rift Platinum, but also caused to the reputation risk of violation. Once the false media reports, companies can sue "throw it out the window." In addition, only stick enterprises "ex", it has been exposed, is also suspected of losing balance. As Shanghai, siweijiang said SWTOR Power Leveling, he feels Shanghai food is still relatively reassuring. "Toxic solidThe impossible ". Siweijiang's argument is not without reason. January 5, 2011, Beijing Municipal Bureau published the first of the year "failed food list": checked out as countries prohibit adding borax, sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate in food additives such as blocks, benzoic acid, 6 food was overall sale. Among them, Tangshan and the food factory production batch of "wild" brand essenceYuba check out the Borax. This news, now hanging in the "throw out of the window" on the site. Tangshan and the food factory is a small business, "a mountain" Yuba is a OEM brand for others, after the cessation of cooperation. Ed by merging it managers do not know "throw out of the window" website, "love what you do." But he also complain of: we have wronged. IsBoron-containing the bean itself! Forum discussion on some foods seem to be provided for King complain of a circumstantial evidence: local production of most of the soybean contains some boron. And now generally used method is based on boron to projections of Borax (sodium tetraborate) content, generally are able to detect boron content. End is the bean itself with boron or borax is added, if the content differs from the number is bigIndistinguishable. Don't you come back? Wu Heng is a man of great insecurity. Three killed, and selected his favorite character is Xiahou Dun, a can by itself be harmed and counter each other's roles. "May be like that, like the Hedgehog, and others to move your feeling. "This feeling of insecurity they may come from the child's identity, he speculated. He is also aFree people full of impulse. On the shelves of his bedroom, a signature Edition of the triple door, the JI Li Kele anti-split, and Hu Shi's book. Due to look down on PPC, persisted in his refusal to use Baidu; sensitive word in order to protest his own name apart, on the Internet called "Wu Xingen". Second year of graduate school, he voluntary registration in xihaigu, Ningxia to teach for a year and "rollOut of the window "had to be postponed again graduating a year. He has no remorse. Source of this impulse, there it was available. His specialty is space remote sensing, Wuhan University, and his graduate students the difference between heaven and Earth. But it was this experience gave him a change of life. Learn to surf, he found ", where there is so much lying to our textbooks". Previously, heIdeals in life is just to open a bookstore, meet their desire to love reading. This was upset by his mother. Being a Department of the civil service, she hopes her son read a physics and professional graduate students, has a solid guarantee of income middle class society. But his son was eventually called the historical geography, Fudan University. "I do this site SWTOR Credits, just want to give history a crossThe section ", he explains: this might be his doing this site, and their only motive related to the field of study. He was more concerned about the next step, is doing a history of dedicated website, "put those lying to our articles are posted. "However," throw it out the window "for almost a year, he did not find the reality to be resolved. Originally appeared on HIV food does not have any extinct, anti-There has been unheard of "poison capsule", soon, news reports have disappeared. It is full of frustration and powerlessness him. He used this enlighten themselves: so, will be because of toxic foods without urgent harm to the human body, diseases caused by them are accumulated over the years. If public health events such as mass poisoning caused by, "confiscated may beBigger "? In order to protect themselves, he can do it, just try not to fussy, not allowing certain toxins absorbed by the body over. This experience, his people around a year to keep the promotion. "I really believe that the self-purification ability of the human body". Another volunteer, "FD crab" also expresses this caused by food and environmental sense of escape. Who is a person in Hunan province, her masterAssume the task of collection of Hunan reported, found more than 100 articles. As a doctor who even had the opportunity to go abroad, her campaigners abroad often have easier: you can rest assured that ventured to eat here! But she is weak: "can I do? You are a Chinese, relatives of parents here, and don't you come back? "(South reporter Zhao Anran on this articleContribution) Others:

