
Islamic thought MajinForces. Other Muslim call them mul idah SWTOR Credits Islamic thought MajinForc

129809647351773750_748Profile suzerain-vassal state in Northwest China in the Yuan dynasty, middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 14th century ruled Persia Mongolia Khanate. Drag the four sons of Genghis Khan Khanate territory mines built son of hulegu. Queen Khan, hulegu and its successors claimed to be. The Queen (IL), Turkic "dependent" means. Building 1221-1222, Genghis Khan in the attack of the anti war of flowers thrust mode,Occupation of the Persian Khorasan in eastern cities. In 1231, ogodei removed JAB to find the General Commission to the Department of the army of 30,000 West, Western attack against the Persian nation of flowers thrust submodules is end (Sul an Arabic "King") an aperture small, conquering and to convert much of Persia. Since then, Gu Er (Georgia) ﹑ Armenia any LU fan (sale of Asia minor columnDynasty) in countries such as Mongolia. Ogodei JAB pretty led troops under one's command in the military garrison town of Persia, and sets the jurisdiction of provincial administrative bodies of the Amu Darya to Lysippus. 1251 Mongolia after the throne, buy a Minister such as Amu Darya province, to AER Hun as provincial Executive, thought of treatment established in Khorasan (today Iran near Mashhad). In 1252, the Mongolian removal step brother XLHis cute-town of Persia, command troops go on a punitive expedition has not yet surrendered the State, to JAB in the barbarian armies and the country given the going astray (Kashmir) of Mongolia and to whom hulegu, also Kings of life from their military issued two-tenths followers in the country. In 1256, hulegu attack against entrenched press or squeeze hard for security (now Iran Mazandaran province) the mountain town "wooden thrust barbarians" (Islamic thought MajinForces. Other Muslim call them mul idah, which means that "heresy"). 1258 captured (Iraq Baghdad) Diablo 3 power leveling, killed the last Caliph (Khalifat, Islam main title), black big food fight (Arab Empire Abbas) in 1259, divide forces three-way, invading Syria. The spring of the following year, hulegu that MongoliaStroke in Sichuan, so pioneer cowardly not to spend continues to sign into, since the rate of the remaining troops returned to the Persian. In September, given does not take arms in a tone of root is secret past (Egypt) is end-bare SI army defeated, Mongolia Syria cities lost. Hulegu after returning to Persia, and was informed that Kublai Khan had that age and does not occur and young brother Ali Khan, was no longer the East back to Mongolia. HeAngel sent to both sides, that supported Kublai Khan age, accused Ali does not. Kublai sent to write this, West of the River until the secret past of Persian territory and the border to Mongolia or any fresh military and civilian under the rule of hulegu. Then, from the age of direct control of the Government in Persian, actually become the territory of hulegu, thus establishing a Khanate. Its territoryAmu Darya and East India River, West of bread in much of Asia minor, arrived in the Persian Gulf in the South, gaojiasuoshan in the North. Hulegu with an affront the assassination (now Iran Azerbaijan Ma Lage) for the capital, make this Prime Minister to head the national Government, was appointed Chief Executive in the provinces, eldest son of Abaqa Khan leading the eastern part of the Khanate in Khorasan Province. In 1262, qinchahanguo by Gehan, fighting for control of huleguAzerbaijan, fabing to attack, a fierce battle between the two sides over two years. Berke while returning, but since then two Mongolia Khanate conflicts often territory disputes. 1265 hulegu stroke development TERA CD-key, Minister of Kings or any instructions of Abaqa Khan succeed to the throne. Abaqa Khan to age without license, just right for protecting State policy, at the same time his removal to announce a death, Kublai Khan sent messengers Zhao State him as Khan. Existing 1279Year issued a Royal Decree on the city with eight, shield with Chinese characters "treasure of assisted the national security of the" printing, when Kublai Khan Award given to him by Wang Yin. After eight throne, ' began in peach in the temple (now Iran Azerbaijan Tabriz), an affront to Chongqing during the city with the assassination. Massive attack song of the Kublai Khan, features artisans in Abaqa Khan, Hui Gunners old Vadin, SI Majin, etc into Beijing, Hui gunInto China. 1282-eight stroke, brother tekuder (ahema) following the State. In 1284, eight hazialu Hun said its parent to taste the age book, Khan should be, supported by the big wigs do not take declare war to overthrow his uncle, and his removal into the play. Kublai Khan he Khan and award not spent as Prime Minister. Prior to this, Kublai Khan sent a comet Romanian Prime MinisterQueen Khanate. 1284 arrives. Po Lo in successive positions of the Yuan dynasty, and knowledgeable, arghun Khan dynasty services conduct him. Eight parent-child to seize any arghun Syria, adopt a policy of alliances with European Christian countries, and the Byzantine Empire to their name, and removed to the Holy see in English, law, etc, established friendly relations. 1291 arghun strokeAnd brother sea (also known as o-duo ' er only) following the State. GCC profligate, State Treasury empty, so follow the money by the Yuan dynasty, in the Po under the guidance of Romanian Prime Minister India's release notes (see note), but not for a long time that is spent. In 1295, the big wigs murdered GCC, Feng Zhu Wang Baidou as Khan, arghun praise declare war against anti-lapse to win Khan. Praise for the local seigniors and MuSupport for the forest, converted to Islam, and as a State religion. He ascended, and religious beliefs, are recognized by the yuanchengzongtiemu ear. In 1298, Mahmud Ghazan sent into North Korea, poles of jewellery and other objects. When the Mongoose, hulegu zhangde road, at this point, Narimune is about to hulegu to assign a given praise over the years due. Existing 1302 praised by France on the King's letter, BellChinese characters "Wang Dingguo treasure" printing, when is the new Yuan dynasty awarded Ilihan Wang Yin. After the praise of the throne, vigorously carry out social reforms, developed a new system of land, tax, post any currency, etc, limiting Mongolia nobles such are verified and official extortion to the people, making any business will have the development of agriculture, revenues increased. He also encouraged the development of science and culture in the capital constructionThe Hong Kong Observatory, set up schools, Prime Minister lashiduding of compiling the history of set. -In praise of polyglot, astronomical or any medical process both knowledge and many, especially well versed in history, known as Yin Chun. He and secret ever contested the Mamluk dynasty of Syria several times of war takes Tuk wow fly capture of yili Khan Khan of the Khanate of the eastern part of the country tokhara (today Afghanistan North-East)。 1304-like stroke, brother-in-class for security following the State, you are sweating, moving to the new Sun Dan NIYA (now Iran Azerbaijan Soltanieh). For security policy followed his brother, still use lashiduding as the Prime Minister, continues to develop economic, cultural. History of lashiduding subject to the completion of the collection of great works, a codification of a documentary the Ilihan treasures of Chinese science, described in Chinese historyMedical achievements. At this point, Temür Khan, Emperor Chengzong of Yuan and Tuk wow any having reached eight seconded by Mongolia Royal suspended civil strife, yilu and smooth, Queen of the Khanate and Yuan dynasty envoys travelling more frequently. In 1305, the answer sent a letter to France declared the King Philip lisishi, seal with Chinese characters on "true treasure of heshun Wan Yi the Emperor" Fang Yin. Stroke-1316-answer, the child does not matchDue to succeed to the throne, peach in the temple. Big wigs out of Yongli, because he does not match to the Yuan dynasty. 1324 Thai grant "Open House public instrument with three divisions in the locality, Yi country", giving silver printing such gold letters. A class act without authorization State policy, various schools were occupied, and do not match due to conflict. Do not match after they had killed their third child, raise an army to fight lapse, defeated and killed. After this civil strife, national power weakened, ruleGroup burst of internal contradictions and internal ethnic conflicts or any class conflicts at the same time. Die 1335 years Hasib Hussain's death, Queen Khanate collapsed rapidly, any big wigs Commission Yongli puppet khans, the State split into eastern Iran, and Afghanistan kaertide dynasty, West Iran Muslim dynasty of PHARE and thrust human assassination also dynasty, chubang dynasty of Anatolia, with each other in attackKill. In 1355, the qinchahanguo nibiehan into the peach in the temple, killing the descendants of manipulating the Affairs of State, lost yilihannu finish missing. In the tumultuous, some fly independent local nobles to form separatist. Possessed of Mongolia nobles (the assassination) in 1340, self-reliance as Khan. In 1358, the merger of its child cute WA SI Khan Azerbaijan province, Moved to peach, Temple, known to history as the assassination. Empire by Timur in the late 14th century and death. Queen Khanate Crown lived in near the post will think of a cute summer move to thrust m black, winter (today Iraq Baghdad). Hulegu was canonized as Queen after Khan, recognizing the suzerainty of Kublai Khan and his Queen Khan, competent to deal with domesticAll Government and delegated officials around. Hulegu Khan to Iraq, huluoshan area (now South of amuhe, North of the Hindu Kush region) to amuhe of land was given to his eldest son Ahachi hahan; jade thinning wood of Caucasus region gave to the third son, together. Di tooth puncture (Syria border) until the land near the Euphrates, to different encrypted sigil answer Wen Guan; While regions to the Lu Mu-wood Ding·bierwa pinch, give strips of sub n-thrust will think, from the German to the Haddon (Queen), by Wang Jiyang thought given to different key management. Appointed conspiracy · log Feni (author of the history of the world conqueror) Sub xibo-million at the end of (the Prime Minister and Minister for finance), making its full discretion, to dominate, schedule and control the Affairs (lashiteThe history of set). In accordance with the sequential case, Queen supreme judge of the Khanate should be held by descendants of Yi Erhan, and he appointed justice officials at all levels, but Iraq exception, because the newspaper has its own supreme judge would be entitled to appoint judicial officials at all levels. Queen Khan military regime, Mongolia, a thousand families, hundreds of households, household system. Supreme Commander of the armed forces the right to jointly by the fourMaster, but these four members shall be determined by a cute horse puncture · cute Ruth in the race with the highest status, Bo Bo members. Only a cute horse puncture · cute Ruth to the development of army regulations, issued military orders. Queen Khanate silkworms and produced wool, is a country of precious textiles, such as Jacquard satin, Ling fabrics, velvet, carpets are famous. Beg full testy cute, are the two Pearl. InSha Bange thrust areas produced bezoar, this is a wonderful antidote to at that time, it has absorption characteristics of various toxins in the body of animals or plants. Thinking is the political center of the Khanate, businessmen from around the world to do business. Queen Khanate, ornate architecture of AARP, Friday Mosque, the prayer hall, church schools, monasteries and the hotel and medicalCentres, charities and many buildings for religious and welfare is amazing "(Umari eye calendar of the country in mind). Hulegu Khan importance to the development of science and culture, who strips the assassination build Observatory. Thrust m black built palaces, churches have been built in various areas. In February 1265, hulegu Khan's death. After Khan ascended the city with eight, to all PrefecturalSchool officials, Chi-Feni continued to serve as Prime Minister in duties, tax farming around the-Hun-head of aquan; provides hulegu Khan make all laws and he promulgated by Dahir, must be observed and performed, is forbidden to change the distorted. Eight hahan also beat from Cha-Khanate eight thrust from Chin Cha (gold account) falling prey to the Khanate of busy-Timur, the regime to be furtherConsolidated. Mahmud Ghazan Khan rule, is the most powerful Queen Khanate period. Mahmud Ghazan Khan was arghun Khan (1284-1291), the son of former Governer of Khorasan. After he ascended, external defeated Egypt, and Syria, with the United Kingdom, and France and the Holy see established diplomatic envoys; internal reforms, further development of the cultural and scientific careers. InHulegu, Abaqa Khan, arghun age when, the original Iran gentry from Mongolia rulers did not receive their due rights, instead, their lands were forfeited into State-owned land, held in Mongolia rulers. Only a minority of loyal service to the Yi Erhan Iran nobles, to get certain privileges. Such as log annual revenues of up to 3,000 is satisfied at the end.Because Mongolia rulers to local Iran around excessive exploitation of the peasants so that they escape, large tracts of land in a wild state. Even though Mongolia rulers to take mitigation measures, forcing farmers to rural farmers, there is still no effect, flight number increase. This situation severely affects the State Treasury income and social order. For maintenance of Mongolia ruler's power, Mahmud Ghazan Khan IslamAs a State religion, Islam lashite appointed as Prime Minister, he is in charge of reform tasks. Lashite Mahmud Ghazan Khan's support, advance first abolished the tax system. Mahmud Ghazan Khan direct tax required to be taken by the Court of Khan dispatched officials to the State, are not allowed to dominate the tax State Chief Executive. Have Secretary of State officer who is responsible for the investigation and registration of property in the State. Tax type tax on currency and in kind taxTwo and list registration. Post built near SI archives, store the removal of all State, County, State contains a copy. To prevent seek private gain in tax collection, tax collection to the State of Jin Yin on the cover, tax collector, with this kind of tax forms taxes, other than the tax amount specified in, will be allowed to sign, sign of death. If the registry without authorization to open a tax slipApproval will be executed, and writing is cut off the arm. Provides collection of cash and tax collector is not allowed to cross; taxes may not accept gifts. Everything but the repeal of the tax assessed, for Muslim judges, academics, and the descendants of Ali, are not allowed to levy taxes and "Bu, shall not be assessed the post service. Mahmud Ghazan Khan while uniform weights and measures. Requirements:Units carry out strict rules, all units of measurement unity around, the State of the market does not have different units of weight. He ordered all gold and silver coins of the Khanate and the weight of the cargo unit, grain unit of measure and unit of length, shall be consistent with the SI weights will force. Delegate craftsman black n-thrust, and by people of Khorasan after Harding made nationwideWeight scales, and their stamp on cover, where there is no imprint of weights and measures, or forged fake Indian, was executed. Development of agricultural production is another important Mahmud Ghazan Khan of reform measures. He encourages farmers to reclaim wasteland SWTOR Credits, allowance in the first year, second year under a canal near and far and reclamation easy, tax-free, one-third or two-thirds respectively; allows the allocation of part of the tax, purchaseBuy cattle and the seeds and tools to vulnerable farming. To solve irrigation problems, Mahmud Ghazan Khan advocate digging irrigation channels, one of which is named as Mahmud Ghazan Khan (in Greek the assassination). The Canal of the Euphrates River, the cowardly assassination of irrigation water in desert, making it become a prosperous agricultural area, food of the annual harvest of around 100,000. To destroy large tracts of agricultural land to be restored, Mahmud Ghazan Khan ordered: where dressing and farming has been barren farmland, will receive the property rights and patrimonial legend, has the right to transfer, and on tax preferential. As a result, further recovery in agriculture, farmers ' life has been protected. In the Caucasus, have planted a lot of fruits, vegetables and grasses. Mongolia-Member army is the pillar of the yili Khan Mahmud Ghazan Khan rule,But for a long time, stationed in each State, the armed forces are not allocated to the amount to the Court of Khan. In order to protect the supply of munitions, had imposed on army-mining counties. -Mining counties is the fiefdom of register and tax from all regions, grasslands, arable land and wasteland in the allocated part close to the part of the armed forces for military farming, issued in accordance with thousands people combined, the army received part ownership. Government RegulationWill: (1) mining Yap in the of farmers still engaged in farming, by tax book under provides of tax handed army; army stroke also engaged in farming, has belonging to Central of land and the mining Yap range within of wasteland, and Ranch within of land, remaining wasteland by prisoners, and slave farm, as wasteland has was open earnest farm, can will harvest real of one-tenth handed master, modified by prisoners or servant farm. (2) implementation ofBefore mining Yap, flee the scene for 30 years, and farmers is not registered into the register shall be immediately returned home, a mining Yap State are not allowed to accept any other State farmers, farmers are not allowed to relocated to other villages. Army only taxes, do not have assessed any detention. (3) the army shall not be free to seize land from neighbouring villages, not broken water and limiting farmers ' grazing. (4) enjoy the mining countiesStroke, each year to the National Treasury to pay 50 German grains. (5) access to mining counties of stroke by which you want to enter the armed forces, such as the land is barren shall be punished, free to sell or transfer the death penalty. Enjoy mining counties of apoplexy, and labor, war country war. Mongolia internal disputes and wars of the Empire, many Mongolia youth become the slaves of the local Arabs, significantlyReduce Mongolia military prestige in people's minds. To this end, Mahmud Ghazan Khan ordered Mongolian youth who were sold, and must be redeemed in cash, that the King Khan effect. In this way, redeemed within two years of nearly 10,000 people, composed of Imperial Guard, Po-Romanian Prime Minister to serve as Commander. Mahmud Ghazan Khan is a man of knowledge more profound, and Mongolia, Arab, Persia, India, and Kashmir, andTibetan, Han, rich lang (France) and other languages, and has a wealth of historical knowledge. According to lashite the history of set that, in Mongolia, on knowledge of history, not including Po-Romanian Prime Minister, no other can compare with it. Mahmud Ghazan Khan on medicine and astronomy also has deeper attainments, he understood that Arabs, Han, Mongolia people medical methods, and become familiar with the variety of drugs and performance.In astronomy, he conducted a number of strips to puncture the Observatory to understand the situation and ordered LI Si abowabo-vault of construction surveying instrument near the building of the Observatory. Mahmud Ghazan Khan encouraged Mongolia people engaged in handicraft production. In the period of his rule, various city and State appear Mongolia craftsman, you can make a bow and arrow, rocket-launchers, military weapons such as the Sabre. Mahmud Ghazan KhanOrganization worked out a strict law. Which clearly defines the responsibilities and powers of the judge. Process, judgments of all things, are applied by law. Major reforms of Mahmud Ghazan Khan, the Persian and Arab regional agricultural and industrial and commercial recovery and development soon. Monarch Queen Khan, hulegu genealogy table put the city with eight ancient Diego son arghun GCC worship-praise youNot Hasib Hussain Others:

