
high prices Diablo 3 CD-KEY high prices - YNWG

129809694361406250_632Wang Chuantao: unlimited located in talent returning to market Wang Chuantao, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province has introduced the receiving college graduate management procedures Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the management approach reduces the introduction of threshold for recent college graduates, provides full-time college higher education graduates, graduates of City College graduates and students of the city can be unrestricted entrance in Shenzhen. After the talents introduction policy, ShenzhenCollege graduate entrance with "famous graduates, focused on professional" and many other restrictions. (The China Youth daily on May 7) today, sigh with the boss does not have many units to the right people, often "I entreat heaven to enliven, stick to drop talent" an exclamation point. However, for many student of university graduates, but willNow because they are not name brand university graduation, field of study is not prescribed by the local government that several "key professional", that often cannot be settled in the major cities. Under the will, "people (who) are not" as the white collar of heart disease in many cities. By the end of last year, China's urbanization rate of 51%. Rapid expansion of almost every city, this makes UniversityGraduate in the town settled in, the higher the threshold of. To link accounts and academic and professional, is a popular method for restricting foreign immigration in many cities. Represented by Beijing, located in academic requirements have been referred to the doctoral level; the author is located in Jinan, if graduates without formal labour contracts, units cannot provide a collective account, you will need to graduate studiesCalendar can be settled. These policies, the United States called "talents introduction policy", in fact, is likely to hamper the introduction of talent. It should be said that college graduates-home to set up "school graduation, key professional" restriction does not comply with the principles of talent flow in modern society. Moreover, many employers are concerned, this policy will eventually solveAccount problems which keep people. In big cities, no one wants to be "floating", "escape from the big city" phenomenon occurs, for the life force. For a simple reason: yizhe, "foreign" is not much better, many people because the account falls down and cannot enjoy the urban residents ' welfare; both, education of children, may also be because the household registration problemsHas been adversely affected. Human resources is a vital community resource. This resource under market environment should be as free flow of capital. Let people freely in circulation in accessibility Diablo 3 Gold, should be the building of the society of human resource requirement. Government and the powers, talents flow should not to be too much interference. From this point of view that, for college studentsHome based "famous graduates, focused on professional" restrictions is also the power of random intervention. Relaxation of settled policy, do not necessarily lead to strong growth of the urban population. In Shenzhen, high prices, and all in a big city "urban disease", to many people involved. High income career practitioner, you can select the settled down in Shenzhen; low incomes, nature will beWide berthat parties. As you can see, the "unlimited located in" looks like may be salivating at the Shenzhen accounts for many college graduates wow cd-key, but because the market rules, urban expansion is not completely without restraint. People can do their best. A unit, most need what kind of talent, only employers and bosses know best. Educated not necessarily representative capacity;Industry counterparts do not necessarily represent talent and their counterparts in the post. Want more cities, like Shenzhen, relaxed people settled down in policy, let people return to market essence, free flowing. Others:

