
European leaders do reach no agreement on a crisis response policies Diablo 3 CD-KEY European lead

129809687904430000_6SINA finance hearing London, May 8 (May 8 Beijing time) message, Greece left-wing reorganization of the Government's efforts, as well as France's new left-wing President Aulan took office, has created panic in the capital market in Europe. Yesterday after a round of euro, euro-zone is still the stock today with two currency fall, bond against France on the insurance cost is also appearsYang. From the stock market's performance, as of midday SWTOR CD-key, France CAC40 index 1.9%, Frankfurt DAX index 0.9%.  The FTSE 100 index fell by 0.2%. Currency and more.  Sterling this morning, the euro reached a high for 3.5 years, 1.2395 euros to pounds. CaxtonRichard Driver FX foreign exchange Analyst believes that the gains of the pound is far from over, and in 6 months, a pound is equal to 1.3 million. "France has let the new President took office markets react rapidly against the euro, but this trend is far from over," Richard Driver that "Greece is still trying to upThe coalition Government, but the coalition Government will carry out the eurozone spending cuts required, now the jury is out, possibly Greece will leave the eurozone. "In the bond market, France cost of insuring government debt also rose this morning. Markit data display: now, if you want to give 1 million euros in 5-year France Government bond default insurance,Annual premium of about 20,000 euros. But Germany is only 8 Diablo 3 CD-KEY,500, while Spain is 49,000.  In contrast, United Kingdom 10-year benchmark bond debt costs less than 2%, which is down to the lowest value since last year. "O advocates made between him and the Chancellor of the Grand Sud, may ' rub ' a lot of Sparks, at least in the short term. Now, AulanGerman election appears to inevitably lead to volatility in the euro. Pain of the euro-zone has been suffering from uncertainty, Hollande's victory is likely to strengthen the public's suspicions: European leaders do reach no agreement on a crisis response policies? Implementation of these policies, not to mention. "Below for the former United Kingdom Special Adviser of the Bank's financial stability, risk management at Cass Business School Professor PhilipJames leape-booth (PhilipBooth) this morning to comment on SINA finance said. From the performance of States, Germany France worries most of the new President took office. They hope can and France to discuss how to achieve growth initiatives. Germans but the bottom line is, no matter how the final measures, must be based on the basic principles of budget cuts do not change。  Bloomberg today announced one of the Germany Government issued a message displayed, France, Angela Merkel yesterday praised Sarkozy as "close and trustworthy", but also said that Germany and France will continue to assume the responsibility of promoting a unified Europe. Hollande's victory does contain hope? -Philip booth optimism. In his view, the history of recent years shows thatMany left-leaning Governments in reality after hitting, will take to the benefit of reforms. There are signs that the team of Francois hollande has already begun paving.  France national audit office will be submitted at the end of June Diablo 3 gold, a special audit report of the public accounts, followed by drafting of July of the budget, and this special audit report may be to preheat the austerity budget. "Second, andSarkozy won re-election over France entered the Elysee Palace is more likely to make the euro area policies of the Socialist Party's self-contradictory and incoherent to appear in public, and thus promoting radical reform in Europe. "Booth said. (Hao Qian from United Kingdom, London) Others:

