
129724958991488094_123 - YQH

129724958991488094_123According to estimates, guanfu household vigorously promote "NG picked up" chain project in 2011 will be a loss of 65 million Yuan (this information figure) securities Times reporter Zhu Zhongwei in late December last year, guanfu household (002102) 's annual operating results are expected to notice shows that in 2011, the company on track to meet profit of 45$ 0 ~500 million. However, the announcement of the revised showed today, the company forecast of business performance last year experienced a significant deviation, according to new projections 2011 performance loss of ~8000 million $ 75 million will appear instead. Recommended reading on January 31 illustrations: normal technical adjustments to the local rally as an auspicious startMortality pattern of future shocks to caution a shares rebound is expected to extend China's a-shares in HKEx release starts a shares opened weaker Outlook was worried langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit" [Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders to disclose at this location since the end of 2010 net incomeThere have been as high as $ 86.53 million loss, 2011 annual reports continue to produce loss of answer sheets, companies will not escape the implementation risk delisting warning of bad luck. Results expected significant deviation of the project company to promote "a picker NG" chain home products business projects and a five-day sales company. According to the previous forecast, "Wu pick up" the project is expected toLoss of 15 million Yuan, 11 five-day sales company supplies businesses expected losses of $ 20 million. The revision, guanfu household represents a weak international market and domestic macro-economic environment such as adjusting effect, has not presented a season of the home goods industry in the fourth quarter, still in a weak State, "Wu pick up" chain management objective of the project is notImplementation, the actual loss is better than the prior forecast. According to the company's Finance Department's preliminary estimates, 2011 "NG Picker" chains of project losses will reach $ 65 million, 11 five-day sales company home products business losses will reach 60 million dollars, the cumulative deviations from the previous prediction of 90 million Yuan. In addition, 2011 guanfu householdCeramic manufacturing business would also projected losses of about $ 15 million. ����The only good news is, guanfu household subsidiary Shanghai five-day industry limited company have held 75% shares of Shanghai Hai Reyes hotel supplies thermal holding last year, the company is venture capital companies, contributed most of the benefits of the 2011 guanfu household. Early last year, the Shanghai fiveDays to transfer their holdings of 40% sea-Reyes stake yield from the investment of about $ 40 million. The end of last year, the company's Board and adopted by the joint stock company Shanghai Reyes hotel supplies limited remaining stake to fair value measurement of motion, the remaining sea Reyes 35% fair value of equity reaches $, in after deducting the provision for income taxes and net profit$ 25.88 million, had a positive impact on the performance of the company in 2011.

