
warhammer gold private wealth redistribution - NML

129742938843750000_183Description: sitting on billions of wealth such as Liu Chang's "rich second generation" can only be described as a class of people-shine them in public, is the forerunner of millions of private enterprises wealth generation in the following. Behind them, are countless go through fire for survival of small and medium-sized private enterprises. Zhejiang, Shanxi and Fujian, have three merchants in China, in general no longer exists, theSMEs will face what kind of wealth following the game.   China private enterprise's secondary to wealth generation continued in the Forbes put on inheritance stories--fotile Mao Zhongqun, country garden Yang Huiyan, new generation and the older generation of rich compared to the controversial entrepreneur, beyond reproach. And those sitting on billions of wealth "rich second generation" can only be described as a class of people – in front of the public to shineOf them, millions of private enterprises wealth generation is followed in the pioneers.   Behind them, are countless go through fire for survival of small and medium-sized private enterprises. Zhejiang, Shanxi and Fujian, have three merchants in China, in general no longer exists. Before the establishment of the new China reform and opening up, almost disappeared in family enterprises, only a very few companies can be traced back to 1978Qian, private wealth redistribution, almost all new private enterprises after reform and opening up. New round of wealth inheritance, in addition to the inherited money, real estate, may also be a nationality, identity.   Old family tradition slowly Dim, living in dire straits in the private family enterprise, first face is how to live and how to pass it on. Therefore, whether it isFounders of the older generation, is a next-generation successor, before--they face the economic crisis and the stock market slump; real estate industry after wind and rain do not adjusted, the Renminbi exchange rate instability. Their family business, owned by swaying in the wind and rain is forced into defeat of the army--Zhejiang, Shanxi, min, is facing enormous pressure – and State-owned enterprises, FortuneCapital, through capital there is little peer, and sustainable management in the "ceiling" is everywhere.   No substantial protection and the Government Bank support in the face of economic crisis and macro-economic control, no private enterprise to protect themselves. They were the years of shortage of bear, mirrors of the Yuan exchange rate fluctuations. When chain eventually rupture in the crisis – civilLower capital exposure – save a group of, poisoning after a group of. Micro-enterprises than small and medium enterprises, small and medium enterprises to bide our, facing large mergers, investment capital markets slightly capsized accidentally tilting Pan again. Protecting the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises on the Summit, held on November 27, 2011, Li Jianwei, a Professor of civil and commercial law, CUPL CollegeLu, China private enterprise's average life expectancy is only 2.9 years, while Japan is 30, United States was 40 years.   When all signs point to the crisis of private enterprises, entrepreneurs, apart from considering how to make enterprise, minds are inherited--how to make the next generation of wealth, while no longer inherit the bitterness. Withdrawal of part selection, also transferred to foreign capital and their children,Anduchencang, built in overseas career, Zong was doing; part transferred to the domestic housing market, Shanxi coal bosses and Wenzhou real--but when the stock market crash, real estate slump, the previous hands of fantasy to the investment of money into stock and ownership, but not hitting China's economy, final hard to walk away. Operation of Chinese family business succession andSamples of equity separation of inheritance was not readily available references. Foundations and trusts, such as foreign to the effective management of family assets, in China, only banks and insurance companies Additionally sunrise industry.   When passed on to the next generation of great wealth and great crisis, the wealth in the generation following the greatest hidden danger and its butterfly effect has only just begun. How to face the crisis, Is the problem most entrepreneurs of private enterprises and how to deal with future crises, will be handed over to the next generation. Combination, is a society of China businessman faces multiple choice questions and questions--what inherited?   Abandoning what? Zheshang like playing chess, business followed regardless of whether to take over the business or maintain what has been achieved by one ' s forefathers or predecessors, Zhejiang businessmen huge wealth generation following the always spectacular。   In the average age of the entrepreneur in groups of no more than 50-year old businessman, for once again creating a new vitality and enthusiasm, still appeared in the first generation of business people, they claim to be grassroots entrepreneurship – full of energy, enthusiasm and perseverance – but face the next generation take over, this may not be their label. More often, zheshang's succession is consideredThe social problems of the region.   Confused entrepreneurs Conference, annual meeting, or on the Forum on the subject of succession the inheritance, succession issue always remained. Often, this meeting planners the ability such as Party Chairman Mao Li Xiang, Tai group of the ACP Group Deputy Nan cunhui as preacher of the succession topic of succession issues in family enterprises--the former into a theoryBy the media as the "Godfather of succession", while the latter is founded "black sheep of the Fund", which later became the name of the appropriate "rich second generation" poor succession of life-saving straw. Succession in the larger environment, looks really orderly. All seminars are often riddled with metaphysical theories: for example, inheritance is not a company but to spirit; social responsibility to keep;Classes with international advanced thinking, and so on.   But look at scheduled 680,000 of private enterprises in Zhejiang Province, the owners of small and medium-sized farmers in drought years in the ground cover, loess back down in the face of hard-in-only and now a weak manufacturing industry fight, they could imagine for the succession of wealth, whether it is in the hands of their generation to keep. ShiXia, zheshang grassroots--prudence but boldly dares – they found its way as a wait-and-see succession stagnant economic environment facing future generations. A metal products factory of Cixi, Ningbo umbrella for several large companies provide metal bracket. Boss Wu Lizhong through more than 20 years of hard work, doing very fine in the industry, he and heaven umbrella umbrella of large enterprisesIndustry signed a long term contract, and by their perennial maintain relations, Corporate inertia and healthy functioning. Zhejiang family business--this is a typical production Vice President is brother of Wu Lizhong, Finance Director is his wife, and his wife's sister-in-law Lady is chief accountant, canteen is contracted out to the uncle. Two children of his own, a College in China and one in Australia ItalianAsian graduate students. Wu Lizhong succession issue of calibrated fine. He is the kind of extreme people who search for stability, may be seen in the game too much in this life in the Enterprise arena of cruel fight, billion, and start his own enterprise assets when encountered ceilings stand still, you did not select the expansion and upgrading, but safe. He insisted on "bet is made" world philosophy--Want to do more than others, he arranged for the next generation in the family's position in the enterprise, and in strict accordance with its own strategy to implement.   Then Wu Lizhong began to enjoy the rest of the more than 50 years old to play down land of wealth. He is going to let one of the children to take over the management company and the other to pass the civil service, and take advantage of their relationship to the local, helping kids in GovernmentA job. And relatives of the child is the best use: for example rift platinum, nephew studied in China University of political science and law to study law; wife his wife's daughter continued to take over the financial work; and the son of another student, he wasn't going to let him come back. "To leave a base on the other side.   "He said. This is chess under the Wu Lizhong, he looks like he is not confident. He does not knowHow will the enterprise of the future, so in various places are "filled" his own family members. In some places, like he does is a miserly Grandet, for instance, he accumulated a lifetime of experience and resources--including technology, marketing, manufacturing and meticulously maintained in business customer, are strictly controlled by own – in fact, only the final successor toHave these core resources the runaround and Wu Lizhong has a clear idea, as a boss, these must be firmly grasped, can be recognized by family owners. Zheshang like the over-abundance of small and medium enterprises, Wu Lizhong for future corporate planning is "pioneer". In fact, most of the SMEs in the face of urgent economic situation, take action instead of a negative。   In a 2006 survey of Zhejiang businessmen cultivate successors, 37% "rich second generation" expressed the hope that can create a career; 45%, realizing that it is not with a succession of various qualities, is not willing to accept his father's career. 45% the number is not small, compared to Wu Lizhong is willing to play for the enterprise's operators, moreWho has lived a double child with psycho-Yiwu eyedropper Chairman Lou Chuhei summarized this as a grass-roots entrepreneurs from Zhejiang behavior: "only the pursuit of wealth, at a certain stage sold the business, or find a setter took over, their leisure is not alone. "The situation is not good, did transfer the eyes of SMB owners. Not only in the present, back a few years,Zheshang wealth generation following the economic situation started to loom very early appear along with the nature of the work. In past data--disclosure of the 2005 report on small and medium enterprises development in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province small and medium enterprises, in particular small business survival rate of less than 50%. In 2004, the Zhejiang daily, about 240 private enterprise registration, but at the same time, every day there are 130Enterprise log off closes, survival rates are only for 45.83%. This survival rate did not improve as the year grows, instead of stimulating small and medium enterprises for the generation of wealth, that sentence in the widely circulated folk during the entrepreneurial highlights this point: a life, Yangguan Pass, had played a hand, why don't care that much? Children's own grandchildren-Fu, has a double--Freedom of Zhejiang businessmen of a sexual nature, groundwork for family business succession of another brand. But not all small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang province to end the decline. Those in the health and growth of enterprises hope that the Evergreen, but business owners are not operating weight placed upon their offspring. Indeed, didn't participate in the system of professional managers of Zhejiang businessmen in the operation of small and medium enterprises。 Real-world examples can be cited. Chi Consortium--the two largest in the Swiss Consortium and a handful of large enterprises in Wenzhou, had offered him to hire professional managers to manage the company. But suffered the same fate as the two managers-3 months after the two companies have been left. Chi Consortium Chief Executive Wang Shaoting road at a later time in the story: the completion of the primitive accumulation of WenzhouPeople it's hard to trust their own assets, enterprises to the operation and management of people warhammer gold, please. Since trust-perhaps zheshang groups of genes.   Hold most of the China business group, mistrust in the face of external forces, pushing the whole succession to an embarrassing situation. "No money, then not not, but professional issues. ChinaCurrent Manager is in the capital, real estate, IT and government channels, on more SMEs need are technology in Zhejiang Province. You look in Yiwu, 100 corporate 100 workshops, these things in layman terms, to study abroad, he managed a set, but useless, he simply don't those of US companies. "Lou Chuhei said.In his works through a straw in the Chairman's Office, has now added a location. A young man sitting next to him, as an Assistant to help him process company transactions. It was his selection from within "professional managers", compared to the external managers, he understand the place of production processes, understanding of all aspects of major shareholders, also know in the heart of the factory and, more importantly, is he defused aCrisis of confidence--that of the external Manager and Lou Chuhei who has more than 20 years in the game, not only complete the accumulation of technology and, more importantly, are complete loyalty to the enterprise and large shareholders accumulate. In Zhejiang, this internal promotion managers better adapted to their culture. And in wealth in the generation following, they will help the new owner for the family to start a newControl – just get the shares and help complete the succession, loyalty is important for Zhejiang businessmen. Lou Chuhei straw factory is not purely a family in charge of the enterprise. Unlike Wu Lizhong is he more desalination relative position within the company. And Lou Chuhei from initial set up a stall with brother in low and now is just a driver, gardeners and small uncle is factory.They are not involved in management, set out in monthly wages. Like most zheshang like his wife is responsible for financial management. Lou Chuhei is 45 years old, is the kind of ambitious but cautious entrepreneur of the Act. His daughter is studying abroad, a few months ago, he bought a Porsche sports car--after returning it was his daughter's car, also her future family wealthTaking over a symbol. Although she may just be a Chairman of the Board or shareholders guild wars 2 gold, and everything will be arranged by the fathers promoted managers to, but Lou Chuhei says this is a must: "Chairman's own family, the enterprise will be safe. "Perhaps zheshang kept the character. Is always a "cautious, walking on thin ice" of the State to move on, people crowd in ZhejiangType of succession under the deployment of private enterprises, important form – SME succession of the real economy is still in the Spike and plex at the grass-roots to move on.

