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129729391850781250_67SINA sports news Beijing time on February 3, 9:30 A.M. today, two teams haigeng bases in Kunming for a teaching game, new Songjiang, Tianjin, Fujian Jun Hao lifeike team against team. After a 90-minute battle, Jun Hao lifeike Fujian had achieved two consecutive victories, lost two halves on the ball, had suffered a 0-4 defeat. In this fieldAfter the end of the game, trial training in the Fujian Jun Hao lifeike 11 players have been direct one ' s step toward home. It is understood that the present France, and Hungary, the new group of foreign aid has joined trial training camp.  In the coming weeks, Jun Hao Xie Feilian lifeike team will work with Chengdu, Fujian province (microblogging), eight in Beijing and Wuhan drow teams for warm-up matches. Min-Jin before the game, and JunHaolifeike teams have haigeng bases in Kunming for two teaching game. On January 30, Jun Hao lifeike in Fujian province by virtue of trial training players from Beijing Jiang Zhong laughter of the plum blossoms BL, Lectra 2-0 to Yunnan yun. On February 1, and Jun-Ho lifeike 3-1 beat Shenyang East team from generation to generation rs items for sale, Ginger's three Jiang Zhong smile, Jiang Jihong, Jiang Xiaoyu has make contribution。 In this game, Jun Hao lifeike, Fujian province has put most of the trial training players, designed to study their capacities. After the start of the game, "residual" Fujian Jun Hao lifeike of the enemy team, apparently not the Tianjin Songjiang opponent.  In the first half in the Tianjin Songjiang teams break into two heading, 2-0 made of lead. Corruptor, and Jun-Ho lifeikeContinue to review trial training players, team clearly on the results of the competition are not particularly care. In the second half of the race, teams through a quick counterattack, Songjiang, Tianjin, at the top of the restricted area arc choushe, score expanded to 3-0. Subsequently, the Tianjin Songjiang team relying on one penalty kick, in a 4-0 win against Fujian Jun Hao lifeike, Tianjin Songjiang veteran Rong Yu of the plum blossoms BL, trial training aidEach into a ball. After the match, and Jun Hao lifeike team coach Xu Hui (micro-blogging) accepted Sina sports (micro-blogging) exclusive interview. Xu Dao said, "this game we result is no strict requirements, main of test training players is to investigate the situation. Team play today is not ideal, many players physical ability obviously cannot keep up with. "It is understood that after the end of the game,11 players have been coming to trial training leave, trial training in team players only have 7 people, Germany foreign aid Benjamin Schuster has not yet determined whether to stay. "We also hope that through actual combat, faster determination of foreign aid in the new season. More trial training players in the team, Club, will bring unnecessary economic burdens.  "Xu Hui admitted. Xiamen Chun-Ho Football Club, At present within the team have not determined by any one foreign aid. "Under the current circumstances runescape items, to wait before the transfer window closes on March 2 the Chinese professional football club, we can finalize a specific aid in person. "The reporter has learned to date, today at midnight, and several trial training aid trip to Fujian Jun Hao lifeike report, from France, and HungaryAnd other countries. Worth mentioning is that in terms of aid, Han yanming, di Yu, Jiang Jihong, etc name will remain in the team. "Most of them, have the capacity, but football match depends on body and physical, they want to strengthen this aspect of training.  "Xu Hui said. After playing with the transport team, Shenyang, Kunming East into generation, Tianjin Songjiang team after three games, Chun-Ho lifeike in Fujian provinceWarm up preparing for war is still in progress. It is understood that Xiamen Chun-Ho football clubs have been scheduled for next week's warm-up programme.  On February 7, Chengdu, Fujian Jun Hao lifeike team against Jaffe wing on February 8, Jun Hao lifeike team coach Xu Hui in Fujian Beijing eight teams will face old main, on February 10 runescape items for sale, Jun Hao lifeike, Fujian province and Wuhan Pulpo is the drow. The original425 game with North Korea, because the rival views on competition issues are not uniform, and Fujian Jun Hao lifeike team will also be after February 10.  It is learnt that the Fujian Jun Hao lifeike Kunming haigeng spring training team plans to Korea Gwangju FC team, to replace North Korea's warm up match 425. (Wide body) Others:

