
tera power leveling fried Island fried reef - CGA

129724942034769344_125"The magazine Roundup" according to the economic information daily reported that the Management Division of the island, State Oceanic Administration related persons, recently said in island development is in a State of disorder of remorseless overindulgence, development methods, extensive damage to island resources is extremely serious. Second Institute of the Council do not have a beautiful gem ultra-researchers revealed that the island fully discharge national renovation repair funding gap of about hundreds ofBillion to nearly $. Reporters also was informed that will begin in 2012 national comprehensive survey of island resources, State Oceanic Administration ("census of the island"), while continuing to strengthen the island renovation repair and protection work. The survey object for the exception of Hainan Island, main island of Xiamen, Zhoushan island nation with a population of Islands and uninhabited islands. Will land on island and surrounding seasAuthority, use of natural resources and the status quo and other socio-economic conditions for a thorough investigation and to serve as the basis for the distribution of key resources, such as the shoreline of the island, port development and utilization of tera power leveling, quality, status, potentials and conservation status assessment, launched a national functional orientation and ecological regionalization of uninhabited islands diablo 3 gold, make relevant island development, construction, conservation and management recommendations. NationalMarine Council 2011 disclosure, in China Island are to amazing of speed disappeared, and resources damage serious, fried Island fried reef, and filled sea even island, and quarrying dug sand, and mess Wai mess Ken, activities mass changed Island terrain tera gold, and landforms, even caused part Island fight lost; in island Shang dumping garbage and harmful waste, collecting coral reefs, felled red Woods, heavy, and abuse mining Island rare biological resources, liveDynamic, render an island and its surrounding seas biodiversity reduction, deterioration of the ecological environment. Affiliated researcher of the Institute, State Oceanic Administration, told reporters: "Wai reclamation or the island and the Mainland, or to make a number of small islands with the island lost its ' surrounded by the sea ', ecological properties. "Not a beautiful gem ultra said Islands as a buffer between humans and the marine, Is the barrier of typhoons "ecological barriers".   A marine environmental experts said, after the Islands Protection Act enacted in 2009, island ecological damage although the momentum was curbed, but Island ecological conditions in China are still not optimistic. In terms of industrial structure, these experts stress that forms of economic exploitation of uninhabited islands including island tourism,Interim storage, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery, public services (navigation, observation stations, etc). "According to incomplete statistics at the end of 2010, the country has uninhabited islands to achieve development and utilization of more than 900 multiple, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery by island, the largest number of them, reaching more than 300 more, industrial and transportation island over more than 200. Experts say that "the majority were found in the extensive development, that is,There is no technical content, the development of resource-looting ". Other marine environmental experts, who asked not to be named, for example, a bridge of haidaoxian mountain in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, in the past due to the large fry mountain quarry, topography of the island has seen tremendous changes, more than 800 hectares of damaged more than 300 hectares, "of course, the coastal areas ' bald Hill ' than the more seriousSome are ". Information provided by the relevant State departments to reporters showed that in recent years, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Liaoning, Hebei and so there are different levels of illegal quarrying fried island events. The above information also shows that a Southeast province of Meizhou Island by sand mining boats in the coastal district of Jining sanding jobs frequently, shelter-dumped roots bare, Sandy coastal erosion serious back, although the island has set up focused on renovationThe task force, set up sentry post and telephone hotlines, established duty patrol system, but acts of theft still continue despite repeated prohibition. Third Institute senior engineer Tang Kunxian, State Oceanic Administration said when interviewed by reporters for example, a Sun on the beach of the island seafood, a large number of cutting down the trees on the island to remove vegetation on the island, leading to serious soil erosion. "The sand mining and quarrying project, future peopleRepair costs far outweigh economic benefits arising from the construction industry, seafood farming, it is worth.   "Tang Kunxian said. According to another according to the relevant departments of the State, as public facilities lag behind, sewage treatment facilities in towns and townships with a population of only 3 of the island, Sea Islands can only be taken to address the remaining, most island waste treatment are still takenThe original landfill, resulting in Islands and the surrounding marine environment continues to deteriorate.   Not a beautiful gem ultra also said that few islands of industrial wastewater to the seawater vertical, causing heavy metal pollution, fish and shrimp mass water odor, low visibility. The marine environmental experts said, "almost one or two years, all over the island project applications submitted to the Marine Department in charge of the new focus will, It is important to ensure that the protection and utilization planning of the island, Sea Island using the project's high standards of environmental protection. "" Author: Caijing Roundup "(Editor: Enami) Others:

