
tera gold USGA - QGJ

129732242281565000_208Rod Simpson Sina sports news Beijing time on February 6, according to United States Golf magazine reported that the United States Golf Association (USGA) and RA may not sit long rod and do nothing. Although they do not prevent this pusher, but they will start with the push-click way, so as to achieve the purpose of actually prohibit longer rod. RA wants to do this adjustmentWhy didn't want to golf in bad Lieutenant Gale pusher stable as a crutch ourselves, while non-traditional pusher has a growing number of people using this, fearing that influence on the next generation. For a while tera gold, belly-type pusher and chest-type pusher feels will coexist with us. But RA set off "no abdominal pusher" sports United States high society started to changeIdea.  Its Executive Director Mike-Davis (Mike Davis) noted in an interview with reporters will revisit this is called "mooring" (anchoring) push the hammer. "Anchor" the names RA and the United States is popular in high society circles, usually refers to the push push blow when you hit the ball against the body, it is a natural orTraditional push-click definition. "Push the abdominal blow" refers to holding the top of the fixed around the abdomen or abdominal.  "Chest push shot"--often called the "long pusher push shot"--was held fixed at the top of the chest. Clearly formulated "anti-anchor" rule is an extremely subtle thing, first of all, to use precise language is Golf ClubRules of history's greatest challenge.  Next, that in itself is a major rule amendments to decisions. Pusher type itself does not prevent the rule, but rather the judgment that push-strike violations. This kind of thing happened more than 40 years ago, competent bodies push shot between the legs of the golf (croquet-style push-click) does not meet the requirements. That kind of push rod, then therePlayers use the secret world power leveling, such as: srme-dict-Shi Lide (Sam Snead).  But he used the side push-click way. For belly-putting, long push rod attitude change in the United States apparently high society annual meeting. The past, Mike-Davis talks about those chest-pusher, abdominal pusher always save the golfer with a poor tone. But this time, he has justA more idealistic, more hard-line stance. "Suddenly sth It became a big topic. "Mike-Davis stressed that" United States high Union RA has been talking about the push rod length. Next, we will convert a perspective on the issues that We should take into account: the long term, this is golf, is good for all golfers?I have to tell you, RA arrived last week (New York), far hills (Far Hills). Our annual meeting was held, at the annual meeting, we discussed how do we manage the problems of golf around the world. Meanwhile, we are talking about multiple equipment problems, including the ' anchor ' problem. Our Committee also discussed this week. So far,There is no conclusion. "It is something that we look at things. Now, more and more players are using it, not only the elite players, including entertainment. We want to make sure that we look at every angle, consider what is in line with traditional golf, the best interests of golf history, and is good for golf. "Mike-Davis positionGet new President Glenn-r.n.NAGEL (Glen d. Nager) support.  -Mike Davis, Glenn-Ernest Nagal, and ball with standard-Chairman Dan Burton (Dan Burton) have been promised will work with RA, from beginning to end to check "push the abdominal blow" and "chest push shot". Sources said RA was begun onDiscussion on this issue mainly because the United Kingdom weather. "RA does not like golf on windy days, rain or cold weather, as stable as a crutch their putting. "The source said," in essence, they are putting a firm themselves. Golf and this is not the intent of the rules. Using the push rod is not the purpose of these people in order to push the traditional hammer."More than 20 years, RA and United States high on" anchoring "problem is very passive. In 1989, a long pusher of an official declaration of tolerance exists, at least temporarily tolerated.  Since then, they have not released a new declaration to that question. Main factors influencing the current atmosphere, sources said, mainly because of a large number of uses of abdominalRise of putting players such as:-Simpson and Keegan-Bradley Weber. These young people have been using this kind of putting the good years. "Authorities in the future no one wants the children know which when push diablo 3 gold, push rod against his belly. "Sources said," now look, a new generation of players is likely pushing all this hit, absolutely no traditionWay. Traditional way since hundreds of years has been the cornerstone of push hit.  "RA-CEO Peter Dawson (Peter Dawson) expressed his" anchor "disgust, this represented only his personal attitudes, however, he also pointed out that ball rules revised by two major equipment standards Committee of the authority is responsible for. In any case, when 2012 years United States open when the Olympic Club in San Francisco, United States high society will talk about it again. (Small wind) Others:

