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129742939304531250_251(Reporter Zhong Jingjing) 2009 has been widely reported by the media in the oil group in purchase of Sun Star City, Chaoyang District buy runescape items, Beijing again raised concerns yesterday. Yesterday media reports there are about 4 times times the original purchase price of the purchase price of existing homes sold. Yesterday, the oil group is not in on this comment. Intermediary website also saw a large number of reporters yesterday in the House "PetroChina cadre "name of the sale of second-hand sales runescape items, sales per square meter of housing prices ranging from $ 35,000-42,000, representing about 8,000 yuan per square meter of purchase price up about 4 times. Reported before, in March 2009 the petroleum group is responsible for the logistics of oil service company subsidiaries in Beijing China and signed the first city kingberry Chase subsidiaries bought existing homeSelling contracts, China spent $ 2.06 billion yuan buying at the Sun Star City, Chaoyang District, three of eight residential and two commercial floors, plus two underground car parks. Purchase price is $ 8,170 per square metre, far below the market price of around 23,000 yuan per square meter. China oil services company said earlier on media, the cooperation was in 2005Began to talk about, when price levels in the vicinity of the Sun at around 9,000 dollars, with 10 people purchase, there are good discounts. Oil does not put a penny in the House. Yesterday reporters seen on the live site was labeled "oil" or "PetroChina cadres" in the sale of second-hand housing, for the purchase of oil. For sale house stockRoom ranged from 93 square meters to 205 square meters, each ranging from $ unit price 35,000-42,000 square meters. Housing agency describes important information on these houses covering: House get room, surrounded by Line 10 and Line 13, line for line subway. It is understood that yesterday in the oil group has learned that the matter was also widespread concern, but in the oil group has notTo comment on. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly cheap runescape items, at your own risk. Others:

