
age of conan gold suspend operation" - BUG

129742938948281250_307The 1th page: State insurance "downsizing" red bolt reimbursement scale turned to profit the 2nd page: turning profits of scale due to limited financing, factors such as the shareholders ' capital increase and the will is not strong, the solvency ratio of small and medium-sized insurance companies has been suspended on the sword of Damocles. Recently, the China business newspaper reporter was informed that three consecutive years insuranceInsufficient solvency "blacklist" of State insurance, started organizations to adjust the plan, three or four-level institutions for poor business performance ", suspend operation", streamlined manpower, compress spending to achieve the purpose of controlling costs, stop-loss and increasing efficiency. Recommended reading for Shanghai Pudong three-car collision three amazing accident deaths ping an life insurance premiums record laughed proud of Beijing-Shanghai yaCorner "Kiss" Rolls Royce paid 350 guild wars 2 gold,000 safe response to "double check" application has been refused and old father Bank pension fraud insurance salesman verbal commitments don't believe in February new single premium rate or better than in January, people in the industry, this mainly companies have long faced State insurance solvency ratio under low pressure forced to move, but the "active"Select shut down agencies with poor performance the behavior itself, or reflected from a mere accident and Enterprise profit pursuit of premium to the attention to scale change, this type of capital accumulation or for small and medium-sized insurance companies solvency issues provide inspiration. Forced "downsizing" near 20% a rough calculation, this adjustment involves total branches of all State insurance branch near 20%.Under the State Insurance Agency budget adjustment programme (hereinafter referred to as "adjustment"), the company will be based on premium income, comprehensive measures such as cost rates, 31 branches are divided into strong profitability, profit, profitability threshold, budget deficit and limit bodies four main categories of automobile insurance, where branch three or four of its poor performance on two or three class-level institutions "shut down andTurn ", streamlined manpower, compress spending in order to profit as much as possible. According to adjustment programmes, tertiary institutions to withdraw of the branch or implementation of the team management will have 13; tertiary institutions closed down 42; four-level undo 39. Under State insurance website materials, by the end of 2010, Center for State insurance company, company, business, marketingNearly 500 service, roughly, the adjusted total involving branches of State insurance branch near 20%. ����The adjustment measures and programmes do not communicate with the agencies, could communicate with the institutions in the actual implementation of adjustments in specific matters. At present, the scheme has been introduced in some areas. Sichuan province, according to State insurance company (hereinafter referred to as "Bangchuan ") of the people familiar with the matter said swtor credits, after closing Yibin branch, recently closed the branch in yaan, there are several other companies are in a closed state. ����In addition, the branch and more companies began cutting staff, or for post adjustment. According to adjustment programmes, bangchuan subordinate branch profitability of the second class, there are 5 plansBusiness license or revoked, branch team down from 3 to 2, branch line after reduction 23 people as a whole. Approach described above are bangchuan of people familiar with the matter said: "close the tertiary institutions in the insurance industry of Sichuan rare, was opened first. "Revocation of individual branches or business cards, has long precedents in the insurance industry, but such a large scaleAdjustment plan, is not common. ����People in the industry think, States it is mainly long term solvency under enough pressure forced to adjust. Since 2009, out of State insurance solvency in 3 years in a row to enter the China insurance regulatory Commission "blacklist", has become the industry's leading finance company. According to State insurance annual report 2010, 2009 age of conan gold, 2010End of company solvency ratios-74% and-61% respectively. "In 2011, the State insurance solvency ratio is still not achieved, China sent a letter urging more than once. ����"Insider close to the State insurance company. During this period, China insurance regulatory Commission has issued more than once of the letter of the regulation, State insurance Xiamen branch, Hubei, Jiangxi and commercial vehiclesNew business insurance, Dalian, Gansu, Heilongjiang, Yunnan, Shaanxi and Henan branch non-automobile insurance new business has been halted. The Insider also revealed that State insurance was held on October 25, 2011 for the first session of the 14th interim meeting of the Board, was considered by the meeting of the State property insurance company increased its registered capital, increased reimbursementForce of motion, developing company stage capital increase programmes, early capital amount was 7~10 billion yuan, will be organized in accordance with statutory procedures convened general meeting of shareholders of the company, completely solve the problem of insufficient solvency. But as of now, state capital increase and the new message has not been heard.

