
University of Yangtze River

129668652400468750_62The Ministry of education: individual breaches in colleges and universities to recruit undergraduate international students of clinical medicine reports seriously inconsistent Xinhua Beijing November 27 (reporter Liu Yizhan) time ago media reports violations to enroll international students individual colleges and universities in our country, the Ministry of education said 27th, head of international division, Changsha Medical College, and 7 does not breach to enroll in colleges and universities teach in EnglishUndergraduate international students of clinical medicine, some media in China to study abroad in China lack regulatory reports seriously inconsistent. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single Twelve-Five planning to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metalsPublication: amazing sex scandal counted between global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money is not the good prospects of China according to the official responsible for, the Ministry of education attaches on the reports, immediate cover, Hebei North University swtor power leveling, Changsha Medical College, Yichun Academy of Jinggangshan University, Hebei University, University of Yangtze River, LuzhouState medical school 7 colleges and universities to recruit undergraduate international students for the verification of clinical medicine, found no irregularities. It is understood, the Ministry of education enacted in 2007 was issued by the medical education to international students (in English) interim regulations on the quality control standards, and for 5 years in higher education in China for foreign students in undergraduate clinical medicine (in English) admissionsImplementing national program management, and achieved good results, thus safeguarding the international reputation of higher education in China, by the national Governments and certainly the students ' attention and Chinese universities. The official said, to promote the development of education to international students, will continue to strictly enforce the provisional regulations, audit to determine every year for foreign students in undergraduate clinical medicine (English) list of enrollment in colleges and universities star wars the old republic power leveling, according to school practical teaching resource and teaching ability given admissions. The Ministry of education will further improve the educational quality evaluation system study in China and education supervision system, has approved the recruitment of undergraduate clinical medicine (in English) for international students in University English teachers and the officials training on a regular basis, and regularly assess the quality of education while strengtheningSupervision over other recruitment of medical students in colleges and universities, as a result of irregularities, once verified dealt with and should not be tolerated.

delivering guidance

129668652394843750_50Xinhuanet, Huhehaote, November 27 (reporter Li Yunping)-reporter learned from the Office of human resources and social security in Inner Mongolia, faced more severe employment situation of college students, Inner Mongolia the old republic power leveling, human resources and social security, education and other network sectors field recruiting, recruiting, employment policy advocacy publications, and other means to help university graduates. In Inner MongoliaIntroduction to the Bailiwick of Yu Yongquan, Director of the Office of human resources and social security, Inner Mongolia University graduate employment service launched on November 26 weeks as an opportunity to graduate recruitment Conference held one after another, online recruitment Conference, employment policy advocacy activities such as publishing. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) against the euroNotes programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single release planning will enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals Twelve-Five: amazing sex scandal counted between global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's future within 1 month's time, will be held in Inner Mongolia, "human resources and social insurancePeople with disabilities, Director of campus "activities, speeches, lectures, and other forms of advocacy in employment policy to answer employment questions; will be held" enterprise personnel managers to campus "campaign swtor power leveling, organized more than 200 companies into recruitment, teaching in colleges and universities, career guidance activities; extensive" sending policy, delivering guidance, sending status "activity, provide effective employment information for university graduates. In addition, Will implement the employment of college graduates in Inner Mongolia under real names and statistics, a comprehensive understanding about graduates ' employment situation, in time to help unemployed college graduates. While continuing to organize students ' "village", "three help" 12 helps college students ' employment scheme on the basis of, has been expanded, Inner Mongolia University graduates to serve the grassroots plan to increase the "livelihood of volunteer service projects"2,500," SME reserves graduates scheme "2,500 people," "three help" plan "of 1000 people. This year, Inner Mongolia University graduates exceeded 100,000 for the first time, up to 102,000 people, increase over the previous year about 7,100 people. Supply exceeding demand in the labour market in Inner Mongolia, conspicuous structural contradictions in employment for college students, college graduationEmployment pressures remained high.

there remained. Gold-line statement

129668682406562500_99Sudden unexpected death of a private lending intermediary Teng Liang, leading to a sudden tightening of Lianyungang debit funds star wars the old republic power leveling, while Ruey Yang, sailed two irregularities also surfaced of a security company. From Lianyungang CBRC confirmed a few days ago, ruiyang security company directly secured more than 60 million dollars, Bank of Jiangsu Lianyungang branch more than 18 million dollars at risk. While sailing company arrestedIllegal deposit taking. At present the old republic power leveling, the situation has been basically controlled, public security organs have been intervention. On October 16, sail investment company limited by guarantee boss Lv Haiming disappeared after 3 days, Ruey Yang investment guarantees the company's actual control Wang Bing Pao Lu, at present, both controlled by the police. Know, Lv Haiming sailing companies suspected of exceeding the scope of operations, illegal deposit-1. $ 300 million and as security for Ruey Yang de facto control in the company of Wang Bing, it is because the borrower's loan sharking, futures, and investment real estate and other fields, eventually "implicated" guarantee company. Informed sources, Wang Bing Lao Feng Xiang's in my hand, Mutsutomi 6, such as jewellery shops, a shop a year making millions of dollars no problem, but he think twice about borrowing money to invest, an amount of loan shark interestMore than 10 million, there remained. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

growing 6.6%

129668535230625000_8Xinhuanet, Washington D.C. swtor power leveling, November 26 (reporters Liu Lina and Jiang Xufeng)-United States retail research company Shopper Track26 today published statistics, 25th, this year's "Black Friday" (after the first Friday of Thanksgiving), the United States retail sales over the same period last year, growing 6.6%, displays the shopping season this year beginning potentialHead strong. Shopper Track track 25,000 aote rice shopping throughout the United States after data published studies showing that this year's Black Friday, United States consumers in retail stores and shopping centers with a total cost $ 11.4 billion, an increase of nearly $ 1 billion, for the highest level since 2007. Other IBM publications according to 500 online retailerData, United States consumers to Black Friday online shopping amount rose 24.3%. Harvard historian nanxi·keen said the retail industry, "Black Friday" this assertion stems from the 60, Philadelphia police on Friday consumers rush to shopping on Thanksgiving after causing traffic jams describes. Geely the old republic power leveling, and businesses to plan to create a "black" predicts earnings of almostRead. Fourth Thursday of November each year for the United States Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving to Christmas is around the United States is traditionally the most important shopping season, which usually accounts for about one months time retail sales one-fifth for all of the above. The industry believes, despite Thanksgiving retail sales this year are encouraging, this does not guarantee that the boom in the shopping quarter of this year. United States national retailUnion of this shopping season forecast sales growth of 2.8%, an increase of less than per cent in 2010.    Due to high unemployment and economic growth are not optimistic about the future, United States consumer spending still relatively cautious attitude. (Editor: Liu 玥)

in the name of financial innovation

129667786276709142_267Why straighten up all kinds of trading venues? There are at least three points, that is, to guard against financial risks, and standardize the market order, maintain social stability. Currently some worrying Exchange chaos: some places illegal securities and futures trading activities without permission; some Exchange Management irregularities, serious speculation and price manipulation; individual Exchange shareholders directly involved in theThe sale, even managers escaped the misappropriation of client funds, managers, volume, and so on. These issues such as development spread down, vulnerable to systemic, culture, financial risk, and even affect social stability, therefore, must take prompt measures to remedy the situation. Trading venues is providing equitable, transparent trading opportunities for all market participants, an orderly trading platformWith strong social and openness. However, we have seen in recent years, in the name of financial innovation, various trading venues throughout the country was "Bai Qi" trades numerous, including not only rare and precious metals, works of art, financial assets, ownership, carbon emissions, including agricultural products, pharmaceutical products, even the Chinese drug, ginseng, garlic, fruit, red pepper, silkExchange transactions were marked, such as silk. Upsurge of building exchanges and also spread from cities to cities, and see a large number of private equity exchange. Despite being "hundred lights on", but because of the lack of standardized management, number of deals has exposed a large financial and social risks. On one hand, some local governments are keen to develop local markets,Ignoring the law and government regulation of the market building itself responsibility; on the other hand, some market organizers often fails strict management and one-sided pursuit of trading volume, expand the size of the market, there has been violation of speculation and price risks of deviation, the corner, to the market traders brought a serious loss and compliance. CUPL Liu jipeng, Director of capital Research Center, tradingStraighten up, on the one hand, a lot of rapid development of the commodity futures exchange, on supervision Division the old republic power leveling, however it is not clear, this speculative, risk, and social impact on the other, exchanges such as the Tianjin Exchange, of financial innovation is actually the name cannot be split, share, and a variety of transactions, securitization of centralized price bidding, tradingEven setting up the Exchange. These trades, had actually entered the scope of securities, but management are the blind spots in this regard, it also contains a big social risks. Therefore, expect big things straighten currently of exchanges in the present situation, it is very necessary. Deployment from the State Council level rectification of illegal exchange of chaos is to strengthen the monitoring, prevention and controlRisks swtor power leveling, standardize the market order a shot of "must". ����This recording "must", hit the currently unregulated trading venues, will make all kinds of national exchange stop wild growth. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

satellite manufacture and applications of bdstar

129667864509052892_500Ministry of mechanical industrial equipment Secretary Zhang Xiangmu 16th financial reports on the situation, said that the high-end equipment manufacturing industry "Twelve-Five" plan to be issued, in which special, satellites for the development and application of intelligent equipment special State subsidies for the Development Fund has been implemented.  Smart first sets of equipment subsidies accounted for 25-50% of product sales prices. In response, securities analysisTeacher says, government development policy issues for sophisticated manufacturing and financial support is a very effective strategy, promoting the development of sophisticated manufacturing and State subsidy Fund issued will bring to market a new round of enthusiasm. High-end equipment manufacturing industry including aviation, aerospace, rail transportation, marine engineering and intelligent equipment, five major industries. Compared to heavy machinery,Nuclear power, high-speed rail the old republic power leveling, marine engineering, aerospace, high-end CNC machine tools and equipment, as an important part of high-end equipment manufacturing of intelligent equipment manufacturing industry is a relatively new concept. At present, involve high-end equipment manufacturing listed companies in China are more focused concern involving aircraft power of aviation equipment, satellite manufacture and applications of bdstar, Ocean engineering equipmentOffshore oil engineering and intelligent manufacturing equipment in the field of Shenyang machine tool in the field, and so on. Practitioners say, high-end equipment manufacturing industry "Twelve-Five" plan will be published, which marked the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry has entered a new era of development, on the high-end equipment manufacturing industry in China's import demand is still very large, "plan" introduced to a certain extentImproving industrial development of our own high-end equipment industry, the main or from independent innovation to improve. The CPC Central Committee policy research Office of the Secretary for economic services, researcher Li lianzhong said in equipment manufacturing industry in our country there is a favourable development conditions. First, the reform and opening up more than 30 years star wars the old republic power leveling, our country has strong economic strength, social stability. Second, China has 1 trillionUnited States Treasury and 3 trillion foreign exchange reserves, which provide an effective means for our expanding international exchange and have the strength of foreign advanced technology. Third, our country is in middle and late industrialization, high-end breakthroughs in equipment manufacturing industry still have a lot of space and potential. Four is the world-wide, first to get out of the shadow of the financial crisis in China, and this year happens to "Twelve-Five" Planning openBureau of the year, which will provide a huge boost for China's equipment manufacturing industry development.


joint ventures

129667864525771642_544Yesterday, the Ministry of transport to coastal provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions issued the opinion on promoting sustainable development of coastal port health, pointed out that "Twelve-Five", you will develop shipping finance, insurance, shipping, Maritime Arbitration, information transactions, and other modern transportation services business, encouraged mainly by advantages of port enterprises swtor power leveling, joint ventures, mergers and other forms of cooperation enterprisesResource integration, promoting the construction of pier facilities investment subject pluralism. Pointed out that, in the Bohai, will focus on improving coal unloading Terminal layout, foreign trade of iron ore shipment. In the Yangtze River Delta region will further improve the container transport system, the bulk cargo sea to river transit system and jianghai material transfer system. In the Pearl River Delta region, will focus on building public coalUnloading Pier, improving the transit transport system. In the southeastern coastal areas, strengthening the construction of transport facilities to Taiwan, to accelerate the development of cross-strait direct "three links" water transport infrastructure.����In the coastal areas of Southwest China, actively promote the transformation of Dagang stevedoring area specialization, the orderly development of specialized the old republic power leveling, large-scale port area. Comments stressed that the "Twelve-Five", you will actively develop modern shipping services,Focusing on international shipping centre, vigorously develop shipping and financial information, shipping, insurance, Maritime Arbitration, business transactions, and other modern shipping service, extended shipping service industrial chain. In addition, the comments made, would promote the construction of pier facilities investment subject pluralism, encouraged mainly by advantages of port enterprises, joint ventures, mergers and other forms of cooperation between enterprises resources integration.(Li Qiang)


129668763199687500_369Tesongjia wins the grand final Berdych reached the corruptor Federer Crown Xinhua sports--London, November 26 (journalist Mary Baker) France's leading tesongjia 26th continued its good since the Kasai State, Telok good two sets to beat Czech Berdych, for the first time advancing to the champions of the ATP World Tour finals battle. Now only between him and the trophy over Federer, but "Switzerland King" before he was defeated by two consecutive Sundays.Ranked sixth in the world of the Stetson Group b's second identity advancing to the semifinals, Berdych fighting on that day and a group header names. French jump status, although the first fifth Council had been rivals to a break point, but others serve to Berdych hardly any chance. Sixth, tesongjia take advantage of a break Berdych double fault of the machine, contributing in 6:3 won the firstDisk. The second set was tesongjia first break in the seventh, although Berdych ranked seventh in the world next to color, but after 5:5 flat fifth double fault, Stetson and take the break again. 12th, Stetson to the seventh ACE remember ball game close 7:5 gains second set victory. After the match, Berdych recognizes tesongjia performanceWell, but still said he woke up feeling unwell. "I saw a doctor, taking some medicine, I had a little fever. In this case and thus a rival competition, it is so difficult. "Tesongjia again on the pitch circle dancing to celebrate the victory. Following the defeat of the world's second after Nadal broke into the semi-finals for the first time, aged 26, he is now one step short of the CupAway. However, stand in front of him is the legendary Roger Federer. The winner of 16 Grand Slam champions on 7:5, defeated Spain's world fifth Ferrer, 27th to the sixth Crown and the grand final, the impact of 70th career Crown. It is interesting, 27th will be between Roger Federer and tesongjia for the third Sunday. 13th, Roger FedererTesongjia home win, for the first time the top Paris masters. 20th, as the defending champion Roger Federer defeated the French in the year-end finals opening swtor power leveling, final group three consecutive victories to the semi-finals. However, this year's Wimbledon on the field, is tesongjia hat trick reversed the old republic power leveling, six wins Wimbledon Crown's Roger Federer stopped outside the top four. "I certainly look forward to victory," StetsonAnd looking forward to the finals, he said.

risk has been justifiably stated in the prospectus

129668631871250000_71Criticized today's stock market most markets of IPO money. Therefore, some of the recent management initiatives by the market as a benefit, such as address the high premium issues swtor power leveling, delisting problems resolved gem sth   But they still need to implement to the letter, otherwise, also is empty. This week's IPO market information is still not optimistic. First, the speedSo is not reduced, which is reflected in the speed trial, is also reflected in the IPO and listing on, although both this week and next week only 2 stock issue, but on Friday of new shares by Commission the old republic power leveling, 7 day will audit companies, audit efficiency of such unprecedented. In November, everyone feels that verification of new stocks sharply lower, it is true that, but number of audits on the rise,Even increase mortality, through a number of listed companies remains unchanged. Secondly, the issue price of new shares remain high. Phoenix media in this week's issue, priced at $ 8.8, issuing up to 63 times times forward earnings. It is interesting, the company's capital fund in 2008 and 2009 there was $ 1.4 billion and $ 800 million, by the end of 2010So is negative $ 756 million, were so puzzled.   Phoenix media plans to raise funds of $ 2.76 billion, actually raising money $ 4.479 billion, extra proceeds up to $ 1.719 billion, so go around apologising Inquiry Agency echoed is still the major cause of the present high premium. Once again, despite the Commission new shares through rates declined, but were "shoot"Almost all small businesses, those mega-companies, as the industry's main forces, are going green channel, quick reviews, quick listing. Xinhua insurance, from audit through all set to release 20 days, and some small companies line up three or even six months are still crying out. From this kind of contrast can be seen, only known the current IPO system market and stronger, bigger and strongerStronger in the process of forming a huge amount of interest, and for the interests of investors hardly anyone considered. Anyway, risk has been justifiably stated in the prospectus: "If you suspect this release ring suspected of money, you don't have to participate in the purchase. ”

at least more than 400.   These pets have been largely through online sales

129668731939375000_307Are kept in tiny cages for bee reporter Yu Zhuo monkey photo taken yesterday morning, wenyi road within a residential area in Xian City, four bee monkey, a Burmese Python was rescued by police reporter Yu Zhuo's photography Loris: alias Slow Loris endangered animals at the national level, wind monkey distribution in Yunnan and Guangxi almost as precious as giant pandas move back 12 seconds.4 Loris, 1 three-metre long Burmese Python, these precious animals are protected by the State, has become a high-a and others for sale in the shop "pet".   25th, forest police uncovered Internet traffic in the country of rare and protected animals, 5 suspects were arrested. Civilian police from chat clues found in early November this year, cypress forest police station chief of stelesIn literature and art of police road a pet shop shopping mall is occasionally heard Beilin District has an online pet store, the sale of State-level protected animal Burmese pythons. Civilian police queries across the network, quickly found a suspected high run by a "forest pet" shop, Web publishing for sale pet species, in addition to various pet snakes, lizards, spiders, there are animal protection at the national level Burmese pythons.Police immediately by the Web page provided on the QQ number, pretending to buy a pet with a contact high, detecting and learned that high road apartment rental in literature and art, raising illegal purchase of endangered species of wild animals, to sell for profit. The afternoon of 25th, civilian police officers in a rental apartment high in high a and 5 other suspects arrested and found in rental housing estates 1 nearly 3 metres of the StateBurmese pythons, and 4-level protection animals endangered animal bee at the national level hundreds of monkeys, and various other pets. 15 square houses hundreds of climbing in pet yesterday morning, at a higher rental apartments, two room, one living room, living room computers, printers, fax machines, POS swipe everything, 4 bee monkey sitting on the iron cage of 4 rectangular, are placed in yangquanIn a big cardboard box. Open living room side of the door, a smell delicious odor, less than 15 square meters room, placed the sizes of all kinds of glass cabinets, which keeps a variety of different species of lizards and snakes for pets. In the middle of housing in a glass case, five or six half-metre long giant lizards lie in one, and in the glass case back, one arm of coarse, systemicGolden stripes Monty disc into a ball the old republic power leveling, police said it was Burmese pythons. Reporters have seen, the whole room keeps pet snakes, lizards, spiders, centipedes and other reptile pets, at least more than 400.   These pets have been largely through online sales, express it out. Dialog suspects know Loris introduction to protected civilian police, committedHigh crime suspect was Baoji people, 39 years old this year, beginning in 2006 as domestic pet business, last year to open an online shop, do all kinds of climbing pet wholesale, retail, small pet business.   High on a business card, says, "all of our pet quarantine departments of sampling inspection by the State, make sure you buy".   Police: Loris, Burmese Pythons where it came from? HighA: 4 Loris was bought from Guangdong last month, Burmese Pythons were bought last year, has its own live. Police: buy what channels? How much does it cost?   Shipped back to Xian? Higher: go to Guangzhou for the pet market stock before swtor power leveling, heard someone in the market selling Loris this but I'll get someone to buy 4, 500 dollars only, by returned to Xian logistics company.Police: did you know that Loris is the national animal protection?   Ready to do with?   High: know, just to get a good price. Extended monkey bee also known as the slow Loris moved back 12 seconds "because of the number of rare, Loris now as valuable as Panda. "Yesterday morning, Yang Zhao Xian Qinling Wildlife Park Conservation Center, through Qinling mountainWild animal park and the Provincial Forestry Department communication, they prepare to Loris and Burmese Pythons to bring back feeding. According to experts, Loris alias monkey lorises, wind, domestic distribution in Yunnan and Guangxi, a number of rare, is the national level to protect animals, endangered species. Mainly inhabits tropical and subtropical forests, life in the trees, activity alone, action is slow, moveStep 12 seconds, only at the time of the attack has accelerated, so it is also called "Slow Loris". Burmese Pythons for the national level to protect animals, gentle nature. Mainly in the South-East Asia, including Indochina, the Malay Peninsula and India North; in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, at present, because frequently being hunted wild Burmese Pythons increasingLess. Reminding pet four issues of modern pet-more and more, in view of this phenomenon, civilian police special alerts: pet pets purchased the first thing to note is a protected wildlife, illegal buying endangered wildlife is unlawful, is liable to 5 years, or 5-10 years in prison, if the circumstances are specialSeriously, is liable to imprisonment for not less than 10 years and, secondly, keeping pets or disturbing others ' normal life have allowed pets to intimidate that person's behavior is an administrative offence and third, similar to Burmese pythons, large wild animals such as lizards, personal feed there is a risk, try not to in cities with dense population areas feeding; IV, found trafficking in countriesProtection of animal behavior, you should immediately alert to the public security departments or reported to the local animal protection authorities. Reporter Zhang Lin ()


129668732768593750_1422012 study on another major feature is the "good faith" the enemy. This year will strengthen the examination of safety management, improving recruitment breaches of discipline and personnel information base, establishing recruitment candidates archive integrity. In recent years, cheating, fraud and other irregularities occurred in the civil service examination. In this regard, national civil service honesty in examination requires candidates to strictly abide by theExamination discipline with no prohibited items swtor power leveling, not to do prohibited activities, had no chance, not to engage in fraud fraud, resolutely resist any participation in the "group" cheat the old republic power leveling, "" high tech "hideous violation such as cheating. Examination does not spread, the dissemination of test questions and does not participate in irresponsible online discussions. According to the Bureau in charge of civil servant, 2012 examination will improve recruitmentBreaches of discipline and personnel information base.


129667840417334142_25Wang yawei stocks oubite (300,053) late yesterday confirmed that "hand in hand with the Chinese Aerospace Science and industry College, wants to try out things" message. Prior to this, Internet stock oubite and military concept of dual gem has received four new lines in a row, up 7.75%, beat the broader market over 9%, the unit throughout the day yesterday was bucked up 3.62%, new report 10. $ 01. Said profit contribution predictable according to the Commission website on November 23, China Aerospace Science and industry's College recently signed a strategic cooperation agreement with oubite, agreements between the two sides in the Internet technology and applications, product development and marketing of building strategic cooperation partnership. This message is published, oubite stocks start volume rose swtor power leveling, trading volume on November 228.35 million uplift 46.04 million yesterday to hand in hand, above the stock price from $ 9.27 contrarian washed up on the $ 10. Europe bit announcement yesterday evening, confirming Europe bit control engineering company wholly-owned subsidiary of Beijing Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and industry of hospitals signed a strategic cooperation agreement, but remained "cautious", said "the only framework strategic cooperation agreementDiscussion on specific issues in specific cooperation projects between the two sides still need further discussion in a formal contract and clear. And the signing of this agreement will not have significant impact on 2011 annual business achievement. Given the significant uncertainties Internet market is, therefore, the agreement on corporate profit contribution is difficult to predict the future. "People in the industry were of the view that oubite in the current mainEmbedded SoC chip and system integration, with considerable technical superiority and market advantages, and most of its major orders from the fields of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This cooperation, on behalf of the company in fact dabble in Internet of a substantive action and backed by China Aerospace Science and industry of hospitals this "tree". Wang yawei adhere to Europe bit climbed nearly a year until spring of China's spaceScience and industry College, who will be most happy? Star Fund Manager Wang yawei is certainly one of them. Report shows last year, Wang yawei steered China policy "show up" Ou Bite, hold 559,900, becoming its largest circulation shareholders. First quarterly results showed that Chinese market also appeared, with 600,000 units. At the end of the second quarter, euro-bit implementation of 10-10, Chinese marketAnd Chinese policy together holding 2.2723 million shares the old republic power leveling, oubite top circulation of institutional shareholders in shareholders list only Wang yawei management of these funds. To the end of the third quarter, China policy, the Chinese market two funds respectively 1.12 million and 1 million units of the company, ranked eight and tenth largest trading stock shareholders. In addition, private-equity products and huafu growth trend, remarkable 17th baseGold holds 2.92 million and 1.2 million units, respectively, as the new sixth and seventh-largest shareholder. According to the analysis, such as oubite have low price stocks in the high-concept of the right daily atrophy can more easily in the current market environment bucked the stronger. Its 7.75% in the past four trading days of gains well above those for City reservoirs-1.45% the performance of the aura of concepts in the Internet of thingsXia, the future is expected to force a breakthrough. Periodic report showed that companies maintain steady growth in the first half, net profit of $ 16.05 million, an increase of 17.52%; former third-quarter net profit of $ 24.17 million, an increase of 2.86%. Even though net profit growth of 2.86% appear bad, contrast-8.78% at the end of last year but has been improved.


great value party" activities in the hot

129668527087968750_17Return of old friends moved me, contribute to the ever-thankful forever, through martial arts owned by Sohu changyou games has introduced a number of the deer and the cauldron Thanksgiving activities, millions of dollars her love back. As multiple Thanksgiving activities come to a close soon, many deer Ding hero are action again, enjoy the great value of this last benefit, receiving its treasures. Let us follow their footsteps the old republic power leveling, andInto this Carnival countdown swtor power leveling, seize this final opportunity to earn million gift. Countdown to Thanksgiving feedback multiple gift issued fiery deer cauldron full of return of meritorious honor continued November Thanksgiving warmth is grateful for the month November "Thanksgiving" company are moved constantly. Reunion, and the brothers get together with friends, working together with his comrades, and know already embracing,A month-long multiple Thanksgiving activities invites luding return of meritorious honor. Generous gift is precious, but again the joy of reunion is a people between old friends. Along with "thanks old friend and love back" and "Thanksgiving feedback, great value party" activities in the hot, we enjoyed a lot of gratitude the warm constantly, the return of old friends even more infinite Lakes Rainbow, andBeautiful. Old friends return to meet again to enjoy Thanksgiving friendship warm affection for all players by wandering about fulfilling much smoother worth millions of dollars of jewelry incentives, limit of brilliance moving fashion, swift as the wind of war respecting mount, shenhuaijueji props for advanced roles, priceless treasures Gift Pack residual activity over more than 10 kinds of rewards true reward all players. With your oldFriends work together to return infinite Lakes, generous gift helps us by wandering about easier our enthusiastic participation with 3 million players, various national activities so that we can make more new friends. Millions of enthusiastic participation from the gift together free activities for all gift giving countdown continues hot rolled out numerous activities for a period of one month many Thanksgiving activityHas been entered in to the shower countdown stage, player's enthusiastic participation make these activities more popular, we together with old friends have adventures together, receiving awards share the joy of reunification. Last November we "Thanksgiving", after the many Thanksgiving activity is also about to launch, people mubuxiajie gratitude forever. Activity giftsContinued follow-up to the popular gratitude forever in the infinite world of the deer and the cauldron, Thanksgiving activities make us again with the old friends meet again, countless memories moving on again. Lasted one month activities have brought us thousands of generous gift, maybe there are activity is about to enter an end, but infinite moved is in ur my heart. Infinite Lakes boundless gratitudeRain Rainbow representation of calendar "Editor: empty cloud" published this post only for the transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views or confirm the description.

No. 925 accept United Kingdom media access

129667750443427892_82Taiwan leader Ma Ying the old republic power leveling, No. 925 accept United Kingdom media access, said the missiles still in Beijing on Taiwan, how can we possibly would support him participate in the 2012 election. Ma Ying-jeou said the claims were not true about Beijing supported him to stand for election, and these allegations from rivals, but opponents to come up with evidence to prove that. Ma Ying-jeou also reaffirms that, if his re-election success, nor does itOver the next four-year term of Office to visit the Mainland. He also said, from the development speed of current cross-strait relations, he boldly predicted that there is no possibility of meetings between the leaders of the two sides. In the United States on the issue of procurement of arms, he said swtor power leveling, will continue to work to the United States arms purchases, but must be a defensive weapon, and Taiwan needs, are unable to produce weapons. ButHe also pointed out that arms purchases is not an arms race and the Mainland. Phoenix TV Roundup

the quarter of small owners and drivers had to drive from huangyan sea

129668731797500000_233On November 22, 2011, the quarter of small owners and drivers had to drive from huangyan sea, South of the city dragons pulled back after it finishes goods shipping station, at about 3 o'clock in the morning arrives to the location of Baishuiyang shangfeng village near the town. "Road conditions were relatively good, late at night and also a lot of people, the car will open faster. "At the boss is under cab dozing off, suddenly felt the car hit the EastWest stopped viewing and found that a woman was knocked to the ground, his head bleeding.   Hurry up and call for an ambulance and police, but when doctors and police arrived on the scene, the old lady had died.   Had happened all season bosses feel scared because he found that he met in a car accident three years ago and this time a striking similarity. On August 9 the old republic power leveling, 2008, Quarter of drivers employed by the boss and Yang yuhuan, driving large goods vehicles from delivery to Quzhou.   Early this morning, Yang opened the white water ocean shangfeng village, near suddenly hit a passing man, causing each other died on the spot. "Is my car swtor power leveling, when in the morning, was in the white water ocean shangfeng village in this location are all killed one man. Why is it so skillfully do? "Quarter of bossVery depressing. ()

reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08

129667840562177892_38216:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3 swtor power leveling,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121 the old republic power leveling, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

female customers love them very much

129614866700156250_632[Zhongguancunzaixian home appliances channel original] younger people like those who fashion beautiful household electrical appliances, we recommend this little Swan XQB55-3068APCL (p) (parameter picture Forum) 5.5 kg wheelWashing machine, look for stylish pink, female customers love them very much, both the silver ion antimicrobial technology, ensuring the user health, coupled with the excellent operational, sales are good, now sells for $ 3,098, price increases, a demand of consumers may wish to consider. Little Swan XQB55-3068APCL (p) stores really making this little Swan XQB55-3068APCL (p) washing shape had applied the pink design, more in line with the aesthetic preferences of young women, home use, warm atmosphere the old republic power leveling, and 5.5 kg washing capacity for girls,, Is also no problem. Operating area features this little Swan washing with a large LCD screen, user-friendly understand washing machines in action, and provided the silver ion antimicrobial technology, laundry clean while protecting the health of consumers. Details features this little SwanAdded four heating temperature washing machines to choose from, 15 �� c, 25 �� c, 37 �� c and 50 �� c four-shift. In addition, more prominently, with mist washing technique, load the water spray and mist spray to highly functioning dehydrated State on clothing, greatly improved the whole machine of washing, rinsing, and moreAnd water conservation. Inner features the little Swan washing machine with a stainless steel tube, the service life is long, while the washing machine for country-level energy consumption products swtor power leveling, not only strong, but also more energy-efficient.
Edit comments: this little Swan XQB55-3068APCL (p) washing the most important feature of is its appearance, silver ion disinfection technologies and mist washing technique, is very popular with young women consumers, currently priced at 3,098Yuan, for such a lovely washing machines, and was able to accept. CygNET XQB55-3068APCL (p) washing machines [reference] $ 3,098 [dealers] madian Perun GOME stores 010-82074833


inaugurated the battle for a share

129668575519843750_25Director, International Center for economic research, Tsinghua University Ju Jiandong hexun stock message presented by the Hunan finance securities, hexun.com and Beijing TV the world financial joint cooperation with the Hunan finance financial Television Forum on November 27 at Renmin University of Western Ontario Matilda held by the information property. The event, man-gathered in China's securities market-economist and public offeringAnd private equity investment officer, Chief Economist at the brokerage. Forum around the open economic fog, European debt crisis impact on shares, investment policies, three major themes. Peel off Forum were divided into economic fog, inaugurated the battle for a share, just picking up Daniel other things in three parts. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or buying opportunity to five major gold stocks are large consumption willBurning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or large area fell stopped (figure) in "brushed aside economicFog "Forum, administered by the Institute of Tsinghua University Economics Professor Ju Jiandong, healthy development of the economy depends on increasing domestic investment rate of return. ����Following are administered by the College Department of Economics, Tsinghua University speech Professor Ju Jiandong memoir. Moderator: here we listen to the views of bow, the a-share market has no good and no, I have here is a summary. In many areas ISee the policy has been strengthened the old republic power leveling, what Trojan swtor power leveling, warm wind blowing, before going out of winter. Ju Jiandong: the first is the condition of capital markets, the real economy, China's economy is the engine of world economic growth. Therefore, I agree with the view of Dr Watson, from China's stock market prospects are bright, in the short term because of the real economy adjust some uncertainty, But that is, to make adjustments of China's economy as a whole like a healthy direction, is the core of what? Improve the return on investment in the country which is the core is the core, through increasing domestic investment rate of return, no matter what method of domestic economy, to healthy growth, so in this sense, the stock market prospects should be bright, so aHealth financing equity market on China's economy, is essential. Policy impact on the stock market, I believe the stock market is expected to be a bright future.

test system operates ATA company released news that the morning of November 26

129668652402343750_66"Delayed for a long time swtor power leveling, and finally finished the examination.   "Last night 8:40 P.M., candidates said after Xiao Wang from the examination room.   Yesterday morning, the national securities practice qualification examination of the securities investment funds in online subject, because of system failure, delayed until 7 o'clock last evening finally had a "make-up". It is understood that yesterday, the study of the vast majority of the country, including BeijingPoints have been affected. System problems this morning was forced to delay the examination yesterday afternoon, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and other places online that many candidates, securities practice qualification examination of the securities investment fund accounts be put off for the night. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photos)Multinational opposes euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% SASAC: single Twelve-Five planning to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals will be published: between the world and the amazing gossip inventory [gushen mini-concert] daily limit King came to the surface water skin: overseas hot money is not bullish on China capital Normal University study on the examination of information engineering college exam siteXiao Wang told reporters that the examination should be conducted at 10:30 A.M., but they waited until 11 o'clock in the morning even didn't go into the examination room. "The gates have been closed, are all waiting for the examination of people in the building, some of it will take up the examination of persons" bang bang "straight hit. "John says," others rush door and shouted, asking why don't test? "Subsequently,Invigilating teacher explained: "problems with the system, cannot download the exam, candidates are waiting in the corridor. "Up to 12:30 noon, come out invigilating teacher tell you:" received notice that the subject modification and 7 o'clock in the evening a make-up exam. "It is understood that affected not just Xiao Wang's yesterday test centers the old republic power leveling, Beijing University of technology, Beijing forestryUniversity test centers are also affected, tests all be postponed to the night. Being "delayed" candidates at 7 o'clock last evening into the examination room about 7 o'clock last evening, this reporter went to the capital Normal University College of information engineering, test centers outside of the main building 4 floor, was delayed for candidates holding identity cards one by one into the examination room.   After 1 hour and 50 minutes, examination being over. The sceneInvigilating teacher told reporters that because the system fails, the test centers computer system cannot download exam topics, leading candidates could not be read into the examination system on test questions.   After 2 hours of waiting, proctored eventually received a deferred examination of notifications. "We are only responsible for providing the examination room and equipment, I do not know what the whole system out of the question. "Invigilating teacher said,"We've learned is that most test centers in the national exams were delayed, only individual test centers due to download in advance the questions, you can carry test. "In addition, the invigilating teacher also told reporters that the test centers in more than more than 200 candidates are being delayed," most of the candidates took part in the exam in the evening. "Association initiated emergency candidates may choose a make-up examTime reporter then seen on the Internet, test system operates ATA company released news that the morning of November 26, subjects before the examination of the securities investment funds, due to the server, communication line failures, led some examination district examination delays. Securities Association of China to start emergency, the affected candidates may select a refund or select at 7 o'clock last evening,On November 27 make-up during the day or the next week. Securities Association of China brings to candidate members express deep apologies for the inconvenience.

to the United States

129668574445625000_26Olympus investigated former President to the United States Japan Olympus Optical industrial company United Kingdom nationality former President Michael · Wood Ford 26th Tokyo, to the United States, New York, investment in the company concealed losses for us inquiry officer inquiry. Wood Ford arrived in United States after officers from the Federal Bureau of investigation and Justice Department official inquiries, 30th returns the United Kingdom in London. Olin bass exposes the scandal last month, calling on enterprisesLate 80 early 90 focus on investment in financial products, after the bubble burst in the stock and real estate market suffered huge losses. Japan media estimate that Olympus concealing the investment losses could exceed 100 billion yen (about US $ 1.3 billion). Double whammy. Olympus 25th said, an American representative of other investors to make Pennsylvania aCourt filed class-action lawsuit, identified the company provided them with false financial statements for at least 5 years. Wood Ford Olin attended bass high level session of the Board on the same day. This is the first time since he or she is dismissed he attend Board meetings. Wood Ford in April this year as President of Olympus, found numerous previous merger doubts after taking office swtor power leveling, Jcs Chairman and other senior managementPersonnel involved. His October sent a letter to Jcs Morihisa and Vice records, asked the two men resigned. Olympus followed by "arbitrariness" as an unlock wood Ford President. Wood Ford then made to the United States, Britain, Japan and other State securities regulators and the media disclosure of inside information. The 23rd of this month, Ford wood arrived in Tokyo to assist police agency in Tokyo, where checkJustice Office and the Japan Stock Exchange Supervisory Committee departments for investigation. 26th, he is about to fly to United States, Tokyo Narita Airport said, hoping Japan Government to thoroughly investigate the scandal. "I know, they are losing biased investigation the old republic power leveling, flip each stone, flow of money being traced. "(Xinhua)-

so Lao Zhenbo tax less na$ 117. "We belong to the small profit enterprises

129668688744687500_4So far this year the State has introduced a number of tax incentives, sole proprietors and small profit enterprises benefit. Yesterday, the tax law for small profit enterprises held in Guangzhou local tax risks Forum, self-employed told reporters that the tax adjustment is satisfied that more than 100 Yuan less each month after taxes. And tax business tax relief, tax levy increase to the monthly turnover of 2$ 0000, so she had to pay $ more than 500 business tax and extra charges nor paid. Spring Heilongjiang Linyuan Lao Zhenbo running a restaurant, she told reporters that her restaurant belonging to the authorized collection of self-employed, tax-adjusted, approved of a self-employed production operations tax levy rate from 2.8% down to six the old republic power leveling, so Lao Zhenbo tax less na$ 117. "We belong to the small profit enterprises, enjoy enterprise income tax cuts, a reduction of $ 1500 per year tax" Huang Jialiang, Minister of Finance of Guangzhou science and Technology Development Corporation said, can be reduced by 20% is satisfied that the corporate income tax for small profit enterprises, that is, a reduction of 5% taxes, beginning this year, taxable income less than $ 30 swtor power leveling,000 for small profit enterprises can also press halfCompany income tax.

full week down 0.29

129667840538584142_330Domestic commodity markets this week is still depressed, outside the European debt crisis, failing to live up to expected monetary easing, plunge in full of all varieties. Because United States bipartisan debt negotiations deadlocked, the underlying thought negotiations fail is a foregone conclusion, coupled with concerns European debt crisis spread to Germany and France the two largest economies, Portugal, and Hungary's credit ratings were cutAgainst future market even lower. However, two major rating agencies Fitch and Moody's said the US debt negotiation failure will not affect United States sovereign credit ratings, and the International Monetary Fund announced approval for two new lending facility to help countries respond to the economic crisis, once the markets are supported. Central European manufacturing data released by the poor performance of industrial metals under pressure this week Central European manufacturingIndustry data is unsatisfactory, eurozone November consolidated purchasing managers ' index rose to 47.2 per cent for three consecutive months below the dry line 50; initial value dropped to 48 for HSBC China Manufacturing PMI in November, hit a 32-month low. Shanghai copper 1202 declines led to 3.53% this week, reported $ 53,590; 1202 Shanghai aluminum fourth straight weekly decline, 1$ 5,810, this week or 1.34%; 1202 Shanghai zinc fell 1.36% $ 14,835; 1201 lead Shanghai down 0.53%, reported $ 15,150. Shanghai thread 1205 full week down 2.62%, reported $ 4,045, once again breaking the 4,000 yuan mark. Shanghai Gold 2% lower systemic risks making them weak rebound this week this week in ShanghaiGold 1206 contract down 2%, reported $ 346.5, gold prices hovered around the $ 1700 in New York. Federal Reserve on Tuesday November minutes, some fed members considered that it should consider further relaxation of monetary policy, market expectations of monetary easing to rekindle the old republic power leveling, gold price rebound, but European debt crisis and weak employment data prices of gold the systemic risks of spentForce. Yongan futures think, judging from the current situation, international gold in 1700 integer mark encounters greater resistance, if there are no large influx of buying in the short term, a penetration. Energy futures decreased significantly, by methanol chemicals even in low energy chemical futures this week declined the most for methanol 1203, 4%, under the influence of methanol supply, of that varietyEven record low since the listing, the latest reported $ 2,755, ruida futures believes that current mood generally weak Outlook does not have high expectations, expects methanol prices recently have signs up. Last weekend in Thailand's rubber Conference did not come up with effective measures to contain rubber prices, let the market down, Shanghai rubber 1205 this week fell 3.42% 24,455Yuan. Even PVC1205 decline this week reached 3%, reported $ 6,595. Shanghai China International noted that are now in demand for PVC season increases the possibility of shocks to price low. Recent PTA production enterprises focus decline caused by maintenance at one point support Mr CHENG PTA rally, but weak demand eventually suppressed PTA full week period price decline of 2.66% and below 8000 yuan mark. Three large oil plunged more than 5% Zheng Mian shouchu support three oil leading agricultural futures this week, both fell more than 5% swtor power leveling, outer disc accelerating decline in soybean oil, palm oil prices in the near future-led domestic oil varieties with diving, us soybean futures plummeted Wednesday over 3%, costs dropped pressured the bean varieties, and even beans 1209 down nearly 3% this week, 4209 Yuan. Zheng cotton 1205 declines this week the smallest species, cotton storage recently revealed for the first time in unlimited shouchu ready capacity, is alleged to have been ready to granaries plan reached 4.1 million tons, annual output is expected 55%, and again stressed that fixed-price open unlimited shouchu, boosting cotton 1205 Friday back to Cheng rises near 1%, full week down 0.29, reported $ 20,280.


Ginkel a enfin trouvé un club de Bundesliga

129624495263125000_267NetEase sport signalées 7 octobre : Heure locale d'Allemagne le 6 octobre, la Bundesliga club Freiburg et 29 annoncé officiellement ancienne Allemagne international Andreas Voss-Ginkel signé. Depuis cet été après avoir quitté le Celtic écossais a été reste Ginkel enfin trouvé du travail, 5 ans plus tard pour retourner à la Bundesliga. Agents de club de FreiburgLe Party sites contrat de trois ans avec Ginkel a annoncé, mais n'ont pas donné plus de détails du contrat. Ginkel revenait finalement aux Jeux Bundesliga Andreas Voss-Ginkel avait 10 ans pour rejoindre le Club de Stuttgart Allemagne, par la suite, à Stuttgart, a commencé sa carrière. Ginkel division niveau défenseur, également qualifié pour ou après avoir Stuttgart a joué les 155 jeux, s'élevait à la BundesligaLeague, Ligue des Champions de 19, 27 matchs de coupe de la Ligue. déménagement 2006 Serbie a joué 15 jeux après espagnol premier Division, va après avoir su Super 79 représentants des Celtes est apparu dans la Scottish League. Ginkel 2003 a été élue alors-entra?neur Rudi Voller équipe nationale d'Allemagne, et depuis lors, elle a Klinsmann et Joachim qui avait joué dans l'équipe nationale. Fribourg-en-Brisgau nouveauSaison qui luttent pour l'instant résultats insatisfaisants. Surtout après entra?neur Doutre et Zhongwei Toplak déplacer, l'équipe a dégringolé, l'inquiétude de la défense. Ginkel a conclu le contrat et celtique a été engagé à trouver un nouveau propriétaire star wars the old republic, mais il était introuvable jusqu'à la fin de la période estivale à sa satisfaction de l'équipe, qu'il a suivi la formation de Stuttgart Club vieux,Mais Stuttgart sur ce vieux n'est pas très intéressé. à la fin de la Ligue de la Bundesliga après 8 tours swtor power leveling, Ginkel a enfin trouvé un club de Bundesliga, a également remporté le contrat, le plus rapide dans la semaine prochaine pour inaugurer dans un délai de 5 ans après le premier spectacle de la Bundesliga. Retour à la Bundesliga après toutes ces années, Ginkel était aussi très excité, ? très heureux d'être en mesure de venir à Fribourg-en-Brisgau, j'état très bien maintenant, le chypriote grecCherchant à faire de mon mieux pour aider l'équipe, faire élevé une échelle de Fribourg-en-Brisgau. Sur mon dos jouant encore une fois arrivé à Fribourg-en-Bundesliga, cela me rend très heureux. ” Freiburg Duffner, chef des sports Hinckel rejoint est très optimiste quant à l'avenir, Duffner pense que l'expérience du Ginkel gardera l'équipe a bénéficié. ? Andreas Voss-Hinckel est un joueur très expérimenté, ilVenir à aider l'équipe à beaucoup, nous sommes très heureux qu'il rejoint, a clairement un avantage majeur sur notre défense parce qu'il avait prouvé qu'en de nombreux matchs. ”

" said GameStop's president

GameStop's Future Plans Include Tablets And TVs | TechCrunch. Even though GameStop has been the leader in retail video game sales, investors have been nervous that digital sales will outgrow physical. But after GameStop acquired Spawn Labs, a game streaming service, and Impulse, a digital distribution service, investors have been more confident in GameStop's future. Apparently management is making all the right moves to secure GameStop's future."Our customers are beginning to consume games in a hybrid manner, both physical and digital, so we are becoming a hybrid company to meet their needs. Both of these programs are designed to sell more of the games we sell today swtor power leveling," said GameStop's president, Tony Bartel.The Spawn Labs service may soon come to TVs, much like Netflix and other TV apps, allowing customers to try out games before purchasing, either digitally or by ordering a physical copy.GameStop also notes they plan on getting serious about tablets. Five Dallas stores have already begun allowing customers to trade in their old tablets in exchange for store credit. And later this year they plan to sell tablets with the ability to stream games using Spawn or download games using Impulse. GameStop's president is also considering creating a GameStop branded tablet. Yeah star wars the old republic, that'll work.. GameStop's Future Plans Include Tablets And TVs | TechCrunch.

and install an additional special safety devices

129668732801718750_212Otis China renfa said in a statement to ensure that similar incidents do not occur in Beijing Municipal Bureau of quality and technical supervision announced on 25th morning post "7*5" escalator accidents in Beijing Metro Line 4 line findings determined that the incident was an accident, and Otis made a fine of $ 500,000 penalty. In this regard, Otis said in a statement the Chinese 26th, Otis China is in full swing,Recurrence of similar incidents. In "Otis China statement on Beijing Subway escalator accident findings", Otis swtor power leveling, for the accident, the company has completed an internal investigation star wars the old republic, and shares the findings of the accident investigation team. Said in a statement, for escalators and stairs may have been affected, Otis is the parties have authorized the rectification programme,Expand the rectification and reform work, included complete replacement of escalators connect host backplane and specific host base bolts, and install an additional special safety devices, and commit to 2012 complete line of Beijing Metro escalators before spring festival in rectification and reform work. Otis says, to prevent similar problems from happening, has deployed a senior management team to strengthen manufacturing tube in ChinaAnd implementation of new inspection procedures to ensure that vendor part quality.


129667697119365392_151Watch: BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot ("176,856"); Set homepage add favorite | style civic news domestic and international finance in Beijing sport Lottery | group | | scroll | charity auction | supermarket | IT| Digital Health | ticketing | microblogging | BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot ("151 swtor power leveling,872"); Frozen foods GB optional aureus to survive food safety crimes compared with nine felony punishment God has expected to launch in the first half of next year old community reconstruction no layers of subcontracting MetroInstallation of platform screen doors next year for line 1 star wars the old republic, Line 2 shichahai Guanghua Temple is the water temple ban high-rise building security in the fringe the city temporarily would not let go of GOME, the second child of consumers will separately sell refurbished iPhone4 PetroChina Chairman was sounding warning flight attendants recruitment for accident squatted actress was "concerned" instant inventory of the world's most bizarre coin star luxury wardrobe thanSpell actress private according to the Shenzhen police who effect pigments and the most beautiful night-side effects of Wo Lulu and star private photos

net profit-$ 460

129667889698896642_246Due to factors such as foreign aid salary levels soared, Qingdao doublestar tire basketball team sponsored by the double star price rises, sponsorship fee from $ 8 million in the previous year had risen to $ 22 million. Qingdao double star announced today, to increase publicity doublestar tire, enhance the market awareness of doublestar tire, the subsidiary of Qingdao doublestar tire sales company and QingdaoDouble star basketball club on November 15 in Qingdao signed a sponsorship agreement, the annual fee is $ 22 million for a period of November 20, 2011. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks under the! Data show that the double star group owns 20.31% shares Qingdao doublestar, its largest shareholder, the double star Group also owns 95.5% shares of double star basketball club. Qingdao double star and binary basketball clubs belong to one controlling shareholder, belonging to the Association. Qingdao doublestar stressed that the company and related-party transactions fair, on a without prejudiceThe interests of the company, the deal on the company's management had some positive impact. Announcement, the previous year, doublestar tire basketball team named fee is $ 8 million. This year's title sponsor fee of $ 22 million, show a large increase over the year before mainly due to: 2011 China Basketball Association League ~2012 seasons an unlimited foreign aid paid, foreign aid sharply salary levels than last seasonRose; employed high level foreign teachers; introduction of excellent athlete; prices and other factors. But business conditions of double star basketball club, whose annual revenues are no more than $ 20 million in recent years. At the end of October 2011, double star basketball club revenues $ 8.22 million, net profit-$ 1.3 million, total assets of $ 21.96 million,Owners ' equity of $ 17.65 million.����In 2009, double star basketball club revenues $ 16.89 million swtor power leveling, net profit-$ 380,000; 2010, double star basketball club revenues $ 10.53 million, net profit-$ 460,000. Agreement between the parties, sponsor within the time limit, Qingdao double star basketball club named as Qingdao double star basketball club doubleStar tyre basketball team; sponsored stars during all basketball clubs participate in the League and other competitions at home and abroad are "doublestar tire basketball team" entry in the name of; teams since the date of naming star wars the old republic, the jerseys back advertising changed its name to "doublestar tire"; in the China Basketball Association and the League allowed cases, double star basketball club in the teams training ground, venue displaying doublestar tire site advertisingBrand. Announcement, with the CBA improvement of quality and competitiveness of the Chinese Basketball League and expanded visibility and influence at home and abroad, companies using double star basketball club in the CBA market development and promotion platform provided, effective advocacy, is an input of high cost performance.


withoutSeam underwear for its skin comfort

129667864407177892_241Basic conditions of the company: the seamless garment of family-controlled enterprises leading. Stick hero in the world's largest seamless garment industry cluster-Yiwu, Yiwu seamless garment production capacity currently has about 30% of the world, the company has the world's fourth-largest, the second large-scale seamless garment production capacity. Companies more than 80% of products sold abroad, is seamlessly weaving industry in Yiwu city AssociationPresident unit. From 2008 to 2010 33.03% annual increase in operating income, 2011-June achieved revenue of $ 153 million, representing a growth of 71.66%.  Main shareholders of the company as Tao Jianwei sister and brother three. Demand for traditional knitted garment seamless formed alternative has become an inevitable trend. From a global perspective, withoutSeam underwear for its skin comfort, functionality and fashion had access to Europe and the United States consumer love and recognition, Chinese consumers seamless product consumption habits are in cultivation, potential is large. As generation y, generation gradually become the main consumers, its self-cultivation of sexual, fashion clothing, novelty fabrics, and the functionality of the pursuit swtor credits, making seamless young customer baseMore likely to be approved, expected future domestic market demand for seamless goods will grow rapidly. Industry concentration is low, corporate dominance more pronounced. Seamless knitting machines worldwide has the largest number of top ten companies in the market share of cumulative percentage about 15%, seamless clothing industry as a whole has a large space for industry consolidation. Seamless garment industry have high barriers to qualificationsOverseas middle and high-end customers requiring a high level, "audit" program complex and difficult, company very few qualifications are perfect for domestic manufacturer of seamless, one of the core stock of the world top five, raised after the implementation of investment projects, capacity world second. Raising investment gold resolve capacity bottlenecks, seamless sportswear production expanded advantages. This plan raised investment Gold 2.$ 1.1 billion is mainly used for producing 20 million high-grade seamless technical renovation and expansion project, construction period of 1 year, 2nd year, went into production, reaching from the 4th year.  Raise investment gold helps companies expand their advantages in seamless sportswear production areas. Profit forecasts and investment advice. We expect the company revenue is $ 355 million, respectively, 4 2011-2013.$ 6.2 billion and $ 646 million, EPS respectively in 2011-2013, 1.05 and $ 1.32, compared to a share of comparable companies swtor power leveling, we thought we could have given the company 2011 times earnings, fair value range is $ 15.3 per cent. Risks revealed. Exchange rate risks, fluctuations in demand on the international marketRisks, technological risks, changes in the export tax rebate policy risks (specific content please see annex)

335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08

129667840559052892_37516:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35 swtor power leveling, game swtor credits, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

group selected five yards 18

129668763116718750_192[Color network] 11,324th Nan Ao Gong arranged three: group selected five yards 18 swtor credits,340 Review: periods out of 472 on, small size, even parity, group 6, span 5, and a value of 13. 11,324th complex number grade: first: 12 swtor power leveling,789 second: 34,568 third place: 02357 shrink: 189/346//057 Lord bile codes: 1-5 4 group code: 18,340 and value good: 1312 form bullish: 1 small 2 1-2 Group 5 and odd Note: 130 195 967

trading volumes remained low. Message remains relatively empty

129667840478271642_179Under the influence of external stock markets tumbled yesterday after the market slightly lower overall rendering of the two cities swings up, closing two cities received little Yang lines, together sold for $ 104.96 billion, trading volumes remained low. Message remains relatively empty, amid concern Europe's debt crisis spreading to Germany, affected by them, both in New York three major stock indexes decrease more than 2%; this year and next will be the local governments ' debt claimsPeak 43% of debt (about $ 4.6 trillion) will expire in two years focused, sharp increases in financial systemic risk. IPO initial pass rates decline, speculation does that mean the IPO pace slowed down; in addition swtor power leveling, Phoenix Media issued by the freezing of funds hit a year high on Tuesday, Friday to thaw. From the angle of disc surface, plate stocks using down, but the financial, insurance, stoneStabilising, real estate, such as weight unit, played a decisive role on the stability index. In the wine sector leading the way, rise to 1.48%; water supply, cement and chemical fiber stocks leading the declines, fell in the 1% above. Stock index is expected to rebound in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index yesterday was the relative strength of huzhi plates at one point breaking through the 2,400 point integer relations. Shandong Shen believed thatStock index rebounded as scheduled the two cities, but smaller entities and basic small Yin line entities were not the subject Wednesday, showing market remains weak. From the k-line, since the huzhi Gap lower last Friday, the gap has yet to fill, and weak rebound in the near future, be wary of the breakthrough gap of gap is falling. K-line from 60 minutes, huzhi score adjustment in the near future a new low Thursday, but kDJ indices are not synchronized, such as record lows, appeared late departure from, tips are likely to rebound on Friday. Currently 120-hour line at 2,445, is where the short strong resistance, breaking is quite difficult, it is recommended that concern. Thursday huzhi at last to the lifelines (2,388), showing signs of strength in the short term. Lifeline in order in the next 3 trading days at 2,371Point, 2,424, 2,449, lower Friday's lifeline, support short continues to rebound. But on Tuesday the 2,449 point is where the future high swtor credits, 1-2 day is short selling opportunity in advance, the market rebounded on Friday, is a selling opportunity. Dust collection sector there is a chance the Ministry of environmental protection recently released to the ambient air quality standards2 manuscripts as well as the environmental air quality index (AQI) daily 3rd draft of the technical provisions, the whole society for comments. In this regard, some analysts believed that this would mean for "air" a great shift in the environmental policy, thereby contributing to the dust, and other related sectors or would lead to a new high growth opportunities. Golden hundred provisional opinion of the Advisory Qin Hong, currently on the market the most common form of tail gas dedustingTechnology is the electrostatic precipitator, bag dust-and electric-bag composite dust. Bag of them dealt with as an internationally recognized fine particulate matter is the most effective means, have a broad space for development. In recent years, the gross output value of air cleaning market growth from $ per cent in 2005 to $ per cent in 2009, compound annual growth rate of 16.52%, LiRun from $ 558 million in 2005 to grow to $ 1.271 billion in 2009, compound annual growth rate of 22.85%. Therefore, the class a shares obtained funding approval in the near future, Dragon net environmental runs upward path, Colin green, three dimensional wire stocks also saw a sustained volume of k-line shape at the bottom. In the action, it is recommended that track two types of stocks, Is the host and the EPC sector. Recommendations concerned about dust Dragon net environmental leading enterprise, specialized in bag dust-Colin green, as municipal and medical waste incineration power generation integrated exhaust treatment equipment and dry desulfurization and dedusting equipment Cheng Yun shares. Second, provide dust filtering material related stocks, it is recommended that focuses on leading enterprises in three dimensional wire of high temperature filter material. InsuranceCautiously keep waiting for market received a small positive cable yesterday, but shrinking turnover, and lack of market hotspots, making the rally whether sustainability is still facing severe challenges. From the side is seen in the near future that appears whenever a kill dropped, will soon have a definite plates or weighted shares pulled up, it shows a certain degree of bottom-money admission. Taking into account the short-term policy not outLong, short term market projected to maintain the shock pattern. However, the current level should not overly bearish, every plunge may be layout gallon strategic opportunities for new industries. On the operation, it is recommended that investors remained cautious, dominated by chibiguanwang, waiting really have stopped falling and then release not later than when the conditions of stabilisation.

use unwinding holding fund "degree" to produce good results.

129668601001250000_94Often hear of funds portfolio to supplement "short Board", or lack of what effect what seems to be unwinding of the Fund should be based on the mix of various types of Fund products. But, in fact, Fund Portfolio configuration not only from the pursuit of integrity of the product portfolio of the Fund decided to make a choice, should also be suitable for investors to invest in character and preference and other "strengths", particularly starting with investment advantages. This unwindingPerformance for the following five aspects: financial "merit" if money is your long term idle money which should be based on the risky investment fund products such as equity funds, while the short-term idle funds should consider such as bond funds and money market funds invest. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden surgeMay not be in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! "Strengths" investors to consider holding funding products are based on the short-term goal is achievement of medium-and long-term investment goals, time arrangements need to be made.����In this way we can strengthen the unwinding of Fund products planned, targeted and effective. Age "strengths" of investors to consider where yearsAge stage, select the appropriate age to investment funds products. A young man, investor income is relatively stable, and has continued to grow, have a higher ability to resist risks, should be based on equity investments of the Fund products. Along with the increasing age of investor income fell, weakened ability to resist risks, should be based on the unwinding of bond funds and money market funds orA capital preservation function of capital preservation fund products. The character "strengths" lively, pursue aggressive investors, should be available on products such as publicly traded ETF and LOF Fund involvement. Poise and personality and conservative investor, you should select a low-risk fund products. Investor interests and preferences of different character are completely different, the unwinding FundWhen should take full account of this aspect of "strengths".����"Strength" investment channel services there is a lot different, select the channel to provide quality services, can bring unexpected investment gains to investors, so investors unwinding through investment channels funds products, should also have a choice. This "strengths" unwinding method swtor credits, not only canRose unwinding efficiency or reducing the unwinding of regret, in the process of unwinding swtor power leveling, unwinding effect of fortunes. Of course, this search for "strength" unwinding method also has drawbacks, that if the poor performance of the Fund products, or for net Fund product growth environment has changed, will also give investors some concentrated investment risks. Therefore, the need to investCapability, use unwinding holding fund "degree" to produce good results.


according to media reports in Hong Kong

129667750459365392_124Launch event Benny Chan Ho Man choke with sobs apologized and said he would reform. Click to view: Chen Jiahuan Haggard account opening press conference were two men and top stars take turns kissing details [HD] Beijing time on November 26, according to media reports in Hong Kong, Chan, Benny and Joe Ma in Hengdian hold suspected to drunken Kiss Chen Jiahuan events city-wide uproar, has been universally condemned by Benny Chan Ho Man the day before yesterdayDrag confessions should be giving birth to a child's wife Jiang Lisa opened the press conference, while Joe Ma Lok Yi Ling-led effort to please. However, according to reliable sources, Master Chen Jiahuan xianguolin does not give up, as far as I know he will next week formally in the Mainland Police, bite and hold. Referred to allegations that Timmy Hung and Chen Jiahuan confidential exchanges for months, wash State forest generation Chen Jiahuan denied that, saying not a fact. Benny Chan Ho Man tearsTears are under public apology News Conference to wash State forest does not buy it, according to reliable sources, he will next week formally in the Mainland Police. Message verification xianguolin, he refused citing busy response. However, when yesterday afternoon he Now stars interviews, apparent to Benny Chan Ho Man trying to write publicly apologized to him and Chen Jiahuan indifferent: "I did not see, do not want to comment too much. Look in the rightWhite, after previously know. "Le Yi Ling intervening events, met with each other xianguolin recognized, but declined to meet content, screeching topic saying:" you and ask if you would happen? (Miss music helped Joe Ma explained? ) I am not easily tell good sorry. "Denial and Timmy Hung with ambiguous he revealed that Chen Jiahuan now emotionalRemains unstable, and therefore sent an assistant accompany and wanted her to work as soon as possible. Timmy Hung and spoke of the Chen Jiahuan confidential exchanges for months, country forest reports on Xian Chen Jiahuan unfair, untrue, are hurting women. By his own known (Timmy Hung and Chen Jiahuan) are just ordinary intercourse, selfless people. He also emphasized that Chen Jiahuan night only drink Coke, not drinking.Also reported to the police public relations branch to know Chen Jiahuan progress after yesterday diablo 3 gold, the spokesman said that police would continue to follow up diablo 3 power leveling, understanding and handling events, did not arrest any person for the time being.

don't buy won't let into school.   "After receiving complaints from parents of students yesterday

129668731641875000_64 <a href="http://diablo3.power-leveling.org">diablo 3 power leveling</a>"Zhouzhi County Luo Valley town, forcing students to buy nine-year school uniforms, don't buy won't let into school.   "After receiving complaints from parents of students yesterday, reporters rushed to the Luo Valley town surveyed for this thing. Parents: schools to buy school clothes, do not pay money at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, Luo Valley town village parents said, the nine-year school in the town forcing students to purchase school uniforms,Buy two sets of every year, and the color is different, do not wear school uniform was not let into the school. "School uniforms to wear on the line, buy what you choice?   "Parent says. Parents, Qin says, his nephew junior school in the town. In early November, when schools have been urged to make school uniforms, due to his nephew's parents are both working in the field, there is no school took him "Supplement"$ 80 meal money taken out of Cary. "Sister crying later said no money to eat, I'll have to give his nephew 50 Yuan charge meal card. "" ' Mend ' is a food allowance of poor students in the country to the mountain, ye can do the same?   "Master Qin, said angrily. This family has two children in the town school, she did not make school uniforms, school and later directly from two children "Supplement "was taken out on. "Buckle fastener hymns, anyway, I hadn't paid the money and baby clothes.   "She said. Students: do not pay money to buy school uniforms do not let into the schools of junior school student Yang Yang (pseudonym) said, do not wear a uniform school door, still stand at the school gate. "Some students ' mend ', I didn't, my dad making money is not easy, I just don't want to cut that money. "Yang Yang divisionsLitigation reporter, a suit in the summer, also has a winter, two add up to more than 100 dollars, for poor mountain villages is not a small sum.   This year on the third grade of NIO (pseudonym) told reporters that school uniforms are not the same as a year, schools require every Monday you must wear a uniform to school. Schools: unified purchasing school uniforms are for ease of administrationFor parents and students to express issues, Luo Yu Qin Zhixue town nine years of school principals responded that the school is the unified organization made the school uniform. Customized unified school uniforms for students is for ease of administration. He explained that the school flag raising, engage in collective activities require students to wear school uniforms, put on not let into school but also to facilitate children in activities to uniform. "In the past often have foreignSurface is dark to school bullying and blackmail students not to allow people not wearing school uniform to school but also to protect students.   "Qin Zhixue added.   Every year when reporters asked why custom uniforms and uniform colour and style when you are not the same, he is speechless. On some parents reflect school buckles "darned" purchasing school uniforms, school head of Student Affairs Office diablo 3 power leveling, which was built parentsSchool to do so. He said that due to the regulations of the State "Supplement" cannot find out the gold, while students not finish Cary filling meal to eat, some parents suggested that schools from the meal card buckle in the purchase of school uniforms. He also said that schools must not compel students to purchase new uniforms, he also, for example, School Elementary and junior high school now a total of 678 students, only buy school more than more than 650 studentsTaking money.   Relevant Department: verified dealt with yesterday, reporters will be to the projection of this valley town government and zhouzhi County Board of education has been reflected, Liu Zhen, Luo Valley town long said that they had not received reports of forcing students to purchase school uniforms, next they will investigate if there was the matter will be taken seriously. Zhouzhi County Board of education monitoring roomNamed Wang staff say expressly provided to the Bureau, school is not allowed for any reason compel students to unify order uniforms, they will be further investigated. Reporter Wang Shihua ()