
she quickly got judian with 10

129668732849218750_315Fenghuangwang sports Beijing time on November 27, 2011 international table tennis Federation tour finals in London continued, end of the women's singles semifinals, Liu Shiwen and Jim dinning realignment for China to ensure that the final champion. Once Liu Shiwen 1:2 behind even pull three reverse elimination Singapore ancient Yue Wang, Li Xiaoxia Jim dinning in a 4:1 beat team-mate. The first semi-finalAmong the ancient Yue Wang and Liu Shiwen. Ancient Yue Wang in the first play was more stable, she restricted third offense before Liu Shiwen, 11:9 to forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength. Three Board the power to achieve before the second game Liu Shiwen, she quickly opened the gap to regain 11:5. Ancient Yue Wang 11:4 wins again in third, fourth King of the more ancient and continuing their victorious pursuit, she once 10:7 to CouncilPoint, Liu Shiwen even in adversity and save three judian pull at 10. Vibration morale after her 11-who had two points to 13:11 won, which will total score to pull to 2. Liu Shiwen gradually controlled the situation in the next game diablo 3 power leveling, 11:9,, she even won two Council by 4:2 out of ancient Yue Wang took the lead in advancing to the finals. The second semifinal is Li Xiaoxia and Jim dinningIn-fighting. Li Xiaoxia once after the opening lead, but Jim dinning overtook to 11:7 before the next city. Second Jim dinning quickly opened the gap, 11:6, and the next city. Continuing their victorious pursuit of Jim dinning in the third started with 4:1, Li Xiaoxia stubborn score to 6. 7 Jim dinning in hand after waiting until more firm diablo 3 gold, Li Xiaoxia, slightly passive, Jim dinning sailed in run 411:7 even better, rewritten with her total score 3:0. Li Xiaoxia in the Fourth Council of the bite more fierce beats, she quickly got judian with 10:5. Down by Jim dinning has not abandoned, she rescued three judian, Li Xiaoxia helpless requests suspended. Suspended the urge again and again after 1 minute, critical moment Li Xiaoxia resisting pressure, she relies on two consecutive scoring sheet in hand ball, 11:9, regain her game. Jim dinning lost one Council, are not affected, she 6:1 start in the fifth. Li Xiaoxia recovered 1, Jim dinning forehand attack into full play the strength of the she even took 3 min Li Xiaoxia Rob errors and send 1, Jim dinning 10:2 got to match point. Jim dinning 1 more point after wasted a chance to 11:3 won, with a total score 4:1 eliminated LeeXiao Xia into the finals.

