
No. 925 accept United Kingdom media access

129667750443427892_82Taiwan leader Ma Ying the old republic power leveling, No. 925 accept United Kingdom media access, said the missiles still in Beijing on Taiwan, how can we possibly would support him participate in the 2012 election. Ma Ying-jeou said the claims were not true about Beijing supported him to stand for election, and these allegations from rivals, but opponents to come up with evidence to prove that. Ma Ying-jeou also reaffirms that, if his re-election success, nor does itOver the next four-year term of Office to visit the Mainland. He also said, from the development speed of current cross-strait relations, he boldly predicted that there is no possibility of meetings between the leaders of the two sides. In the United States on the issue of procurement of arms, he said swtor power leveling, will continue to work to the United States arms purchases, but must be a defensive weapon, and Taiwan needs, are unable to produce weapons. ButHe also pointed out that arms purchases is not an arms race and the Mainland. Phoenix TV Roundup

