
use unwinding holding fund "degree" to produce good results.

129668601001250000_94Often hear of funds portfolio to supplement "short Board", or lack of what effect what seems to be unwinding of the Fund should be based on the mix of various types of Fund products. But, in fact, Fund Portfolio configuration not only from the pursuit of integrity of the product portfolio of the Fund decided to make a choice, should also be suitable for investors to invest in character and preference and other "strengths", particularly starting with investment advantages. This unwindingPerformance for the following five aspects: financial "merit" if money is your long term idle money which should be based on the risky investment fund products such as equity funds, while the short-term idle funds should consider such as bond funds and money market funds invest. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden surgeMay not be in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! "Strengths" investors to consider holding funding products are based on the short-term goal is achievement of medium-and long-term investment goals, time arrangements need to be made.����In this way we can strengthen the unwinding of Fund products planned, targeted and effective. Age "strengths" of investors to consider where yearsAge stage, select the appropriate age to investment funds products. A young man, investor income is relatively stable, and has continued to grow, have a higher ability to resist risks, should be based on equity investments of the Fund products. Along with the increasing age of investor income fell, weakened ability to resist risks, should be based on the unwinding of bond funds and money market funds orA capital preservation function of capital preservation fund products. The character "strengths" lively, pursue aggressive investors, should be available on products such as publicly traded ETF and LOF Fund involvement. Poise and personality and conservative investor, you should select a low-risk fund products. Investor interests and preferences of different character are completely different, the unwinding FundWhen should take full account of this aspect of "strengths".����"Strength" investment channel services there is a lot different, select the channel to provide quality services, can bring unexpected investment gains to investors, so investors unwinding through investment channels funds products, should also have a choice. This "strengths" unwinding method swtor credits, not only canRose unwinding efficiency or reducing the unwinding of regret, in the process of unwinding swtor power leveling, unwinding effect of fortunes. Of course, this search for "strength" unwinding method also has drawbacks, that if the poor performance of the Fund products, or for net Fund product growth environment has changed, will also give investors some concentrated investment risks. Therefore, the need to investCapability, use unwinding holding fund "degree" to produce good results.

