
to the United States

129668574445625000_26Olympus investigated former President to the United States Japan Olympus Optical industrial company United Kingdom nationality former President Michael · Wood Ford 26th Tokyo, to the United States, New York, investment in the company concealed losses for us inquiry officer inquiry. Wood Ford arrived in United States after officers from the Federal Bureau of investigation and Justice Department official inquiries, 30th returns the United Kingdom in London. Olin bass exposes the scandal last month, calling on enterprisesLate 80 early 90 focus on investment in financial products, after the bubble burst in the stock and real estate market suffered huge losses. Japan media estimate that Olympus concealing the investment losses could exceed 100 billion yen (about US $ 1.3 billion). Double whammy. Olympus 25th said, an American representative of other investors to make Pennsylvania aCourt filed class-action lawsuit, identified the company provided them with false financial statements for at least 5 years. Wood Ford Olin attended bass high level session of the Board on the same day. This is the first time since he or she is dismissed he attend Board meetings. Wood Ford in April this year as President of Olympus, found numerous previous merger doubts after taking office swtor power leveling, Jcs Chairman and other senior managementPersonnel involved. His October sent a letter to Jcs Morihisa and Vice records, asked the two men resigned. Olympus followed by "arbitrariness" as an unlock wood Ford President. Wood Ford then made to the United States, Britain, Japan and other State securities regulators and the media disclosure of inside information. The 23rd of this month, Ford wood arrived in Tokyo to assist police agency in Tokyo, where checkJustice Office and the Japan Stock Exchange Supervisory Committee departments for investigation. 26th, he is about to fly to United States, Tokyo Narita Airport said, hoping Japan Government to thoroughly investigate the scandal. "I know, they are losing biased investigation the old republic power leveling, flip each stone, flow of money being traced. "(Xinhua)-

