
test system operates ATA company released news that the morning of November 26

129668652402343750_66"Delayed for a long time swtor power leveling, and finally finished the examination.   "Last night 8:40 P.M., candidates said after Xiao Wang from the examination room.   Yesterday morning, the national securities practice qualification examination of the securities investment funds in online subject, because of system failure, delayed until 7 o'clock last evening finally had a "make-up". It is understood that yesterday, the study of the vast majority of the country, including BeijingPoints have been affected. System problems this morning was forced to delay the examination yesterday afternoon, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and other places online that many candidates, securities practice qualification examination of the securities investment fund accounts be put off for the night. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photos)Multinational opposes euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% SASAC: single Twelve-Five planning to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals will be published: between the world and the amazing gossip inventory [gushen mini-concert] daily limit King came to the surface water skin: overseas hot money is not bullish on China capital Normal University study on the examination of information engineering college exam siteXiao Wang told reporters that the examination should be conducted at 10:30 A.M., but they waited until 11 o'clock in the morning even didn't go into the examination room. "The gates have been closed, are all waiting for the examination of people in the building, some of it will take up the examination of persons" bang bang "straight hit. "John says," others rush door and shouted, asking why don't test? "Subsequently,Invigilating teacher explained: "problems with the system, cannot download the exam, candidates are waiting in the corridor. "Up to 12:30 noon, come out invigilating teacher tell you:" received notice that the subject modification and 7 o'clock in the evening a make-up exam. "It is understood that affected not just Xiao Wang's yesterday test centers the old republic power leveling, Beijing University of technology, Beijing forestryUniversity test centers are also affected, tests all be postponed to the night. Being "delayed" candidates at 7 o'clock last evening into the examination room about 7 o'clock last evening, this reporter went to the capital Normal University College of information engineering, test centers outside of the main building 4 floor, was delayed for candidates holding identity cards one by one into the examination room.   After 1 hour and 50 minutes, examination being over. The sceneInvigilating teacher told reporters that because the system fails, the test centers computer system cannot download exam topics, leading candidates could not be read into the examination system on test questions.   After 2 hours of waiting, proctored eventually received a deferred examination of notifications. "We are only responsible for providing the examination room and equipment, I do not know what the whole system out of the question. "Invigilating teacher said,"We've learned is that most test centers in the national exams were delayed, only individual test centers due to download in advance the questions, you can carry test. "In addition, the invigilating teacher also told reporters that the test centers in more than more than 200 candidates are being delayed," most of the candidates took part in the exam in the evening. "Association initiated emergency candidates may choose a make-up examTime reporter then seen on the Internet, test system operates ATA company released news that the morning of November 26, subjects before the examination of the securities investment funds, due to the server, communication line failures, led some examination district examination delays. Securities Association of China to start emergency, the affected candidates may select a refund or select at 7 o'clock last evening,On November 27 make-up during the day or the next week. Securities Association of China brings to candidate members express deep apologies for the inconvenience.

