
growing 6.6%

129668535230625000_8Xinhuanet, Washington D.C. swtor power leveling, November 26 (reporters Liu Lina and Jiang Xufeng)-United States retail research company Shopper Track26 today published statistics, 25th, this year's "Black Friday" (after the first Friday of Thanksgiving), the United States retail sales over the same period last year, growing 6.6%, displays the shopping season this year beginning potentialHead strong. Shopper Track track 25,000 aote rice shopping throughout the United States after data published studies showing that this year's Black Friday, United States consumers in retail stores and shopping centers with a total cost $ 11.4 billion, an increase of nearly $ 1 billion, for the highest level since 2007. Other IBM publications according to 500 online retailerData, United States consumers to Black Friday online shopping amount rose 24.3%. Harvard historian nanxi·keen said the retail industry, "Black Friday" this assertion stems from the 60, Philadelphia police on Friday consumers rush to shopping on Thanksgiving after causing traffic jams describes. Geely the old republic power leveling, and businesses to plan to create a "black" predicts earnings of almostRead. Fourth Thursday of November each year for the United States Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving to Christmas is around the United States is traditionally the most important shopping season, which usually accounts for about one months time retail sales one-fifth for all of the above. The industry believes, despite Thanksgiving retail sales this year are encouraging, this does not guarantee that the boom in the shopping quarter of this year. United States national retailUnion of this shopping season forecast sales growth of 2.8%, an increase of less than per cent in 2010.    Due to high unemployment and economic growth are not optimistic about the future, United States consumer spending still relatively cautious attitude. (Editor: Liu 玥)

