

129668732768593750_1422012 study on another major feature is the "good faith" the enemy. This year will strengthen the examination of safety management, improving recruitment breaches of discipline and personnel information base, establishing recruitment candidates archive integrity. In recent years, cheating, fraud and other irregularities occurred in the civil service examination. In this regard, national civil service honesty in examination requires candidates to strictly abide by theExamination discipline with no prohibited items swtor power leveling, not to do prohibited activities, had no chance, not to engage in fraud fraud, resolutely resist any participation in the "group" cheat the old republic power leveling, "" high tech "hideous violation such as cheating. Examination does not spread, the dissemination of test questions and does not participate in irresponsible online discussions. According to the Bureau in charge of civil servant, 2012 examination will improve recruitmentBreaches of discipline and personnel information base.

