
diablo 3 gold medical resources are used in the treatment of 80%. In fact - LGP

129756711724531250_1155Yesterday, the Beijing city "Twelve-Five" published in the development and reform of health planning in the period. The next 4 years, for hospital beds Beijing doctor configuration requirements are included in the foreign resident population, per 1000 residents out to 5 beds. Where private hospitals into planning for the first time, will increase by at least 8,000 beds in 4 years. In addition, by 2015, the BeijingPublic 15-30 minutes on foot you can reach a community hospital, near one-third in community treatment. 1 beds in private medical institutions in planning the focus this year will be strengthening the supervision of private hospitals, will explore through industry associations, medical profession self discipline "planning" Beijing health resource configuration in the next 4 years of planning resident population as an object, by 2015,Per thousand resident population in prepared beds of 5 or more, public rehabilitation hospital beds in care homes prepare should be 0.5 per cent. Configuration of beds for the first time into the planning of private medical institutions. By 2015, the non-public medical institutions to prepare beds prepared beds in the city of 20%, which is around 20,000. Number of beds in private hospitals in Beijing is about 12,000Zhang. "Interpretation" at present, Beijing citizens trust significantly less than public hospitals to private hospitals. Beijing University School of public health Professor Zhou Zijun says, compared with public hospitals, private hospitals, "profit" motivation is strong, easy to create "dachufang" over-treatment. Reporter noted that compared with the public hospitals, additional beds in preparation would be needed within the next 4 yearsTendencies in private hospitals. How to guarantee the quality of the public to the private hospital? Lei Haichao Vice Secretary of the municipal health Bureau spokesman said, for private hospitals, the Government will take to "encourage boot code for supervision" attitude. Private hospitals will be strengthened in the future regulation. Lei Haichao said, at present the total number of beds in medical institutions in Beijing of about 93,000. If you follow the 20 millionPopulation, should be equipped with 100,000 beds, rehabilitation nursing beds of which should reach 5,000. HA, Deputy Director of medical care Beijing, introduction, Beijing rehabilitation hospitals and less than 1000 beds of rehabilitation department in General Hospital, nursing beds less than 100 sheets. She said, as one of the priorities of the reform of public hospital, Beijing is currently developing medical rehabilitationSystem of the pilot programme. At that time, positioned not too clear to the rehabilitation hospital is expected to be in transition. Thunder tide believes that after the establishment of the HA, originally municipal health Bureau for organizing and management of municipal medical institutions right "under the" out and health authority in terms of censorship, medical access to "free" more energy. Lei Haichao said private hospital castChinese and practitioners should have a social responsibility, can better operate the hospital. In addition, will also explore by industry societies such as the Association, promoting the self-discipline of medical industry. Focus 2 "family doctor" service year universal "family doctor" will attract community clinic, community hospitals also undertake prevention immune recovery features such as "planning" by the end of this year, Beijing will universal access"Family doctor" service mode. Each "family doctor" service team services 600 families. By 2015 tera gold, 15-30 minutes on foot you can reach the public community health service institutions. At the same time, community health service institutions outpatient and total number of the city's total number of emergency over at 30%. This means that patients with Beijing after nearly 4 years of one-third will be"Triage" to community attention. "Interpretation" in recent years, although Beijing has passed the increase of Community policies such as Medicare reimbursement amount to guide residents to a community hospital, but the public "clusters" in hospital continues unabated. How community hospitals more "attractive"? Press spokesman for the City Health Bureau Deputy Director Lei Haichao expressed, through the promotion of "family doctor" service,Gradually community hospital and University Hospital of different people, so as to establish a degree of trust in the community hospital. Introduction of Lei Haichao, Beijing now has a total of more than 300 community health service centers in more than, more than 3,000 community health service stations. In future, will continue to improve community health services network tera gold, including rebuilding residential area of new sets of community health service institutions. "Community doctors visitConvenient diablo 3 gold, close to patients, better understanding of the disease. "He said, in patients with the medical model is the door of the original, doctor sit in court to hold pleas. And compared to large hospitals, community medical services more actively. And, for public, community hospitals in addition to meet the medical needs of the common, as well as the prevention of immune health education in rehabilitation and health care, and other functions. At the same time, will use between hospitalsReferral system, large hospital chronic disease patients in recovery period or divert to the communities after treatment. Dialogue should be to prevent the development of health rehabilitation into the "Twelve-Five" plan is published, development of medical and health services in Beijing? Yesterday, Ray tide, medical resources distribution in the future will give priority to primary health care institutions in suburbs and counties on tilt. Reporter: Beijing health development model of the future willWhat more important adjustment? Thunder tide: Beijing health development model focused on the treatment of the disease concerned, medical resources are used in the treatment of 80%. In fact, in addition to save lives, should also focus on allocation of medical resources in prevention and rehabilitation and health care, and other areas. Reporter: in terms of medical resource layout, previous to the preparation of regional health planning nowThe progress? Thunder tide: regional health planning and health care institutions set the first draft of the plan had been prepared, still further adjustment. The plan will clear medical institutions where layout, how to develop. Reporter: on public health indicators set, over 5 years earlier to change? Thunder tide: on the development of indicators, key is to concentrate in urban and rural areas of the fair. In accordance with the nationalFinding, basic public health requirements shall be not less than $ 40 per capita. Beijing proposed, in 2015, the city's resident population of basic public health funds will not be less than $ 100 per person. This series of articles writing/reporter Wen Ru (Editor: Ning Zhaogang) Others:

