
wot power leveling rich when Outlook affected by uncertain external factors in financial markets -

129756342035937500_45Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing microblogging hexun.com daily limit of the unit gather Forum pioneer financial management training placements by > body font size print RSSMarch 07, 2012 from: hexun shares author: rich when Outlook affected by uncertain external factors in financial markets, is expected to weaken Hong Kong stocks will continue today. Hong Kong stocks fell more than 450 points on Tuesday, fall line of 250 days of Bull and bear markets. The Hang Seng index dragged down by the central authorities to give up eight, openLower 91 points after declines world of tanks power leveling, fell put 21,000 more psychologically. Afternoon, shares closed down more than 1% of the impact index declines again expanded, eventually close to the day low of the closing, 20,806.25, fallen 459 or 2.16%. China enterprises index fell 351 points or a report 3.06%. 17. Contract surged a day 1, $ 27.1 billion, excluding placing more than 46 billion yuan AIA AIG hand yesterday (01299) shares sold on, Hong Kong stocks traded reached 80.4 billion yuan, for close to one-month highs. All plunge in European stock markets across the night. Eurostat published euro area 2011 fourth-quarter gross domestic product (GDP), ring contraction of 0.3%, increased marketEuropean concerns in the economy, with investors worried that Greece could not be reached with private investors before the Thursday deadline bond swaps, increasing their risk of default, message Lee weak investment climate, dragging three major European indices fell more than 1.5%. United Kingdom's FTSE 100 index of destination country 5,765.80 points fall or 1.86% point; the Germany DAX index destination country 6, 633.11, fall or 3.4% point, and France CAC 40 index closing at 3,362.56, fall or 3.58% point. Wall Street stocks across the night also was sucked more than 1%. Uncertainty over the European economy became, together with Brazil for Official Statistics Department said, in 2011 the fourth quarter gross domestic product (GDP) quarterlyOnly 0.3% to enhance investor worries about the slowdown in global economic growth, United States three main index also plunge. Closed the Dow Jones industrial average ultimately fell 203.66 or 1.57%, 12,759.15, the standard and poor's 500 index closing down 20.97 points, or cent, 1, 343.36, Nast comprehensive meansFell 40.16 or 1.36% wot power leveling, 2, 910.32. United States-listed Hong Kong depositary receipt ADR with its external significant setbacks, preview Hong Kong stock market opened sharply lower today opened. The Hang Seng index lower low yesterday, and an enlarged decline, Hong Kong stocks traded have also observed a day match, with shares down close to the 90%, forming 91 falls city, said investors startedThere is panic buying spree's desire to withdraw from the stock market. ����Uncertain by external factors, it is expected that Hong Kong stocks today continued weakness. ����Plate analysis of good prospects for hydropower development. During the NPC, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao pointed out that the active development of hydropower, and increase the share of new and renewable sources of energy, once again injected a tonic for hydropower development. "Eleven-Five"During the slow development of hydroelectric projects due to funding pressures. But earlier this month the Central Bank joint of seven ministries and publishing "views on the further reform of water resources development in the financial services" specifically to increase hydropower stations through capital injections, subsidies and restructuring support, such as financing platform for rectification and reform and financing of water resources, funding is expected to ease. National Energy Board earlier this year brought new starts and hydropowerWill reach 20 million kilowatts, an increase of close to 60%, visible determination to national development of hydropower. China electricity regulatory Commission published hydropower units costing $ 6,870 per kilowatt basis, hydropower investment of up to $ 137.4 billion yuan this year, hydroelectric power and related equipment business will benefit from, performance or are new surprises. Recommends that investors may focus attention to hydropowerChina electric power (02380. HK) and Dongfang electric hydroelectric facilities Enterprise (600,875, unit) (01072. ����HK���� ����Stock reviews China wangwang (00151.HK) the track record in the second half. Want want 2011 annual results released yesterday, the company earnings for the whole year up 31.3% per centUS $ 700 million (the same below), gross profit and net profit rise and 21.3% respectively to $ 1.025 billion and $ 419 million, earnings per share 3.17, final dividend maintained 1.36 cents. A closer look at the data, contribution to the company's sales and profit for the second half of 2011 distinctly superior in the first half. Single period of the second half, the three major products include Rice cracker wot power leveling, dairyAnd beverage and snack food sales rose, 37% and 37% respectively, slightly higher than the level for the year; on the other hand, despite rising costs of raw materials as well as the company rebound gross margins in the second half from the first half of 33% per cent, reflecting the ability of management cost control. Prospects for this year, we believe that the company is still good momentum of development,And Japan YEUNG wing of cooperation will continue to ferment, has helped to continue to promote the development of the dairy business. Valuation, market expected earnings per share growth rate of 26%, that is, new profit growth (PEG) 1.19 times times, although valuations too high, but on the company's prospects, investors can still be considered to continue to hold.

