
wot power leveling to achieve consensus - CTZ

129756477760156250_9On March 6 the 20,122 Review broadcast of Phoenix "Hao Zheng: Yang JiechiJournalists will be speaking on the topic, what are your observations? Hao Zheng: at a press conference Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, really, many journalists around the world have appeared on a number of very important or sensitive issues, including bilateral issues between China and other countries, made a lot of really good questions, based on these issues on China's Foreign Minister YangPrinciple, some of them are repeating past some of the principles, and put forward some new views, General work on China's diplomacy in the next decade also had a very detailed explanation. First look at the current world there have been many changes, the changes included on the existing world order, new world order sent shock waves, in view of these changes wot power leveling, it is clear that China is willing to and the international community, Including some international or regional organizations, to jointly cope with these changes. Key problem is that some of these changes were due to a small number of Western countries in the manipulation behind, trying to lead, and induction, even their influence in an attempt to change strategy and politics of the region, the Chinese, including Russia, including most of the Western regionOr is the international situation continues to maintain the stability and development of those countries, and has a different voice. In this case, he sticks to the position of China, issued their own voice, apparently is a big country, especially a responsible country, things that should be done. At a press conference, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also made a very worrying, the so-called "horn on", whenSo he does, this is not "trumpet on" completely, but said China and ASEAN in Asia Pacific countries. Mutual development, continues to be the development process when there have been some differences, as well as through cooperation and dialogue to resolve these differences, this "horn on" he said it was so, he said that some countries with large horns, some countries only a small Horn,In some countries even the hands still not trumpet, but whatever the case, I believe that is more important than trumpet, so he made a number of statistics to demonstrate China and the Asia-Pacific region, and some of the surrounding countries in terms of economic and trade co-operation is well aware of some of the results. Horn on the very interesting, indeed the world we see is very restless, sound is veryMore, those holding Big Horn in some Western countries, in total disregard of others holding a trumpet, not even those countries make their sound of the trumpet, but through their powers in the hands of those who hold this for such a horn speaker and will continue to force, or the oppression of other countries. Then deal with such a situation, China should say play their role, andThis role lies in the hands of Chinese speakers should strive to countries that do not have horns for them given their voices, to focus on their demands. Holding a horn between these countries, of course, if there is disagreement, the dispute arose when world of tanks power leveling, do you by DB to raise their rates to suppress each other, clearly not, countries also agree to dialogue of the speakers,Honest ways to peaceful means to resolve their differences, to achieve consensus, to establish a more stable social order. So I'm afraid the world will be more beautiful, if not, they just say you, I said I wot power leveling, clutching a big horn country to suppress the other holding a trumpet, those countries there is no speaker, I am afraid, is not a level playing field for thisSample social, only makes world of contradictions conflict more of volatile, more of upgrade, in so of situation Xia, this "horn on the" has it very wonderful of Department, course Dr Foreign Minister he also mentioned has, future a period of China diplomatic work of focus, so which has a features, I of personal observation is China still will adhere to themselves found of should maintained peace, and justice, Just such a principle without any changes must persist through dialogue and political settlement of the current dispute and oppose the sanctions or the use of force to settle disputes, the principle for some time in the future for a long period of time without any changes, Sandy Ling.

