
tera gold there were two causes contributed to the rise in Asian currencies - CZC

129755780358125000_244According to the Bloomberg News reported on March 5, Korea's largest chemical company TLtek company, LG chemical, auto parts manufacturer Thailand Chengteh ceramics as well as Malaysia United States electronic industry association recently called on policymakers to take foreign exchange market intervention measures to curb their currency appreciation, to protect the domestic industry. According to the US-EU-English-JapaneseTo advanced economies introduced monetary easing gradually investors favor higher-yielding currencies. As of March 2, measure the overall performance of Asian currencies Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asia currency index gains so far this year is approximately 2% diablo 3 power leveling, since 1995, for maximum gain in the same period. Enterprises have repeatedly voiced the central banks sell LG chemical company announced recently that, "If the South Korean wonAppreciation to speed up, to an intolerable level, (Korea) Central Bank currency intervention is required. The won's rapid appreciation would affect the profitability of export sectors in China. "Chengteh ceramics company said continuing appreciation of the baht will enable the company to survive the pressure surge, because companies will also face wage and the impact of higher energy prices," the Central Bank needed to help enterprises reduce the foreign exchange marketFluctuations ". Malaysia United States electronic industry association President Huang Xiaohai, says: "We hope to achieve ringgit exchange rate against the dollar to fall, and in a relatively narrow range between a low of, to enable domestic enterprises to better make the expected, preserving the competitiveness of enterprises. "Data shows that as of March 2 this year, Malaysia ringgit respectively, South Korean won, and Thai baht against the US dollar exchange rate risen 3.2%, and 5.4%, on the increase in the exchange rate of the euro, 1.3% and 3.6%. Earlier, India rupee and Singapore against the United States dollar exchange rate has also increased and 7.2%. Domestic enterprises focus calls for Asian economies monetary authorities are not indifferent. Malaysia's Central Bank Governor Zeetti said the country was seeking a "orderly"The financial markets. Thailand's Central Bank senior said the Bank has in the last week of February "small" in the foreign exchange market intervention, but it did not disclose the specific interventions and scale. In this regard, Deutsche Bank interest rates and foreign exchange policy Department believes that Asia's export cycle has been significantly into the downhill, despite the higher price of crude oil, but decision makers tolerate currency appreciationCurb domestic inflation, thus protecting the domestic economy, especially manufacturing industry from the impact of external economic and currency appreciation is even more important. And on the other side of the globe, Brazil, and Colombia and Peru and other Latin American economies of Central Bank foreign exchange market intervention measures have been taken in February, and achieved certain results, cumulative appreciation of its currency against the dollar in February about 2% about increases in lowIn per cent in January. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on February 29, expressed support for the emerging market to intervene in the foreign exchange market tera gold, a last modified laissez-faire stance on capital markets. Asian currencies not escape "appreciation" of fate since the end of last year, United States, Europe, the United Kingdom and Japan have made monetary policy of "loose" adjustment. This includes: the Fed's ultra lowDelayed until the end of 2014, interest rates, and do not deny that the launch of a new round of quantitative easing (QE3) the possibility of ECB launched two rounds of long-term refinancing operation (LTRO) injection of about EUR 1 trillion of liquidity to the banking system, and United Kingdom bank expand its quantitative easing the size of 50 billion pounds in February, making purchases a total size of 325 billion pounds;Japan's Central Bank expand its quantitative easing in February unexpected scale of 10 trillion yen. Launch easing in major developed economies, coupled with the market risk appetite gradually returns, investors began to increasingly favor emerging markets diablo 3 gold, particularly Asia's emerging market assets. Financial monitoring bodies according to EPFR latest disclosure of data, as of February 29, emerging markets equity fund had absorbedNet inflows of more than US $ 20 billion, emerging markets bond funds attract net inflows of more than US $ 6 billion, while over the same period last year, the former appears NET redemption of $ 16.4 billion, while "gold" for only US $ 240 million. In this regard, kalemu·hengdesen, global head of foreign exchange research at Standard Chartered Bank, said, there were two causes contributed to the rise in Asian currencies: first, the EuropeanTwo rounds of LTRO to depress the euro Central Bank, long term, euro currency is weak in Asia; the second, trading positions on the foreign exchange market has seen tremendous changes, the market began betting against the euro, while long on currencies of emerging economies in Asia. In addition, analysts also believed that, because of the foreign exchange market daily volume is too large, monetary authorities ' intervention warningEffect is greater than the actual results in the context of developed economies increasingly loose monetary policy, currency of some Asian economies escape the "appreciation" of fate. (Editors: Cao Lu璠) Others:

