
world of tanks power leveling gold jewelry - RUJ

129742939086406250_44Core idea: despite the commercial retail sector overall valuation is currently made history: the bottom area of convergence, but due to the sales growth is slowing, good results for the 2011 annual report also does not hide the quarter of 2012 faces growth pressures, our relatively pessimistic on plate spring of 2012 investment opportunities, in the short term given the industry "synchronization"Ratings, medium-and long-term maintenance of industry "strong in the big city" rating unchanged. Investment: warm winter caused by cold, decline of industry close to 20%: plate four-quarter performance at the end of the consumer sector, fell primarily to the 2011 Winter warmer weather causes winter clothing in most parts and heating appliances suppressed demand for consumption of poor sales, clothing prices, jewelry consumption reduction, CPI down markets for factors such as fears of falling sales in supermarkets. Current plate is trading at historically low levels, premium rate is higher than the historical average. Poor industry boom, 2012 a quarter of last year optimism: from the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth index to hundreds of thousands of core business enterprises focus on retail sales growth, various data provesIndustry slowdown. Industry in the State, most notably among department stores dropped at; products, clothing, jewellery, large sales decline. Take into account: one is a lack of consumer confidence, willingness is not strong; second, gold jewelry, home appliances and other products sold by the gold price correction, "old for new" policy cancellation and other factors, we expect quarter of 2012 industry growthTo maintain low level. 2011 annual growth without worry of industry difficulties high base quarter of 2012: 2011 performance basic tone, is expected to grow rapidly, however due to the decline in industry boom and net profit growth in the quarter of 2011 higher base effect, we think business facing the retail industry as a whole quarter of 2012Increased performance pressure. In each State, Department stores increased performance pressure is particularly prominent. "Synchronize" rating, due attention to the annual report: taking into account the industry sales slowdown, industry growth stress in the 1 quarter, given the industry "synchronization" rating, it is recommended that investors can pay due attention in the first quarter of company annual reports may be expected wot power leveling, and subdivisionState performance in 2012, undervalued companies with good growth prospects, recommended new Bai (600 world of tanks power leveling,682 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), Ginza shares (600,858 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), tidal Acer (002345 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), sea-Indian stocks(000861 valuation, evaluation, market, news, main transactions), e-business, zhongxing commercial (000715 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading). ����Risk: industry sales growth exceeded expectations; CPI drop negative impact on the industry than expected; sales growth slows, excessive expansion of industry. Gold-line statement:Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description world of tanks power leveling, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

