
diablo 3 gold select iPad children calm down. For thisSome new parents - HYK

129757017016562500_22IPad into children's vision of the first Slayer Recently, an "iPad into children's vision of the first killer" microblogging, forwarded on the network volume is extremely high. Wrote that a girl was playing in the winter cool iPad, vision from 1 per cent to 0.5 per cent. Cut fruit, read fairy tales, animation, television, many children have to go to bed every night to hold iPad. And many young parents have chosenUsing iPad to putting our children. "It should be said that iPad is an electronic product, if the parents to control their children playing with iPad time, or choose a different toy putting our children, so this problem does not occur naturally. "Lu Hai Tongren hospital Ophthalmology Director said, for infants and young children and adolescents, recommended daily use of electronic products, it is best to not more than half an hour. CaseParents reward iPad in late winter vacation vision fell sharply after media reports, grade one boy Bob (pseudonym) for outstanding final performance, on comments on the three goods student, parents reward him, for he bought an iPad. Throughout the winter, to sleep children in addition to dinner, the rest of the time holding the fresh stuff, and even go to the toilet, has become a standard "IPad controlled ". Results did not think a winter break is over, children's vision is coming from 1 to 0.5. Coupled with the recent network tweets to a hot "iPad into children's vision of the first killers", many parents are aware of the iPad for children's injuries. But there are a lot of children, to the point of awake without the iPad. Ratione materiae says iPadThis key depends on how to use non-lethal interviewed many experts believe that in ophthalmology, Psychology Department, iPad is a State of the art electronic products, simply because too many people drown, cannot do scientific eye, leading to vision loss or other problems. Especially the eye function, mental development or immature children, if the parents can be controlled or confinedTo ensure children use no more than half an hour or 1 hour at a time, news should not occur in the sharp decline of eyesight. So iPad is no problem, the key is that parents and children on how to use it. Eyes close attention to the sharp fall in too long can cause vision "I personally think that iPad is this term for killer of vision in children, much too early is not strict enough. ��TONGREN hospital Ophthalmology chief physician Lu Hai said that the iPad is an electronic products with background lighting. Any electronic product, such as TVs, computers, cell phones, and so on, looking intently watching for too long, pupils will continue to contract to adapt to the changes of the light source. Adjust the pupil of the ciliary muscle tension remains. At the same time, as electronic screen keep blinking, eye ciliaryMuscles must frequently exercise. Ciliary muscle relaxation was not long, high tension, the lens too much buckling, increase the diopter diablo 3 power leveling, a long time may cause the ciliary muscle spasm, causing control myopia. If it is not good to rest and relax, soon turned out to be true myopia. "To put it simply, a long time staring at electronic screens, focus diablo 3 gold, ciliary muscle is too tight, it willSpasms, which have control myopia. The best way of relaxing, is looking at distant objects, ciliary muscle relaxation. "Zhai Changbin Tongren hospital refractive Group Deputy Chief physician said. Zhai Changbin met many children, Deputy Director, is to leave parents not at home diablo 3 gold, holding the iPad or computer, an afternoon of play was a, vision loss occurs. Experts recommend to outdoorRelaxing eye iPad ultra half an hour "recommends parents to take their children to get outdoors, when we look at objects in the distance, eyes can be natural relaxation, this practice is also very simple. "Lu Hai Director said. In addition, parents need to teach their children how to eye health, iPad time, preferably not more than half an hour, or every half hour to rest for a while. PsychologyBlocking communication with the parents influence emotional expression "iPad can assist development of children's intelligence on the one hand, but on the other hand, it has also blocked exchanges between children and parents, can affect a child's emotional expression. "The huilongguan hospital psychiatric Wu Yaxue said. Many young parents because there is no crying kids cope, select iPad children calm down. For thisSome new parents, Wu Yaxue doctors believe that many people have a baby, but don't have the mental energy to control their children, children lost their parents taught them the best opportunities. "Every child born, he starting from interpersonal communication with parents. If the parents gave up this opportunity, to let iPad and children exchange, so thisParents in front of their children is not after Wilson. "Wu Yaxue doctors believe that children may be in the future there are some potential problems with emotional expression. Experts suggest abandoning the iPad should have the courage to try at one point, crying is for parents of children of a growing platform. If there are no iPad, as long as parents keep trying, there must be a way for cryingBabies and their parents, as long as parents willing to try. Others:

