
wot power leveling "author - JIA

129756355322343750_22"Zhuangao financial network" reporters Su Chen Chi Hung Chan, analyst at Moody's said in a report released on March 7, China's low growth and high inflation target policy makers more policy space, in China this year is expected to further increase the size of the stimulus. National Bureau of statistics will be released on March 9, the latest macroeconomic data. Chi Hung Chan reportExpected in December economic indicators reflected the continued economic slowdown.   CPI and PPI inflation will be a marked decline wot power leveling, industry and fixed asset investment growth would slow, weak data will relax the market established a policy expectations. During the NPC, Premier Wen Jiabao made 2012, China GDP growth target for 7.5%. This is8 years in China for the first time to give up "by 8" target. Chi Hung Chan believed that Chinese GDP targets the reduction stemmed largely from the labour force decline--the Government's target is to increase the employment of 9 million this year, less than 12.2 million last year. According to estimates, China will decline after peak in 2018 the number of labour wot power leveling, job creation will also reduce. But he said that, in view ofSince 1999, China's annual economic growth is higher than the actual target is expected this year will be no exception, or real GDP growth will remain close to the 8.4%. Chi Hung Chan, although real GDP growth exceeded targets is a foregone conclusion world of tanks power leveling, the stimulus is still necessary, higher-than-expected inflation target policy makers more policy space. Pre-Period of China during the year the Government will expand the use of economic stimulus, or cut reserve requirements again in the first quarter. (Securities market weekly Syndication) "author:" zhuangao financial network "reporters Su Chen" (Editor: Deng Meiling)

