
wot power leveling timely - PWD

129756477763593750_20Five Tibetan delegations to the Conference plenary session of the national people's Congress meeting place photography xiaozhongren xiaozhongren briefing by Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Bai Ma red forest photography international online reported (reporter Xu Yanqing xiaozhongren) for recent concern over Tibet's economic and social development at home and abroad, National Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous regional people's Congress, Bai Ma 7th red forest in Beijing said the currentTibet's stability, ethnic solidarity, and masses of all nationalities live and work. He also stressed that national unity is the lifeline of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet, people are willing to live a stable and happy life, will certainly protect hard-happy. Highest organ of State power--the national people's Congress of China's annual review meeting was held at the Bai Ma Lin was considered on the day the Government work reportSaid. He said that, according to the Central Government's "amidst" the overall tone of the work world of tanks power leveling, according to its own characteristics in Tibet this year, highlighting the grasp "amidst" General requirements of work, promoting economic and social development. Tibet must do development work, to do a good job wot power leveling, social management of innovation, promoting social harmony. Tibetan new year now have not finished wot power leveling, the Tibetan peopleImmersed in an atmosphere of joy and peaceful Tibetan new year. Back in 2011, Bai Ma Chek Lap Kok Lin said, 2011 Tibet persist in taking development path with Chinese characteristics, the characteristic of Tibet, and made new achievements in economic and social development. He disclosed a series of economic figures: 2011 Tibet Autonomous Region GDP, total fixed-asset investment and retail sales of consumer goods in society respectively, broke the 60 Yuan, RMB 50 billion and 20 billion yuan for the "Twelve-Five" start to lay a good foundation. At the same time, tourism development was strong, Trojan welcomes domestic and foreign visitors for the year reached more than 8.6 million visitors, an increase of about 26%. Bai Ma Chek Lap Kok Lam also said that efforts to improve the people's livelihood in Tibet over the past year. Year guarantee 23,000 jobs, townsRegistered unemployment rate in 3.2% 2011 fresh full employment of college students of Tibetan nationality. For prices, timely, Tibet issue price subsidies were issued about 100 million Yuan, and ensure that the masses can live from the impact of. Tibetan residents social old-age insurance system in the country to achieve full coverage. Bama red forest revealed, the central place for TibetA series of special preferential policies, implementation of aid projects last year, 362 aid funds more than 2.4 billion yuan. Existing in Lhasa and xigaze, Shannan, linzhi in Tibet, changdu, nagqu, Ali 6 regions. By the end of 2010 resident population of more than 3 million people, Tibetans and other ethnic minorities account for more than 91%.

