
wot power leveling does not indicate that confirm the description - ZIN

129756542903281250_23Editor's Note: in February the domestic chemical industry market picks up signs of obvious, with increases of adipic acid top. As February chemicals rose "leader", adipic acid prices continued to run high last month. By early afternoon world of tanks power leveling, industry estimates in late March would effectively increase in market demand, market atmosphere has warmed, chemicals may usher in a period of wavelength rally, stocks worth the wait。 February chemical market warmed up significantly, such as adipic acid, propane led gainers of international oil prices rose, February domestic chemical signs of recovery in the market significantly, rising over half the performance is generally better than inorganic organic chemicals and chemical products. In the business and social monitoring of 68 species, rising 38, monitoring 55.88%, gains the top fiveNames are: adipic acid, monthly or 13.2%; 12.76% propane rose; up 10.48% nitrate; up 8.31% epichlorohydrin; phenols up 8.13%. In addition, the product 4 prices held steady last month, less than 5.88%; dropped by 26, 38.24%, list the top five are the decrease in hydrochloric acid, and monthly loss of 34.29%; light soda ash fall 7.29%; acrylic (HDC) falling 6.42%; dense soda fell 4.86%;PTFE dispersible resins fall 3.9%. "As the International crude oil boosted petrochemical markets from a position of confidence and have a direct cost of downstream products bring powerful support, adipic acid, nitric acid, propylene, and epoxy chloropropane last month, prices rose significantly. While, Fully demonstrated the impact of supply and demand on the market, such as adipic acid wot power leveling, propane wot power leveling, phenol, and other manufacturers operating rate at low levels, products in short supply, prices take advantage of rising and Qinghai Kunlun mountain, Xuzhou of fengcheng salt released a total of 1.6 million tonnes of soda ash production capacity set release, causing a great blow to domestic soda ash market, price was forced to go down. "Senior business analyst Zhang said. As 2Month chemicals rose "bellwether", continued high prices last month of adipic acid. This is after the January, adipic acid prices March for the second month in a row. Earlier in January, the national plant capacity biggest adipic acid plantCompared to 10,400 Yuan/ton, prices rose more than 26% adipate. For the future, Zhang ming estimates rising market demand will be effective in late March, market trading climate warming, chemicals may usher in a wavelength of the rally. Liu Xintian petrochemical experts were of the view that March or petrochemical market still dominated by rose, the middle reaches of the product gains or higher upstream and downstream products, Stabilize or fall in prices is likely to be an increase in February. (Shanghai Securities reported Chen Qijue) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

