
diablo 3 power leveling hydrogen is a high energy explosive device - XTN

129755780306875000_116Author: Fang Tiantian as PetroChina, Sinopec 93rd gasoline color differences evident in photos, makes the oil quality is widely concerned with the issue, and recently by the Hong Kong media burst out petrol with a sulphur content higher than the Hong Kong 35-50 news, gasoline quality on vehicle exhaust emissions and environmental impact of pushed to the forefront. "Currently there is an urgent need to accelerate the upgrade of oil qualitySupply comply with the emission standards for diesel gasoline, to ensure the effective implementation of phase IV emission standards for motor vehicles. Otherwise, the vehicle emission standard is null and void, "Twelve-Five" binding targets to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides are also difficult to complete. "A name submitted by the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party Central for the strict enforcement of environmental standards for fuel oil to ensure implementation of the nitrogen oxide emissions(Hereinafter referred to as central proposal of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party) pointed out. According to information provided by the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party Central Committee said that in 2010, emissions of nitrogen oxides from motor vehicles in China has accounted for 26% of national emissions of nitrogen oxides, and is quickly on the rise year after year. "If not to control emissions of nitrogen oxides, of" Eleven-Five "during the efforts of sulphur dioxide fell by 14%, nitric oxideSignificant increases in emissions of all offset. "The proposals mentioned. "Even if the enterprise uses a more advanced engine, but if the oil quality is not achieved and automobile exhaust emissions will certainly be difficult to target. "Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of automobile safety and energy-saving of Tsinghua University Wang Jianxin said," on the oil quality upgrades in technology is not a problem, but petrochemical sectors stressed investment in upgrading is too large,So underpowered. "CNPC 金云 said economic and technical Research Institute, standard oil in China Although lagging behind in Europe and the United States, but in recent years the fastest lifting speed is, oil quality upgrades can say ten years time passed twenty or thirty years in Europe through the road. He also admitted that, "improve the quality of oil in refinery equipment needs to be modified with higher standards of, Which requires a process. Moreover, higher quality fuel spread in the market, it takes time. "In this regard, some in the industry believe that States should establish clear fuel road map. "Mandated by the State, part of the refinery if costs are high, not willing to update it should be eliminated. "Oil and environmental standards seriously lagging in fact, vehicle fuel isCar emission source is already consensus in the industry. 金云 admits, motor vehicle and what kind of oil for what kind of exhaust which has a direct effect, different standards of olefin content in sulfur content of fuel oil and other impurities are different, after combustion of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas and particle content varies. Director of the State environmental protection administration vehicle emission control centerTang Dagang said, according to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou State IV oil before and after comparisons, IV relative to standard III, light vehicle pollutant emissions will further decrease by about 50% cycling, heavy duty truck about 30% cycle emissions can be further reduced. It is in this swtor credits, generally considered more stringent vehicle emission standards, must have high quality automotive fuels for protection,Oil quality standards to be implemented simultaneously with the motor vehicle emission standards at least, even ahead of vehicle emission standards. But in our country but there is a time difference between and on oil products upgrading the development schedule of the total cannot be implemented on time and timely implementation of, oil upgrading speed is lagging far behind the pace of implementation of new auto emissions standards. It is understood that the light-duty gasoline vehicle emissions standards in ChinaHas been implemented on July 1, 2011, but standard practice time is January 1, 2014, the gasoline; diesel vehicle emission standards due to be effective July 1, 2011 enforced in the country, but so far, subject to gas stations in Beijing, Shanghai, most still supply the sulphur content is up to 2000ppM ordinary diesel, in line with the national standard diesel step by step the overall supply of time delay. "Oil quality standards can have a big impact on us. "Jac (600,418. SH) Technology Center a person said, "if impurities such as sulfur and manganese content in gasoline is too high, you may damage the catalytic converter and oxygen sensor and catalytic effect of reducing pollutants; if full gasolineAnd high vapor pressure, will also have a volatile pollution. "Tang Dagang with one country, four petrol car, while firing three-way catalytic converters will not be damaged when three gasoline, but burn Kunizo gasoline than of four high gas emissions. "If a gasoline car is subject to country IV emission standards, is the best use of sulphur-free petrol, using ultra low sulfur gasoline four-wayGood fruit, using Kunizo relative difference of the effect of low-sulfur gasoline, but better than Kunizo cars use the same gasoline emissions. "Development of new fuel standards to a certain extent, due to the struggle between the automakers and the interests of oil companies. Tang Dagang, both are Euro IV standards, high oil quality, about the car's own low pollution control requirements; oil of poor quality, about the car's own pollution controlCapacity requirements is high. "Before the most important benefit of enterprises, improve the quality of oil and improve motor control capacity need to be put into research and development funding and increased production costs, car manufacturers and oil companies on this issue of games early in the implementation is started when the euro I standard. "" From a technical perspective about oil companies fully equipped with high standard fuel capacity of, but the standard has beenNo strong push oil companies have sat watching the best excuse; car companies are concerned, "to drink a good oil" has also become a vehicle emissions reduction not excuses. "One expert said. Petrochemical enterprise "monopoly" standard-setting right? However, in oil quality of the entire game, development of petrochemical industry around oil quality standards, environmental protection departments and representatives of the automobile enterprise strength is relatively weak, lessNumber of petrochemical monopoly enterprise "monopoly" rights to increase the oil development of environmental standards. According to the information provided by the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party Central, national standardization Technical Committee of petroleum products and lubricants in the composition, 90.9% members from the petrochemical system cent of members from the members of the automotive industrial systems 4.5% from eco-system, from, Chairman of Sinopec, and SecretariatSinopec oil fuels and lubricants in the composition of the Technical Committee, Member of the Member of the petrochemical system 70.3% system of automobile industry accounted for 8.1% members of the environmental protection systems 5.4%, Chairman of Sinopec, from, the Secretariat is based in China. "Such a proportion of seats, is difficult to achieve in accordance with demands for environmental quality measurement of motor vehicle emission standards to develop a publication partyMethod and corresponding fuel standards. "One industry source said," unless it is a green one-vote veto. "Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party Central Committee proposal that" China's current lack of management of an existing vehicle emission duties and oil quality management duties of government departments. "It is understood that the SAC was standard oil under the Department, Bureau of energy for energy security, quality inspection Bureau oil-market salesIn line with national standards, but none of these departments on the oil quality development plan target of such requests. In spite of oil quality is closely related to vehicle emissions, the Environmental Protection Department is currently monitoring the quality of the oils do not have the relevant powers. Referring to the promotion of quality of oil upgrading, MICA also concede that oil quality upgrading refineries needs to be increased investment in infrastructure and production costs, coupled with oil products rose-Class quality does not raise prices, without high quality and low price, underpowered in refineries. "This additional large sums of investment to achieve processing capabilities, but the present policy losses are generally in refineries. "He describes, if you want to improve the quality of diesel oil, the most important is equipped with a hydro-power plant diablo 3 power leveling, also need installation or replacement of desulfurization catalysts for hydrogen and refineryExtension and run diesel oil hydrofining unit in high temperature and high pressure, hydrogen is a high energy explosive device, which will increase the refinery's production costs and security costs of investment. "A capacity of 2.6 million tons of diesel hydrogenation refining project, needs investment of around $ 500 million, oil quality, including other supporting devices, upgrading project total investment is required more。 "Li kunsheng, Chief Engineer of Beijing municipal environmental protection Bureau of motor vehicle exhaust emission management center presentation" to meet new emissions standards, Sinopec Beijing Yanshan branch had only invested $ 500 million or 600 million for reconstruction. For now, increase costs for the enterprises ' internal absorption. "National emission standard nominal" two barrels of oil "alleged monopoly oil standards formulate large-scale investments,Is a major factor impeding fuel standards improve. The diesel (GB19147-2009), for example, the standard became effective on January 1, 2010 tera gold, the transition period is 1.5 years. This means that, beginning on July 1, 2011, it will begin to enforce a standard. "But the reality is, enforces date might be postponed to this yearIn July. "金云 said. "The Ministry had a special meeting on the modification of oils, China Petroleum and chemical industry association, to meet the new fuel standards, national investment of 50 billion yuan, as refinery to be upgraded, including the storage and transportation of gas stations have to change. "The China Association of automobile manufacturers, vehicle fuel sampling quality testing team leader Wei Houmin says,"But the Environmental Protection Department said the State has paid a lot of money to upgrade the petrochemical sector, but the money is not used for the production of high-quality fuel all construction was not clear. "" Transitional period "into a" window period "in 2010, led by the China Association of automobile, Faw jointly second automobile in the country for quality inspection of vehicle fuel sampling, sampling locations, including in addition to Qinghai, Tibet and XinjiangIn all regions. "With East China vehicle ownership more in North and central areas, includes more than 20 more of the sampling, specific results will be announced in April this year after. "Wei Houmin introduction. However, speaking on the sampling results for fuel standards enhance the catalytic role, Wei, but difficult to predict that "with the automakers to do the work in the hope that the domestic oil productsMarket bottom. "He introduced, in our country, each province there are also differences between urban and rural areas of oil. It is understood that the domestic market of oil refining technology to PetroChina, Sinopec, oil refinery plant in Shandong and other regions also have a place. But because of oil product quality involves many aspects, from the appearance of the transportation to storage, between the refinery will result in a differentQuality gap. "But now standard on the range they are required, such as diesel III standard for sulfur content is less than 350PPM, but the truth is there are a lot of oil now is difficult to achieve. Sulphur content of some of them are 400-500PPM, and some even thousands. "In this regard, Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party Central Committee considered, should be as short as possible oil quality riseLevel transition period, cannot let the oil quality upgrade of the "transitional period" a "window period". If you are not in one step, reasonable and practicable transition plan should be developed. And rationalize vehicle design and manufacturing related aspects of petrochemical production, transportation and supply, and identified as soon as possible a national implementation timetable for the upgrading of oil quality. Guangdong Association of oil and gas oil Minister Yao DaMing believed that national related departments should develop a set of national standards implementing the road map, "such as Japan on oil products how to upgrade is to have a road map, all became clear after the public what to do every year. "Tang Dagang expressed similar views," due to the GB17930-2011 of the gasoline has been published, so gasoline III upgrades from country to country IVTimetables have been identified. But upgraded to v's schedule has not been decided yet. Proposals as soon as possible to develop and publish v petrol standards give manufacturers enough time for product upgrades. "(Editor: Qian Zhang) Others:

