
tera power leveling " and finally to an end. 7 day trend since March 5 - HEP

129762943223593750_145News Flash: volume huzhi afternoon dive down nearly 1% media stocks leading the declines NetEase finance index continues upward March 14 afternoon, but with 2,478 point pressure, huzhi rushed to 2,476 click and begin the quick decline. Coal sector to accelerate green doubled down, dragged down stock, shares fell. Financial and real estate stocks down. As of publication, huzhi, El 2421.16, down 1.44%. Shenchengzhi 10216.1, fall2.02%. Sector, foreign trade, both with steel plates, led by the two cities. Non-ferrous metals, medicine plate, steel stocks rose slightly, shipbuilding plate down 1.86%,-being. Media, cement, real estate and other sectors were down. Stocks, some 17 per cent daily stocks of the two cities, dimensional communications 3rd consecutive daily limit, Ningbo building5th consecutive daily limit, bgrimm magnetic materials, the concept of rare-earth permanent magnet unit East Hengdian magnetic daily limit. Societe Generale securities believes that March tera power leveling, less risk of market sharply downward. Since the beginning of this round of market, experienced a small-market-market and then to the small plate style of the conversion process, market valuation fixed to plate as the main feature. Little downside risk in the market under the premise, the mood of the market clearlyInto a long frame of thought-"fell more warehouse", "wash healthier", and investors in 2011 with "rebound ran away", "play out" bear market thinking is not the same, so short term, the money will keep tossing, looking for no rise is expected to fill up, and the performance exceeded expectations. Shenyin wanguo believes that rising stock markets will resume this week, aims to2500.1 line forward, so that after one round after finishing the intermediate further establishment. With this in mind, this week, investors should take active buying in the market stalls tera power leveling, and special attention to the theme class variety of operations, maintain positions around 70%, to better share gains arising from property income. News: with the "two sessions"End of the session, a share of this year's "two sessions," and finally to an end. 7 day trend since March 5, has experienced after the first anti-Yang in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index trend, trend of stock indexes as a whole stable of the two cities, the Shanghai composite index fell slightly shenchengzhi small rising trend of investors for shares of subsequent movements also occur a certain amount of concern, a share of this year's "two"The market would interpret it after? External markets: stocks on Tuesday, Gao Kaigao, financial stocks leading the way. Dow up over 200 points, the three major stock indexes gain super 1.5% the NASDAQ hit a 11-year high. Does not imply the Federal Reserve quantitative easing will launch more; the United States in February retail sales 5-month high; the United States January increase in business inventories than expected; Fitch raised the GreekPrince's sovereign credit rating; JP Morgan raised its quarterly dividend for the period to 30 cents per share. "Today's news" the closing of the national people's Congress meeting this "two sessions," post-how to interpret? With the "two sessions," end of the session, a share of this year's "two sessions," and finally to an end. 7 day trend since March 5 tera gold, has experienced after the first anti-Yang in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexPotential trend of stock indexes as a whole stable of the two cities, the Shanghai composite index fell slightly shenchengzhi small rising trend of investors for shares of subsequent movements also occur a certain amount of concern, a share of this year's "two sessions," the market would interpret it after? SFC requested fried new securities broker a four-pronged comprehensive prevention Times reporter was informed that a few days ago, the China Securities Regulatory Commission for brokers in investor education, underwriting,Investment and advisory link in a four-pronged, fried new comprehensive prevention. Proprietary capital and pipe business require securities firms do not follow the trend of fried new; sponsor underwriting sponsor representative income, investment banking departments, commissions and rewards shall not raise funds directly and hyper-linked. Japan and the United States and Europe to the world trade organisation to prosecute export curbs in China Japan and the United States and the EU for China export curbs problems, 13th in violation of world tradeOrganization (WTO) agreement to the WTO on the lawsuit. Department of Commerce 13th confirmed, China United States, the European Union and Japan under the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO regarding exports of rare earth molybdenum, tungsten, management measures of consultation requests. On the head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Commerce Treaty issued a statement in this connection, China-related raw material export policy andHas been a communication and contact, repeatedly stressed that China policy objective is to protect the resources and environment and achieving sustainable development, has no intention of by trade-distorting way to protect domestic industries. The official also said China under the WTO dispute settlement procedures, properly handle the relevant request. Research local provinces combined social security fund investment and operation of China SyndromeCoupon, this reporter recently interviewed a number of deputies members, some provinces are actively promoting the combined investment of social security fund operation. More local government officials said, should be introduced as soon as possible to the competent authorities for social security fund investment and operation rules, development of a safe, stable and secure investment framework. March 11 days ago, four new loans of less than 20,000,000,002Month-end credits short sprints, and failed to stop due to weak demand for credit slowing economic growth to trend. On March 13, net exclusive was informed that, as of March 11, workers, farmers, and built four large banks in the credit collective weakness, less than $ 20 billion in new loans, not including ICBC, other three lines of credit have seen negative growth. Agency policy: marketRebound is expected to extend short term attention should pay attention to two points Bull Valor on the merchant side is an important signal to attack revealed major new goals Others:

