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129779323243437500_20The morning of March 31, Guangzhou public summer ladies lead on a 3-year old daughter to kindergarten. When passing in the Hall of Guangzhou Tianhe district legal services, summer and her daughter yells stomach pain, you want the toilet, she tried to borrow to service Hall staff toilets, was rejected. Eventually, the help of kind people, girls near a private office to solve the urgent. This encounter was on the summer LadyMicro-blogging. Soon, official tweets @ Guangzhou Guangzhou Bureau of Justice Justice responded, request the summer and sympathetic to the lobby of the legal services staff, says if everyone went there also are required to take the toilet tera gold, there are significant security risks. This said by many users pain. That afternoon, micro-Bo @ Justice of Guangzhou issued an apology. (April 1, the information times) 3 girls whenSo not what "major security breach". @ Guangzhou before justice a microblogging actually is no girls to hidden (producer), but would like to say that, if the borrowing service hall for girls toilet tera gold, so this precedent, other members of the public will have reason to use the toilet, bad service center management. But that means being lead to a backlash of public opinion "majorFull risk "term to annihilation, also blamed improper judicial Council official microblog managers their own expression. Then the inappropriate expression of words aside, Justice @ Guangzhou this microblog, has said there is no truth? As refuted by many Internet users on Twitter pointed out, toilets outside many city government agencies can be borrowed for residents and tourists, attitudes of public servants is also very good. FromWhich state what city do not smell, there have been caused by toilet borrowing to the Government authorities outside of major security incidents. @ Justice as well as the units in Guangzhou Tianhe district legal services under the Hall, there's real concern is the public borrowing the toilet what? In the author's view, which is entrenched in some units "complex thinking" manifestation of established units to wall and other isolationShi circled area, just the flat site, whether it is the toilet, parking spaces, or other service facilities, can only serve the affiliation of civil servants. These units have established complete management system, require the doorman, security and logistics management system seriously. In this sense, legal service Hall, Tianhe district, the uniformed man, denied girls borrowStaff of this unit toilets, refusal to work around, not at fault. The other hand, the Hall which includes the Bureau of Justice and legal services Office, toilet sanitation is usually determined by the quantitative, outsourced cleaning company or done by cleaning workers, job requirements and the matching funds are already fixed in the contract. If the subordinate units of the Judicial Council are open to public toilets,It should first be addressed better toilet hygiene requirements thus increasing additional funds required. Guangzhou since 2003 tera power leveling, requires stations, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, parks, shopping malls and other public places and locations of toilets, have an obligation to open and own toilet cleaning and routine maintenance costs. This greatly alleviates the inadequate public toilets to the Guangzhou people andEmbarrassment of visitors to travel to Guangzhou. Problem is, since many organizations were asked to carry out toilet facilities open to the public for free, such as social responsibility, already bear the responsibilities of public service sectors there is no reason why the Government passes the same obligations. Instance is sufficient to prove that many foreign places, non-secret government facilities open to the public and tourists, will not cause security issues,As for the increase, others KFC McDonalds are affordable, our public servants in this regard also being hard up it? Transferred from the Red network Others:

