
tera gold you lead others into the frying pan - WSG

129788654669531250_49On the wrong "bridal sedan chair" marry the wrong "lang" mobile phone free www.cnfol.com April 14, 2012 securities times comment on neighbors and old King, was a retirement of more than 80 years of age, he told the author that he recently met a troublesome matter, is to purchase him a year ago of the QDII FundWandering under the net, call this bad piece of meat; not to pay it, your are so old, should there be no haste, be patient, also fell off a piece of meat tera gold, you said not troublesome? Old Wang said, he had never approached the Fund, more do not know what the Fund is what, just by chance, that he was wrongllip;Said that he was not at all saying this is the Fund, saying only that this product of higher interest than term depositsElderly handed came of list, I bow aiming has a eye, moments head are large has, this is a paragraph QDII of Fund financial products, and Fund last year has a is a are fell was devastated of, and then in continues to fell, is rebound of signs are no, you said 's tera power leveling, the recommended products of staff really enough wicked of, people are 80 age has, besides elderly even what is baseGold does not understand anything, you have no risk for others prompted, you lead others into the frying pan, jump, maybe the staff also have the sufferings, I suddenly remembered the day in securities companies to sell them funds, sorrow troubles not have finished the task, but I gave the staff a sentenceKing saw what he immediately became nervous, move over here says:ellip;In fall, I'm too lazy to look at later fell. Until a few days ago, I saw the old King in the corridor, a newspaper in his hand, happy to say:O old King is pleased to say. It so happened, the computer networks of the day tera gold, I had a problem, no network, there is no check to buy funds earned by the Lao Wang didn't make any money, but this did not affect the mood of old King, he happily dreaming:Married toWoke up and it was light, bright sun based on my little house, as far as on the bed in front of a computer. I rushed to open the computer, the network has better, look to the old King bought the QDII funds, could not help but sigh: the net in eight more, have rallied 6.06%, still a lot, it looks like the old King, old king knew this, humorously said:�� Others:

