
tera gold Guangzhou - TPB

129777332275312500_282Moderator: after two sessions throughout the country, local property taxes and continuing the pilot news. Recently, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities were also exposes a pilot tax message. And similar to Beijing, relevant government departments in most cities do not stand for the pilot. Recently, attention from the many real estate tax, tax will be in the property market of last resort? Property tax will solve the China property marketMany problems?  What do you think? I: some low-income people to hear the Government's income tax on personal income tax, real estate tax, travel sth There is a sense of schadenfreude. Not know, the money last is borne by the low income people. Will give executives of enterprises subsidies, officials will increase welfare, President of the landlord rent, travel tax will increase operating costs. At lastPrices soar, rich can afford low income? Li Muyang: real estate profits end to an era. May 2011: ten bars, five for September 2011 national urban housing prices were rising too fast in November 2011, eight country inhibit investment and speculative demand, followed by the central economic work Conference and determine the price reasonable return. Near-timePilot and implementation of media real estate taxes, signs that the State administrative regulation of the real estate has reached a critical stage. Chenpassion: don't buy a House when home ownership is widespread advertising, people feel that they do not have to buy is SB; buy spend a lot of money, they always feel is being exploited; after buying, property taxes a bunch came out,That was slaughtered on a knife now house prices fell once, feel like eating flies, nausea and vomiting are does not spit it out.  Anyway, how to play, will play dead people! Sea on Thursday: year stock reproduce the spirit of the dead does not sell property: beginning of the same fear of policy to suppress, the same tax, the same size of non-lifting of – is non-developers of low prices in the property market began to walkFast turnaround mode, small non-stock is toilet paper before the House.  Stamp duty and property taxes are so similar. Say goodbye: on any subject, matter, very normal. A view is correct, final judging only by facts, rather than debate, the so-called practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Europe has proven tax inspection is to control pricesWeapon, that are going to work in China tera power leveling, will be practice to verify! Bai Weimin: buy limit order is an administrative way to control prices. Property taxes do not levy, cancel the buy limit order, prices inevitable retaliatory rally. Property taxes, and appear to the salvation of the property market in China. In fact, a tax alone, there is no long-term vows to maintain price stability, United States, Hong Kong and other places as early as this tax,Prices sometimes still be or fall rally.  Prices were mixed, very complex factors: credit, speculative tera gold, the importance of mobility, absolute over taxation and restriction of! Old: property taxes will not increase the burden on the people? See this, not Lenovo, "property law" strongly promoting the story. When they are not there tera power leveling, "property law", "estate tax"Promote it are two very different scenes, he represents the interests of economists were strongly promoted "property law" enacted, to treat "property taxes" so are they, wounding of a vested interest in it for fear of injury. (Chen Ying finishing) Others:

