
tera power leveling including credit card - UPJ

129770904350000000_27Double business make up for performance "short Board" ⊙ reporter Xiao Li 0 one month after edit zhujianhua, Office Electronics, or securities market to debut a brand new name. Yesterday, at company's description on Internet performance, company Vice President, secret Du Linhu Tung said: "seize the time to handle the relevant issues, initially expected to be completed by the end of April the new shares listing work, publicDivision changed its name and management structure and business integration is still in discussion.  "On March 21, the company announced to the purchase of shares issued 100% tongfang microelectronics equity matters approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission's approval. Meanwhile, the reporters saw in tongfang microelectronics ' website, March 21 hang out such a message: "tongfang microelectronics ' by SWP-SDSilver joint payment card test ". Revealed in the article, recently published the latest batch of bank card test center by Silver SWP-SD detection of joint payment card product list, tongfang microelectronics chip THC80F09BC SWP-SD mobile payment products have successfully checked the card, the chip's success in the application of SWP-SD of China UnionPay mobile payment scheme,Further broke the monopoly of foreign chip makers in the field of mobile payment technology, can be widely used in SIM cards, ATM cards, mobile payments, pay TV cards, and other areas. At present, tongfang microelectronics chip and has been widely used in the second generation card tera power leveling, SIM cards, bus cards, financial IC card, social security card tera gold, and other areas tera power leveling, as of now, tongfang microelectronics chip cumulative shipmentsMore than 1.4 billion.  Earlier, tongfang microelectronics to provide large-capacity, high-performance non-contact CPU card chip in one of the first health card issued successfully in use. In this regard, Du Linhu said yesterday, tongfang microelectronics maintains communication with the UnionPay long-term, actively promote the development of mobile payment business, start preparing for a subsequent market. He also said,Micro financial IC card chip certification in progress, towards the early completion of the company. Du Linhu said, Crystal Electronics has plans to take advantage of tongfang microelectronics company designs a new high-end products. High-end quartz crystal device products require the corresponding IC chip support, lack of relevant chip products in China at present, restriction on product development for high-end crystal.This type of chip development will increase the proportion of higher-margin products, promoting electronic structure of quartz crystal products adjust the Crystal source.  At present, the company already have a dedicated team of dedicated chip research and development work carried out in collaboration, fighting for into the product development of the year. From performance presentation can be seen, electronic original business office is beset by facing the market downturn. Company General Manager Yan Yongjiang, 2011 year market situation we face is the worst year in a decade, stagnant demand out of order, industry-wide downturn of piezoelectric crystals. And this trend has impact on 2012 year. Company Finance Director Yang Qiuping, Crystal business profits due to the industry downturn, according to current forecasts, 2012-year decline in profits over the same period in 2011. However, with theMicro-chip good business prospects. Du Linhu said, smart card business market space, "Twelve-Five" there will be great during development, including credit card, social security card, health card, and so on. According to the takeover report, trading each other's commitments: in 2011, 2012 and 2013, tongfang microelectronics realized after deducting the non-recurring gains and losses attributable to the shareholders of the parent company's netProfit of not less than $ 72.4657 million respectively ($ 72.7235 million actual implementation), $ 90.0969 million and $.  In contrast, Office electronic 2011 vested in the parent company's net profit of $ 30.73 million. Under the asset purchase agreement, benchmark (October 31, 2010) after tongfang microelectronicsProfit vested in the Office of electronic, losses borne by the shares.  According to the relevant provisions of the accounting standard for business enterprises, the company issued shares and transfer transactions to complete day combined with micro-electronics report. Perhaps institutional investors expect. Company annual reports show that as at December 31, 2011, the Thai letters selected blue-chip stocks funds the four quarter gallon; Chinese business cardsEnterprises first hybrid four-quarter last year a new list of the top 10 largest shareholders. Net growth rate of these funds since the beginning of this year, respectively ranked first among the standard stock fund, and partial shares Fund (shares upper 95%) first. Others:

