
tera power leveling Tony Leung to pay - INK

129762893039687500_80Tony Leung and Carina LAU said housing subsidies to sleep properly Tony Leung and Carina LAU (click to see Tony Leung movies under the hero tera power leveling, and the Chibi) (information), Carina LAU test without fear of marriage (video) Gold-sheep net new news on March 14, according to Hong Kong media reports, press conference held the day before yesterday tera power leveling, a Shanghai real estate in Central, and Carina LAU as special guests. Low chest backless white dress out of Carina LAU,Very sexy, crisp and look great. Her response was pregnant earlier said, may only be on weight recently, Tony Leung, Carina LAU, Terra responses tera gold, she said when always display showy movement in wushuts bickering between husband and wife. Tony Leung and also said that she has an old married couple, even if the housing distribution is a normal sleep. Carina LAU was photographed earlier belly protruded, and outgoing pregnant, asked whether she wearsSlinky skirts to show that there is no pregnancy? Carina LAU said to ask those who wrote reports, may own recent break for a long time, and have a little weight lately, although there has been movement, but also satisfy their appetite, feel that life is happy. Mentioned also have weekly that she and Tony Leung feelings happen, more housing subsidies to sleep for half a year, Carina LAU business said: "I do not answer, why do you want to write, youPeople were asked to write, they are meant to attract readers, pay attention to the explosive may be two of us remain in the circle, they will make the event. "Say when always display showy movement in wushuts between husband and wife, smile means these are living, said people who write stories well, we should not be too sensitive. An old married couple Tony Leung always filming in the Mainland be out of fashion analysis class mentioned, asked her to get discussion and rumor? LiuKa-ling said they will be out of fashion analysis class that's going on, don't want to influence you, and they are an old married couple, felt like old friends, meeting every day at home is good. To ask her and Tony Leung in a video call? Carina LAU says of these young people don't like video calling thing, even at a friend's Party, photographs are not natural. Tony Leung and Carina LAUYear to Japan ski break, would ask this year? She said: "we would like a holiday, but would not go skiing, should go to the other places because of Tony Leung has not finished the master. (Haven't finished yet? ), You helped me to ask Mr Wang (Wong Kar Wai). "Seeing frequent filming of Tony Leung, Carina LAU asked whether ��Ϸ addiction? She admits no, possible woman toA young age was not a impulse. Asked did she not want to like deanie yangwei overseas? Carina LAU said happy for each other, but she thinks the roles may not seek, if you encountered a good role in the future, you will want to do, is to shoot. More property than Tony Leung in addition, Carina LAU revealed that bought a new house in Shanghai, recently was busy moving to the new home, but denied that is a luxury. She said: "Shanghai is the property of her mother 's, because the Mainland provide Hong Kong people can only buy a property. (How many properties are now on hand? ) Does not have a lot, sometimes too many properties are a burden, tax and management fees, I buy property is not investment, use it as a way to offset inflation, and are dominated by rent. "Husband Tony Leung and Carina LAU said thereProperty, said their properties better than Tony Leung, Tony Leung was busy, don't have a lot of time, also not interested in building. Mentioned she is responsible for building, Tony Leung to pay, she says with a laugh: "no, we are financially independent. �� Others:

