
tera gold examination and treatment. After I finish so Lee checks - NQU

129771694355625000_39According to the living newspaper Xinhua 23rd, a young man breaking into the first affiliated hospital of Harbin Medical University, fifth floor, rheumatic fever immunization branch, with a fruit knife attack, death from a trainee doctors. Three medical personnel injuries, now no life danger.   Police in the hospital emergency room in the building will wound the suspect arrested. Kitchen knife stabbed a doctorAccording to reports, when the incident occurred, Harbin Medical University Hospital of rheumatic immunologic medical officers were nervous, suddenly broke into the doctor's Office a man about 20 years old, LUN kitchen knife in his hand, crazy hack to get medical staff and interns, we avoid inferior tera gold, a trainee doctor blood spewing of the neck on the spot. Harbin municipal Bureau stakeholders,March 23, Harbin Nangang branch post office Street City Public Security Bureau police station received 110 instruction, rheumatism, first affiliated hospital of Harbin Medical University, fifth floor, immune general practitioner was beaten, police immediately disposed of. Police rushed to the scene after police and learned that a young man 4 doctors with a fruit knife stab wounds to escape. After the hospital to conduct blanket searches,Police suspects arrested Li in the emergency room. That a doctor deliberately following a preliminary hearing, suspects Lee confessed: he was suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, in April 2011 to the immune inpatient treatment of rheumatism. 23rd at 9 o'clock, so take the train again to Lee to the hospital. Doctors know that Li suffered from tuberculosis,Chest hospital and advised him to Harbin (authoritarian tuberculosis) examination and treatment. After I finish so Lee checks, returned to the hospital again, will check the results to the doctor. Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis can affect the lungs, so the doctor recommended that he should cure tuberculosis treatment later. So that a doctor deliberately Li he, not for his, then heart resentment.23rd tera gold, opposite to Li in the store after buying a fruit knife in, return to the doctor's Office, walked in on three medical officers and trainee doctors attack, after he stabbed in neck injury, attempted suicide, and then fled to the hospital emergency room, wounds, captured by the police. After the victim had studied in Dr event, health sector rapidly groupThe rescue team, organized experts to rescue the wounded, a trainee doctor seriously unfortunate death.   At present, three other medical staff are receiving treatment, not life-threatening. It is understood that the intern named Hao Wang, male, 28 years old, 09 of Harbin Medical University graduate, had just received from the Hong Kong Chinese University acceptance letter before the accident happened.At present, the Health Department of Heilongjiang province tera power leveling, Harbin Medical University and other related departments have formed a working group, and the aftermath.   Hospital organized hand present doctor and student counseling.    In the present case is being further heard. () Others:

